Broken Part 25

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A looks at M in curiosity.
A: yes, Marinette?
M nervously sighs at A and looks at him.
M: the truth is...
M was still hesitant about telling A about her condition and everything, but then she thought.
M: thinking:(I can't do this... But... I need to tell him. We've already gone this far...)
A looks at M feeling a bit confused and puzzled while M took a deep breath for the last time.
A: truth? What truth?
M looks at A while feeling anxious.
M: t-the truth about everything! Everything.... From the that pill to the coughing to the blood... Just everything... Besides... I think it's better if I tell you. Since I'm going to be gone soon anyway...
M slightly looks away from A, making him worried and confused about she said.
A: wait.... What do you mean by going to be gone?
Both of them made eye contact while M slowly spoke up.
M: I... I-i...
M stutters in hestitation but slowly had the courage to say what she planned to say.
M: I h-have... A... t-terminal illness...
M slightly stutter while A widdens his eyes in disbelief and shock. He slightly backs away from M, making M to look down.
A: t-terminal.... Illness...? As in like c-cancer?! Y-you're joking, r-right...?
M kept on looking down while shaking her head in denial, preventing herself from crying again but lets out a tear instead.
A: y-you're kidding, right?! Please be j-joking... M-marinette... This i-isn't funny!
A said in stutters while trying to not cry again, but it didn't work tears started to drip on his cheeks while minor sobs come out from his mouth, but he soon hid his face full of new tears with his hands instead, trying to hide his pain and sorrow with his bare hands. M raises her head up and looks at A, who was continuously crying and sobbing in his bare hands, making herself let out a few tears as well. She went up to A and hugged him as she sadly smiled from behind while A was still covering his face with his hands that was filled with tears.
M: don't worry... I'll be fine... For... Now...
M kept her sad smile on her face while the hug slowly get more tight, making A remove his hands from his face and hug M back while still slightly sobbing and tears that are still coming out of his eyes.
A: M-marinette... M-my lady... P-please don't l-leave me... Please... I-i b-beg of you...
A said in a sad stutter and sobs while the grip of A's hug gets more tighter.
A: p-please! A-and how about Paris, the civilians, the m-miracle box, you're family! H-how about m-me...?
A leans his head on M's shoulder making him slightly go to her neck, still having tears on his face.
A: y-you're the only o-one I-i have left... W-who loves me... I can't l-lose you t-too!
A lays his head more while slightly trembling in tears on M's shoulder while M just kept on smiling sadly while a few tears kept on flowing down her cheeks to her chin.
M: I-i'm so sorry, my kitty... But that's my fate...
M tightly closes her eyes with tears dripping down as she slightly pats A's back.
M: and I have no choice but to face it...
M slightly and immediately wipes off her tears and quickly went back on hugging A.
M: a-and besides... W-we're nearly in the end of the battle, r-right? N-no more akumatizations, no more Shadowmoth! I-isn't that what we promised for e-everyone?
M kept her smile still while A suddenly broke the hug and held her shoulders as he look at M seriously while still having fresh tears in his face.
A: M-marinette! I know you want to keep your promise for the civilians and keep them save! B-but...
A's grip slowly but slightly tightens his grip on M's shoulders.
A: h-how about o-our promise....?
A looks at M with a serious expression while M looks away from A as she kept on holding in her tears, making her not to say anything.
A yelled in sadness, leading M to slightly flinch at his sudden outburst of emotions.
A: didn't we make a promise?! A promise that we are never going to leave each other?! No m-matter what?! Like we... P-promised....?
A looks at M intensely as M's smile fades and turns in to a frown, making her let out a few tears.
M: I.... I-i'm so s-sorry, A-adrien... B-but... I don't think I can k-keep that promise anymore....
M tightly hugs A again as she tightly closes her eyes, letting out more tears while A stayed quiet and still and not hugging back M.
M: I-I'm s-so s-sorry.... I-I'm s-so sorry.... Mon chaton...
M slightly cried and sobbed while A stayed still and quiet. Both of them stayed on that position for a bit of a long time, until A soon broke away form the hug while holding her arms and looked at M slightly blankly.
A: I... Should go now... It's getting pretty late... My father might get mad...
A slowly lets go of his grip form M's arms and soon went to her desk to get P.
A: come on, Plagg...
A calls our for P in a slightly blank tone while P's intention of talking soon vanished, making P just sigh and fly up to A and quietly go inside one of his pockets instead.
A: well... Bye again... Marinette.
A soon turned and walked away from M, making himself to walk past her silently while M didn't turn back to look at him. A soon silently went out of M's room and closes the door behind him before leaving while M was still standing still in her room. She was speechless after what happened as she soon realized it. T soon flew up to M, who was still slightly quiet but soon, she slowly started to speak up again. Starting with a simple question.
T: are you.... Alright... Marinette?
T hesitantly questions M but soon thought that it was not really a good start for a simple conversation between them but surprisingly M answered, but the answer that T was expecting was far from what she was simply anticipating it. She instead received back an answer that was not really a even an answer. It wasn't even a valid answer to say about what she asked about. In other words M just completely ignored T's question.
M: why was I so quiet....?
M's hand clenched in a fist as it slowly started to tremble with a slight of regret.
M: h-how did I not answer h-him?! That w-was so stupid of m-me...
T worriedly looks at M as M wiped off her remaining tears, leaving her hand on her eyes, making her self feel annoyed about herself and her behaviour because of what just happened.
M: I feel like a f-fool about this...
M said in a weak low tone while her hand was still on her face, making T more worried but still doesn't have the courage to say anything else but her name.
T: M-marinette-
T slightly paused after M made a sudden outburst.
M yelled in regret while T slightly backs away from M from slight fear.
T: M-marinet-
T again paused after M ignored her once again.
M: h-how can a s-superhero like me be like this?! After all the villians... The akumas... I just backed out now?! Why now?! How did I become like this?! How did I b-became s-so careless, mindless.... I-irresponsible....
M puts her head down while still having her hand on her eyes but soon slightly slides it down, resulting for it to be mouth and making her eys to be seen as tears began to flow from her eyes to her hand while trying to quietly cry. T continued to just stare at her and became speechless again like before, resulting for T to again repeat her name once again.
T: M-marinette....
T called out M's name again and hopelessly looks down, expecting M to ignore her again like her first and second attempt, but unexpectedly M soon took notice of her call but her answer wasn't  a friendly answer. It was slightly unpleasant to hear. M looks up at T with a slightly annoyed face.
M: w-what now...?
M said in a cold tone while slightly stuttering because of the tears and sobs. T immediately became surprised after hearing that M finally replay back to her but still felt scared of M.
M: w-what, Tikki, just tell me what you wanted to say already.
M said in a cold tone while she still slightly stuttered even if she already felt annoyed. Resulting for T to slightly panicked to answer M.
T: o-oh... Uhh... I-i just wanted to aske i-if your f-fine...
T said while still looking down and while she was stuttering in fear, expecting M to get mad at her and yell but strangely she didn't. T soon just heard a sigh from M and felt startled. T looks up at M and saw that she had slightly calmed down.
M: sorry... Tikki... For scaring you... And don't worry... I'm fine...
M sighs again while T just looked at her.
T: oh... It's fine...
There was suddenly an awkward silence between them as both of them tried to just avoid eye contact with each other. As this continues M the accidentally caused theirselves to make eye contact but soon broke afterwards. The silence was finally  broken by M, who had a bit of courage to end this awkwardness.
M: I think we should go to bed already.
M slightly looks at T while T slightly looks as well.
T: o-oh, alright then...
Both of them awkwardly looks at each other for the last time and said there goodnights. They both soon went their own ways and went to bed. Both of them were laying down with the opposite directions and soon thought for the last time. 
M: thinking(I need to apologize...)
M thought to herself. T slightly opened her eyes from behind.
T: thinking(I hope everything will get slightly better tomorrow...)
T thought for herslef. As both of them slowly closed their eyes to sleep.

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