Broken Part 34

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Meanwhile back with the Dupain-Chengs.
Tm: aww! That was so sweet of him.
Tm said in a adored tone while M made a slight smile, while her thoughts were filled with other intentions.
M: yeah... It was... By the way dad... How long am I going to stay here?
M said in a sudden change of tone.
Tm: well, I'm not really sure, but I was thinking of going back to the bakery to get some of your things for maybe just a day.
Tm said while M suddenly peeked beside her while Tm did not really noticed anything.
M: oh yeah... Sure... Well, if your going back to the bakery, do you mind bringing my phone with you? I forgot to bring it when I went to class.
M asks for her phone while Tm still does not suspect anything unusual.
Tm: oh sure sweetie. I'll be back, then.
Tm said in a reasurring tone while M made a slight fake smile.
M said in a slightly low tone.
Tm: oh, no problem sweetheart. Well I'll go now.
Tm smiles at M again as he soon left the room, leaving M alone at her room as she soon and suddenly take her purse from the side and opens it to get her phone from inside, which was slightly confusing for others, including the kwamis, who soon came out of hiding.
T: wait, I thought you left it at home?
T said in a confused tone while P sighs.
P: ugh, that kid forgot about me again.
P slightly groaned while M turns on her phone and checks what time it is.
M: 5:47.... It's almost been 2 hours...
M said in a low tone while the kwamis suddenly became confused.
T: what's wrong, Marinette?
T slightly flew closer to M, as M soon sighs.
M: I'm sorry for this Tikki...
M said in a sad tone while T suddenly became more puzzled and worried.
T: h-huh-
T was soon cut off by M, who suddenly said something.
M: spots on...
T then soon to flew inside M's earring, making her to transform into Lb again.
P: h-huh....?
P said in a slightly confused tone while Lb soon looks at him in a serious expression.
Lb: be right back Plagg...
Lb slightly looks away as she soon stands up from the hospital bed, while still holding her phone from her other hand.
P: M-marinette, what are you doing?
P said in a slightly worried tone while Lb just ignored him and looks back at her phone and swipes a few photos of her mother and her so called friends from her gallery. She stared at the group picture of her old friends, as she slightly glared at the photo
Lb: hmm..... I hope they'll soon realize what they done soon.....
Lb sighs and puts down her hand and soon opens the window beside her bed.
P: w-what are you planning to do...?
P said in a low tone while Lb became quiet for a second then soon slightly peeked behind her to look at P.
Lb: don't tell Adrien...
Lb soon looks back to the window and opens up her yoyo, revealing a pinkish mini portal on it and soon places her phone through it, as she soon went through the window and swang away, leaving P to be worried and confused.
P: w-what...
P said in confusion while he stayed there frozen in shock. Meanwhile with Lb who was swinging to building to building as she looks around as if she was looking for someone, but soon felt a hit of pain.
Lb: where is she?! Ow!
Lb then suddenly paused and lands by a roof as she felt the cataclysm in her chest as she held it.
Lb: oww....
Lb then slightly leaned down in pain.
Lb: ugh... Mom.... Where are you....
Lb said ina low tone as she groans in pain.
Lb: thinking(I better do everything I can before I disappear...)
Lb thought to her self as she took a deep breath and fixes her position and held the side of her neck where the cataclysm was slightly spreading.
Lb: ah... Let's just get over this....
Lb said in a slightly exhausted tone as she soon throw her yoyo and began to swing again. She looked and turned her head left and right as she tries to think of a way to find her mother.
Lb: what can I do.....-
Something then suddenly caught her attention, which lead her to it.
Lb: wait... What's that?
Lb then paused and lands by a nearby street as she carefully looks at it.
Lb: w-wait, i-is t-that...
Lb then ran to the alley and soon saw the person she was looking for, which made her tear up.
Lb: m-mom...
Lb bends down at her unconscious mother, who was leaning on the alley wall, as she held S's shoulder and slightly shakes her.
Lb: h-hello...?
Lb shakes S, while a respond was not heard yet, but soon there was. S's head slightly moved as she groaned at the same while she slowly opens her eyes in a slightly blurry vision causing her to view Lb as a different person.
S: M-marinette...?
S said in a exhausted tone while Lb suddenly was surprised.
Lb: h-huh....? W-what...
Lb said in a confused and nervous tone while S's vision started to slowly settle in, causing S to slowly realize that it wasn't the person she was expecting to be.
S: o-oh... Ladybug.... I thought you were my daughter, Marinette.
S said in a slightly low tone as she soon looks around her surroundings.
S: where am I...?
S said as she looks around and back to Lb, as Lb then helps her mother stand up from the floor while she was holding S's arms.
Lb: oh... Uh... You were akumatized...
Lb slightly looks aways as lets go off her grip from her mother's arms and rubs her eyes to secretly remove some of the tears from her eyes.
S: w-what... B-but d-did I hurt anyone?!
S said in a panicked and worried tone while she felt the regret of accepting Sm's deal.
Lb: oh no no! Everyone is fine.
Lb lies as she made a fake slight smile while the cataclysm was again kicking in.
Lb: a-ah ouch!
Lb then suddenly held her chest in pain while the  pain hits again.
S: oh dear! Are you alright?!
S said in worry while Lb tries to endure the pain.
Lb: y-y-yes yes.... I-I'm f-fine... N-n-no need to w-worry! Haha...
Lb forcefully smiles as she soon slowly puts down her hand from her chest as she slightly coughs.
S: but.... It doesn't-
S was soon interrupted by Lb.
Lb: a-anyways! Do you remember a-about anything that happened at that time...?
Lb slowly felt the pain lessen a bit, as she takes a deep breath in and out.
S: well... Not really... But I did remember fainting.
S said in a unsure tone while Lb was simply shocked.
Lb: wait, you fainted? But... How...? How was that.... Possible.... And.... How did you faint?
Lb questions S in worry and curiosity, while S then started to think about what happened then, as she slightly struggled a bit.
S: I was...
S slightly looks down as the slowly remembers a part of a memory.
S: I was knocked out...?
S said in a questioned tone while Lb suddenly became extremely confused.
Lb: w-what else...? Do you atleast remember what you last said while you were akumatized...?
Lb said in confused and unsure tone while S attempts to remember what last happened to her.
S: I.... Don't remember... But...
Lb then slightly looks at S.
Lb: but...?
Lb said in a questioning tone, as she expects S to just say she was with V.
S: I think... I was looking for Marinette then... And after that... A lady in orange knocked me out...
Lb then looks at S in a slightly confused expression, because she didn't expect that's the only thing that she last remembered.
Lb: wait, helped the orange lady fight right?
Lb looks at S, thinking that it must be a misunderstanding.
S: well... I think I didn't... But I'm still not sure because my memory isn't really that clear, but I think I really didn't help that lady.
S said ina slightly sure tone, which made Lb to be slightly shocked and more confused now.
Lb: you... Think you didn't help her...? Like you don't have a single memory with her? Except for the time you were knocked out? Like... Nothing... At all...?
Lb said in a slightly panicked tone while S just replies back to her.
S: yes... There's nothing else...
Lb then made a more confused expression.
Lb: b-but.... That's impossible! It ca-
Lb was then interrupted by loud screams near them, meaning the villian was near them,causing her to run out the alley and look put in the open to see a villian terrorising the city.
Lb: another one....
Lb sighs and soon wenr back to S.
Lb: mo- Mrs. Dupain-Cheng you need to hide!
Lb said in a slightly high tone.
S: wait, but I need to find my daughter!
S said in a wprried tone while Lb internally sighs.
Lb: don't worry, ma'am I'll fine her-
Lb was interrupted by S.
S: no no! I'll find her. It's my fault why she is like this right now. I need to fix it myself.
S them suddenly began to walk out the alley.
Lb yelled to stop S but soon S was blocked by the akumatized victim, who was flouting by the wind.
Sw: well, well, well, if it isn't the all famous Ladybug.
Stormy weather said in a sly tone as she looks down to see S near her, who slightly walked backwards.
Sw: you! Move out of the way.
Sw yelled at S while she didn't budge.
S: is that how you treat people?!
S slightly yells while Lb suddenly pulled S and went in front of her, as she whispered something from behind.
Lb: whispering( just stay low, mo- ma'am...)
Lb whispered to S while Sw then suddenly gotten annoyed.
Sw: you dare to talk back to me?! Well then.
Sw then points her umbrella in front of Lb and S.
Sw: the weather cast just change. It'll be a chilly day today!
Sw swings her umbrella at Lb and S, causing a cold fog blast to them, while Lb suddenly pushes S away from the fog making a giant ice barrier to surround her.
Lb: RUN!
Lb yells at S to run, as she soon did. She looks around the ice that was surrounding her in panic, as Sw laughs evilly.
Sw: hahaha! The little bug is now stuck in a ice cube! How funny.
Sw laughs at Lb while she became slightly mad.
Lb: you won't get a away from this!
Lb yelled as she was slightly pounding on the ice.
Sw: ha! Of course I will, especially now when your dumb cat won't help you.
Sw smirks as she soon had a crazier idea in mind.
Lb: ughh!
Lb punches and throws her yoyo on the ice, causing not even a scratch on it.
Sw: ugh, your being too loud! How about you cool down for a bit!
Sw points her umbrella again to Lb, as she soon blasted again, causing a strong cold fog to hit the ice barrier and cause it to be thicker and colder in the inside. Lb slightly tripped from the strong wind, causing her slightly groan and cough.
Lb: a-ah... S-so c-cold...
Lb said low tone while she felt the pain and cold in her whole body, especially her back, because she was leaning on the ice.
Sw: much better!
Sw evilly laughs while Lb trembles in cold.
Sw: well now! Time to find the other one!
Sw smirks as she soon leaves by the wind. Lb was then left behind stuck inside the ice, as she heavily breaths, causing small fogs to come out of her mouth.
Lb: I... Can't.... Let... This... End.... Like... This...
Lb said in a heavy breath as she soon looks by the side where her yoyo was.
She slowlys stretches her hand to grab it while her hand was trembling in cold. As she reaches out her phone she slipped, that made her lay down on the ice, causing her to tremble more.
Lb: o-o-oww....
Lb soon and slowly reached her yoyo and immediately opens it up, causing a pinkish portal to appear again. She places in her hand and takes out her phone and soon opens it. She unlocks her phone and, soon arrives at her contacts. As she scrolled on her phone she then felt slightly tired and dizzy.
Lb: n-no... W-wait...
Lb scrolls after and soon found the person she was going to call. As she was about to press it. She suddenly fainted, causing her to still press the call, but she didn't have the chance to talk.

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