Broken Part 27

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As they were both not in there senses yet. A slightly kissed back, which made M froze and blush more. They both stayed liked that for a long time because first of all, A was still not in his senses and second because M was still shocked and flustered about what's happening, which made it slightly difficult for both of them to stop. After staying like that for 2 minutes or so. A soon finally realized what he was doing and soon broke apart, making him blush a lot and slightly look down in fluster while M was still frozen and shock.
A: o-oh u-uh... I-i d-didn't know t-that w-we....
A said in flustered stutter as he slightly placed his fingers on his lips.
A: k-k-kissed...
A nervously looks at M as he saw her slightly blank in shock.
A:  u-uhmm... M-marinette?
A continues to look at M, waiting for her to reply back to him, but he didn't get one because M still stayed frozen and still slightly processing what just happened with them.
A: M-my lady?
A calls for her again, as he taps on her shoulder to get a bit if attention from her. After tapping for a few more times on her shoulder. M slowly and finally began to come back to her senses, making her to suddenly realized everything about what had happened. Her eyes widden in shock as she finally made eye contact with A.
A: h-hey... M-marinette, a-are you o-okay n-now?
A nervously smiles at M, thinking that there is a possibility that he might be dead or just in trouble.
M: w-what d-did we.... Just... Do...?
M kept on staring at A, making him feel slightly scared and troubled.
A: w-we.... U-uhm...
A was still hesitant to tell M, even if M already knew. M continues to stare at him seriously as she ask him again.
M: Adrien, answer me. What did we do... I-it was just a d-dream, r-right?
M said in a slight serious tone as she questions A, even if she already knew the answer, just to make sure if it's true or not. A takes a deep breath and amswers M's question.
A: we.... K-kissed...
A answers M, making her to get more stunned because she only thought of it as a dream, but then again she thought out loud.
M: w-wait... Come to think of it... This isnt o-our first k-kiss... B-but... Oh gosh!
M took a step to back up, making herself to almost stumble.
A: woah! Be careful.
A hold out his hand and put it behind her back, making M lean of his hand, which made them look at each others eyes and blush again, making them get mesmerised by each others eyes.
A: you're beautiful... My lady.
A said  in a low tone as M dreamily sighs in front of A.
M: you too... I mean! You're not beautiful! I mean I-i didn't mean that you aren't beautiful! I mean you're gorgeous! I mean! Handsome! Wait I- i mean...
M said in stutters as she jumbles almost everything she said, which made A slightly chuckle at her behaviour.
A: well, thanks for the compliments.
A smiles at M as he carefully help her up. He soon removes his hand from her back and again looks at M with a smile on both of their faces while M still felt a bit awkward about her rambling about him.
M: so... Uh... Should we head back to class now?
M suggests A, while A suddenly had the thought of teasing her a bit.
A: aww... But I want to be more with my Princess!
A said in a slightly childish tone as he slightly bends down, while M boops his nose.
M: very cute, Adrien, but we need to go to class now.
M raises her finger up on his nose, making him to stop bending down and stand up right.
A: but princesss!-
A whined as he paused and stopped after hearing a loud crash and screams near them, meaning there is a villian terorrizing Paris by now.
M: an akuma, right now? Seriously!
M said in a slightly annoyed tone while A kept on slightly flirting.
A: well, duty calls, Bugaboo! I guess Paris needs their supurr cool heroes to save the day once again.
A said in a flirty way, like his every routine as Cn, making M slightly feel annoyed by him in a silly way.
M: wow... Never thought that THE Adrien Agreste was the one, who always came up those flirting and cat puns.
M said in a teasing tone as A soon replied back to her slightly whinning.
A: hey! They aren't that bad!
A slightly whined as M playfully rolls her eyes on him.
M: yeah, yeah
M slightly chuckled at A's behaviour and soon opens her bag to make T come out of her purse. T soon came out of M's bag in a quiet state, making M remember about this morning.
M: Tikki?
M calls out for T as she puts out her hand, gesturing T to come to her while T looked at her for a second and soon went on her hand. T was still in a slightly scared and sad state, as M started to speak.
M: Tikki... About yesterday.... I just to apologize about my behaviour to you... I'm really sorry, Tikki....
M slightly looks down as T started to slowly make a small smile as a gesture of forgiving her.
T: It's alright Marinette... We all make mistakes... Sometimes.
T sweetly smiles wider at M as M soon raises up her head, making a small smile form again on her face.
M: thank you, Tikki... You're the best.
T and M soon smiled at each other, but someone suddenly interrupted them.
P: yeah... Enough of the chit chats and let's go and fight the villian already!
P slightly whined like A just like owner and kwami.
A: wow! Since when did you care?
A said in a sarcastic tone as P just rolled his eyes.
P: shut up, kid, and just transform already.
A slightly chuckled at P and soon decided to tranform.
A: alright alright, Plagg.
A looks at M and winks at her, making M to lightly blush at his flirty behaviour, which made A to slightly chuckle.
A: Plagg, claws out!
After saying the transformation words. A soon started to transform, making green flashes to go down to his head to his feet. He soon fully transforms and takes out his baton and does his everyday habit of putting his baton on the back of his neck while his hands were holding it by the sides.
Cn: your turn, My lady.
Cn said while looking at M. M soon looks back at him and soon turned back to T.
M: ready, Tikki?
M said said while looking T.
T: ready when you are Marinette.
T smiles and M soon nods and began to say her transformation words to transform.
M: Tikki, spots on!
M soon began to transform, making red flashes to appear from her head to her feet until she finally and fully transform into Lb. Lb soon took out her yoyo and turned back to Cn.
Lb: ready, Kitty?
Lb looks at Cn directly on his eyes.
Cn: ready as I'll ever be.
Lb and Cn soon nods at each other and soon went out the locker room. As they were running Lb suddenly went to the opposite side of the exit of the school, making Cn slightly confused. Cn suddenly paused and looks Lb who was about to get closer near a classroom, that is somewhat familiar.
Cn: wait! Where are you going? The exit is this way!
Cn yells from a slightly far area, making Lb stop and turn to Cn.
Lb: I'm going to check on the other students!
Lb yells back at Cn as he soon went beside her.
Cn: wait, you mean our class?
Cn said in slight disbelief, making Lb feel a bit weirded out because of Cn's expression.
Lb: uhm, yes?
Lb said in a bit of a hurry.
Cn: why are we going back to those guys? They don't deserve it!
Cn said in a slightly annoyed tone while Lb slightly sighed.
Lb: Chat, we don't have time for this. They might treated me terribly as Marinette but that doesn't mean they don't deserve to get to a safe place.
Lb said seriously at Cn, which made Cn sigh.
Cn: fine, fine, but that doesn't mean I forgive them!
Cn said in a slightly angry and childish tone.
Lb: neither do I, so come on already! We can't waste any more time.
Lb soon began to run again and soon arrived at the classroom, making her class and her teacher, Mb, to look at her in surprise.
Lb: everybody, get out and get to safety!
Lb yelled as she stand a side and made the students to go out of the classroom. Mb soon went up to Lb and worriedly asks her a question.
Mb: Ladybug! Have you seen Marinette Dupain-cheng, the blue haired girl, and Adrien Agreste the model?! I-i haven't seen them since this morning!
Mb said in worry while Lb slightly smiled at Mb.
Lb: don't worry, Miss Bustier. They're in a safe place.
Mb looks at her and sighs in relief as she slightly smiles at Lb.
Mb: thank you, Ladybug.
Lb looks at Mb and smiles, but suddenly heard a loud crack near them. Lb then pulled Mb behind her.
Lb: hurry leave!
Lb said to Mb, making Mb to run away to safety. Just the time Mb left Cn finally arrived and went beside Lb. A sound of pounding was suddenly heard, making Cn slightly scared and curious.
Cn: uhh... What was that?
While Cn was still slightly confused. Another loud crack was heard that made Cn and Lb to immediately looked up at the ceiling right by the corner as she saw it break down to the ground. A giant hole was made infront of them, causing dust to suddenly blurred their vision. Both of them coughed in dust as Lb suddenly heard a familiar voice infront of her. She looked up and saw two red dots below and four green dots above it  peeking out from the fog of dust.
Q: Ladybug! Chatnoir! Where is my precious daughter?!
Lb's eyes widden as she heard and slowly saw from the fog of dust her mother, who was akumatized into Qilin while having a golden dragon with red eyes below her, making her to quietly whisper something to herself.
Lb: m-mom...?
Lb said in a low shock tone while Cn heard her in shock as well.
Cn: Mrs. Dupain-cheng?!
Cn said as he was stunned to see S akumatized again.
Q then started to attack Lb and Cn by swinging her hands in the air, making the rubble to fly up to them. Lb and Cn dodge the flying rubble, causing them to take out their weapons.
Lb: Qilin! Stop this and just tell us where the akumatized object is!
Lb slightly yelled as she dodges the rubbles.
Q: Ha! Do you think I'll tell you?! Not a chance you insolent brat!
Q yelled that made Lb to slightly tighten her grip on her yoyo. She then tosses her yoyo to Q, out of slight anger. Q smirks and soon took out her hand and made the yoyo to blow into the wind and tangle up Lb, making her to struggle to get free, and suddenly made Lb to get forcefully pulled by the wind to Q, making Cn to get stunned and angry.
Cn: Ladybug! Grr!
Cn slightly groaned in anger and then clenched his fist and soon summoned his power.
Cn: catacylsm!
Cn called out his power and began to run to Q while still dodging the flying rubbles around him. He then jumps up to Q while his hand with the catacylsm get closer to the dragon below Q. Lb kept on struggling wth her yoyo around her as she heard and saw Cn's attempt to attack that made her yell.
Cn's hand was soon on the dragon, causing it to make multiple black cracks on it while it gets out of control.

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