Broken Part 5

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L walks to the door leaving M on the floor, while M was on the floor feeling weak, she started to cough again making a bit of blood drip on her mouth
L: quit with the sick act you-
L opened the door and saw that A was infront of her
L: a-adrein?! What are you doing here? W-were you waiting for me?
L was trying to hug A to cover up M, A noticed something blue, so he tilted his head a bit to check what it was, his eye widden to see M on the floor bleeding
A pushed L away to go to M
A said while panicking, A looked around thinking of what happend, then his eyes were caught by L's eyes
A said in angry panicked tone
L: w-what i didn't do it i-i promise!
L lied again without feeling any guilt, she was only worried of getting caught
L: but- 
Before L could finish what she was about to say
Mb: what is going on here?!
Mb went to the restroom because there class already started, she saw that M was bleeding and coughing
Mb: what happend to marinette?!-
Mb: i'll call mr damocles!
Mb went to the principal's office, A carried M making sure that she was still breathing, while A was carrying M he was running to the principal's office with Mb
M: a-adrien?
M said in weak tone
A: y-yes marinette?
He said in a worried tone
M: d-don't tell them...
M said while getting weaker
A: w-what do mean by dont tell-
A haven't finished what he was about to ask and M fainted
A: marinette?! MARINETTE?! WAKE UP!
Mb arrived first arrived at the principal's office
Mb: sir! We have an emergency! We need to bring my student to the hospital!
Md: what?! What happend?!
A arrives crying a bit
At the hospital
With M in a hospital bed alone, M slowly opens her eyes while feeling a heavy headache
M: hmm
M groans in pain
M: wait where am I?
M said a bit weakly and looks around the room realizing she was at the hospital
M: why am i here?
M suddenly remembered what happend from what happend in the restroom up to when she fainted
M: oh... Wait where's tikki?! She looks around again to find her bag, she looked the side table and saw her bag, she was about to take it, but someone suddenly came inside, M takes her hand away and sat up
Dr: oh, you're awake miss dupain-cheng?
M: yes I am... Are you my doctor?
Dr: yes I am, and also I came here to tell you about your condition
M: oh okay then... What's my condition...?
M was still tired and weak from what happend, after M's doctor told her condition, her doctor left, M silently cried a bit and calms down after, she wipes her tears away and clear throat a bit, she takes her bag and opened it up to take out her earrings and to put them on, M puts on her earrings and a flashing light came. The flashing light turned in to T, T looks at M
T: marinette what happend?
T looks around
T: why are we in a hospital? Did you get hurt?!
M: i'm fine tikki don't worry
M weakly smiles
With A and Mb
Dr walks to them
Dr: marinette dupain-cheng?
A: yea that's us, how is she, sir?
A said in a worried tone
Dr: she is fine, i will give her treatment and explain everything to her guardians, are you people her guardians?
Dr looks at them
Mb: we aren't her guardians but i already called her parents, they will be here soon
Dr: very well then, but what is your relationship with her?
A: well she our teacher
A points to Mb
A: and i'm her friend
A points to himself
Dr: oh! I thought you were her boyfriend! My apologies, you kids just seemed close, that's why i assumed that you were on a relationship with her
A blushes and just shook it off and it faded after, Dr went near A and puts his hand on his shoulder and whispers
Dr: whispers(best of luck...)
Dr took off his hand leaving A in confusion and went infront of them 
Dr: i will wait for the guardians of miss dupain-cheng, you may go now or you may stay with her for now
A: is she awake?
Dr: yes she is
A: can i see her?
Dr: yes you can, follow me
Dr leads the way to M's room and A follows
Dr and A soon arrived at M's room, they were at the door, Dr knocks on the door
Dr: miss marinette, you have a visitor
M: let them in
M said inside the door
Dr and A entered the room
M was sitting up from her bed, she looks to the side to see A
A: marinette!
A went to M and hugged her
A: m-marinette i-i y-your...
A said in a shaky worried tone
M hugs back to calm A down, M was patting his back
M: adrien i'm fine don't worry about it
M breaks the hug and looks at A and smiles a bit
M: adrien... I'm fine, okay?
A hugs M again
A: okay... but just dont do that to me ever again...
M smiles a bit and blushes
M: i won't dont worry!
Dr: i will leave now
M: yes sir
Dr leaves leaving the two of them alone
M breaks the hug and smiles at A making sure that everything is going to be alright
A smiles back
A: so how are you feeling?
M: well much better than before
A: i'm glad
A smiles
A: hey marinette?
M: yes?
A: why did your voice change a bit?
M: o-oh it did?
A: yea
M: m-maybe it's because of a c-cold
A: mari are you-
A got interrupted, the door bursted open and M's parents went in with Al
S: marinette! What happend to you?!
Al: girl! Are you okay?!
Tm: dear, what on earth happend?!
They were all worried for M
M: u-uhm guys calm down, i'm fine!
Al: girl, seriously?! Stop saying that you're fine even if you aren't!
M: okay! Okay! Maybe... i'm not fine?
Al: seriously girl...
A: alya, maybe it's not the best time to get mad at her right now?
Al sighs
Al: okay... Sorry mari...
M: it's okay alya
M smiles at Al
Al: but mari what's with you two?
Al said while pointing at M and A while smirking
Al: did we interrupted something?
Al said while looking at them and smirking
M: w-what?!
Al: what? Like you two did something? Did you?
Al said innocently while smirking a bit
M blushed, A was kinda blushing while hearing that, Al laughs a bit
Al: just kidding girl!
Al laughs, while she was laughing they soon heard a knock on the door
Dr: may i come in?
Dr said from the door
M: oh yes, come in
Dr opens the door and walks in, Dr while holding M's medication
Dr: hello there, are you two the guardians of marinette dupain-cheng?
Dr looks at M's parents
S: yes we are, how's our daughter, sir?
Dr: well she is fine, for now
Tm: what do mean for now?
Dr look at all of them
Dr: may i talk to the guardians of miss marinette alone?
Dr looks at A and Al
Al: oh okay
A: no problem but can i still visit her?
Dr: yes you can
A: okay thank you!
Al and A said their goodbyes and leaving the dupain-cheng's
While with Al and A outside of the room and went to the bench infront of the room to sit down
A: i hope mari gets well soon...
Al: i hope so too...
They suddenly heard fast footsteps approaching them, N runs infront of the while panting
Al: nino? What are you doing here?
N: i(pant)rushed(pant)here(pant)to visit mari (pant)sorry that i'm(pant) late(pant)
A: woah nino! Sit down
A stands up to N and helps him sit down beside them
N: thanks dude
A: no problem
Al: by the way nino why are you so tired?
Al said while looking at N
N: well it took me a while to convince my parents let me go and when they did let me go the bus already left so i kind of ran here? Hehe
Al: seriously nino you should've called a cab!
N: ohhh! I never thought of that!
N said in realization and laughs awkwardly
They all laughed
N: by the way guys, why are guys here?
N looks at them
Al: well the doctor told us to leave for a bit because he was going to talk to marinette's parents about something
N: ohh okay, well i hope dudette gets well soon
Al and A: yea...
They talked for a bit
While with the dupain-chengs
Dr went near M's parents
Tm: so what's her condition, sir?
Dr looks at M and she nods, Dr nods back, M took off her earrings without anyone noticing
After Dr told M's parents her condition, Dr left leaving only the dupain-cheng's, M's parents went near M and hugged her while having a bit of tears on there faces

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