Broken Part 21

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A suddenly got nervous and blushed again after hearing Tm's question about his feeling about M. He slightly gulps and slowly looks at Tm again.
A: w-well u-uh-
S soon went to Tm and slightly and playfully hits his shoulder.
S: Tom! You're scaring the kid.
S slightly scolded Tm, but in a playful way because she noticed that A got nervous and flustered about Tm's question. Tm slightly laughs again at A.
Tm: haha! Okay sabine and sorry, son for being a bit too harsh on you.
Tm sweetly smiles at A and he slightly smiles back while feeling relieved about S saving him.
A: i-it's fine Mr. Dup- I mean! Tom.
A was still nervous while Tm just laughed it off.
Tm: well, Adrien it has been nice to talk to you but I think it's time for you to go ho-
Tm was soon interrupted by A.
A: but-
A paused to realized what he said and thought.
A: thinking(what did I just say?!)
A nervously thought while Tm looked at him with a slight of confusion on his face.
Tm: is something wrong, Adrein?
A slightly nervously laughs.
A: u-uh u-uhm w-well can I stay here for a bit until Marinette wakes up?
A slightly stutter while Tm just smiled at A.
Tm: oh sure, that won't be a problem, right sabine?
Tm looks at S, who was just right next to him.
S: of course Tom! I really don't mind.
S smiled and soon remembered something.
S: oh, how about you invite Alya and the others to?
S said in cheerful tone, after hearing S say that he was first happy of the thought of him staying with M, but after hearing about Al and the others made him suddenly frown because of what happened, making S slightly confused.
S: is something wrong?
A made a fake smile while feeling bad and guilty for M about happened.
A: i-its nothing... Can I go to Marinette now?
S slightly smiles again while feeling unsure.
S: u-uhm sure.
A then started to walk upstairs while S and Tm watched him go up.
S: did I say something wrong?
S looks at Tm, feeling unsure about what she said or do.
Tm: well, I didn't really heard anything wrong.
Tm looks at S and she sighs.
S: but at least Adrien is such a sweet boy. Him and Marinette would be an adorable couple.
S smiles sweetly while looking at Tm, who agrees about it.
Tm: they really do, that kid seems like a good guy.
Tm smiles back at S.
S: well, atleast now we know why Marinette loves him so much.
S and Tm sighs. Meanwhile with A who just arrived at M's door and opens it. He went inside and looks at M, who was peacefully sleeping on the bed. He sat down on the side of M's bed and stared at her with a loving smile, soon the kwamis went near A, while he was still staring at M.
P: hey kid, where's my cheese?
P said in a annoyed tone because he has been waiting for his cheese for a long time already.
A: get it yourself.
A said while still staring at M, mesmerising her beauty.
P: fine then.
P slightly glared at A from behind and soon started to fly away to the window to go to A's house for cheese but someone stopped him ftom behind.
T: seriously, Plagg can't you just eat something else?
P turned around to T and whined.
P: but sugarcube! I want cheese!
P whined while T just rolled her eyes on him.
T: just eat something else.
T said in seriously tone while looking at P.
P: no! I want cheesee!
T glared at P, making him slightly scared of T.
P: w-well, I mean something else won't hurt...
T turned back to her normal self.
T: oh okay, come with me.
T leads the way while P followed behind and thought for a second.
P: thinking(sugarcubeee!)
Both P and T went to get some cookies while A was actually watching them. He slightly laughed and it reminded him of something. He looked back at M.
A: that reminded me of me and you...
A said in a low soft tone while he tucks M's hair on her ear.
A: my lady...
A began to feel M slightly moving, he removed his hand from her ears and looks at her.
A: Marinette?
A looks at M as she started to slowly open her eyes.
A: Marinette!
A said in a happy and relieved tone after seeing M. M looks up to A, she was slightly surprised to see him.
M: A-adrien...?
M said in a bit of a tired tone because she just woke up. M started to slowly tried to sit up on her bed, making A bit worried.
A: careful!
A immediately stood up and helps M, making M slightly flinch. After M sat up on her bed A went back to the side of the bed and sits down.
A: so... How are you feeling?
A looks at M with a bit of happiness and worry at the same time.
M: well, u-uhm I'm fine...
M felt a bit embarrassed and awkward after what happened. A slightly smiles.
A: well, I'm glad.
M slightly smiles back even if she felt a bit uncomfortable.
M: w-well, uh by the way, how did I get here?
M was confused because she didn't remember going home after what happened. She looked at A, who was slightly flustered.
A: well... After what happened at school you were so stressed out you kinda...
M looks at A with a surprised expression and continues what she thought he was about to say.
M: faint? Did I faint?
M got slightly worried about her condition she thought that it was getting worse but at the same time slightly confused because of the thought that he didn't bring her to the hospital instead.
A: actually... You fell asleep.
M got more surprised about what she heard.
M: wait... I didn't faint? But I fell asleep?
A nods like an innocent child, making M slightly blush and look away and relieved at the same time.
A: is something wrong, Marinette?
A tilted his head and looks at M. M slowly looks back at A, feeling a bit embarrassed and awkward.
M: i-it's nothing...
M slightly stuttered while A just looked at her.
A: oh, alright.
M and A talked for a bit then stopped, making an awkward silence happen between them again like last time. M looks up at A and looks away again, and looks back at him, thinking if it is a good chance to apoligize to him.
M: thinking(is this a good chance to apologize? Well... It's now or never...)
M slightly sighs and looks at A properly.
M: uhm... Hey... Adrien...
A looks up at M, feeling a bit surprised that she was the first one to speak up after what happened.
A: o-oh... U-uh... Yes Marinette?
A said in a bit of a stuttering tone while M was slightly worried.
M: w-well, u-uhm it's just that I want-
M was suddenly interrupted by a creaking sound of the door opening.
S: hey adrien I-
S paused after seeing M awake ang sitting up the bed.
S: Marinette!
S went up to M and hugged her in relief.
S: sweetie, are you feeling better? Does anywhere hurt?
S said in worry and breaks the hug while M slightly smiles.
M: I'm fine mom don't worry.
S slightly smiles but still feels worried about her daughter.
S: well, okay then sweetie.
S looks at A.
S: oh and Adrien.
A looks at S.
A: yes, Sabine?
S: well, I know it's a bit late but thank you for bringing Marinette safely home.
S warmly smiles at A and he smiles back. M was slightly surprised after hearing that A was the one, who brought her home.
M: you brought me home...?
M looks at A with a slightly surprised facd, making A slightly nervous at M's stare.
A: y-yes, I did.
A slightly stuttered while S just smiled at them.
S: well, how about I bring you kids some snacks?
S looks at both of them.
M: uh no thanks maman. We're fine.
S looks at A.
A: o-oh, uh no it's fine, but thank you anyways.
S both looks at them and nods.
S: okay then, but call me if you guys need anything, okay?
Both and A and M nods at S and soon she left M's room, leaving both of them alone again.
A: your mom is very sweet.
A smiles and suddenly remembers his mother, who was as sweet as him. A's smile slowly began to made turning into a slight frown and sighs at the thought of it. M soon noticed something off with A.
M: is... Something wrong... Adrien?
M was slightly worried.
A: yea... Everything's alright, my lady- I mean! Marinette... It's just... I suddenly remembered my mom.
A again sighs in sadness while M looks at A in worry and guilt while thinking about how he have been gone through after the past few years while she just treated him badly. M slightly looks down, feeling guilty of what she done.
M: I'm sorry... Adrien...
M said in a sad tone.

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