Broken Part 13

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Mb: what on earth is going on in here?! Why was marinette crying?! What happened?!
Mb looks at the Css
L: oh, it was nothing miss Bustier
L said with her normal tone. N looks at L and felt a bit of anger and guilt rushing in, leaving his expression in a guilty state. Al soon noticed that N seemed off
Al: hey nino is something wrong?
N looks at Al
N: o-oh! U-uh nothing, alya
N said nervously
N: i uhm going to the... Restroom! Y-yea, restroom, be right back!
N said nervously and run off the classroom
Al: weird...
Al was confused, but soon shrugged it off. While with A, who was walking around and looking for M, he was panicking nonstop while thinking about what he done wrong wrong. He had a worried and guilty face on while still walking around back and fourth
A: thinking(where could she be?! Did i do something wrong?! Why was she crying?! Did she found that i'm chatnoir?! Was she disappointed that it was me?! Was i-)
A's eyes were about to weld up with tears because of the thought what M told him kept on repeating on his mind that she hated him. A tear drops from his eye to his cheek, but he was suddenly interrupted by someone
N: adrien! Finally i found you bro!
N said while panting a bit, because he almost searched the whole school for him
A: n-nino?
A said in a confused tone while secretly wiping of his tears, and crosses his arms
A: what are you doing here? And why were you looking for me? Aren't you supposed to be with the others and lila?
A said in an annoyed tone while rolling his eyes. N looks at A with sad and guilty eyes
N: adrien... Look... I'm so sorry i should've told you sooner... That i... Actually never believed lila's lies...
N said in a low sad tone, and looks down a bit
A: wait... what...? But why were you on there side?
A looks at N with a serious look on his face with a bit of anger. But he was still a bit shocked about the fact that N actually didn't believe L's lies, but he didn't show that much expressions about it. N sighs in guilt, and looks up at A
N: i... Didn't want to... Go against alya, because... She's my girlfriend and all... But i didn't want to go against you either...
N said in a sad tone with a guilty expression on his face, while looking to the side. A's anger slowly faded, and looked at N with relieved eyes
A: l... It's... Okay nino... I get it... It's hard to go against your love ones especially when something is stopping you to...
A made a weak smile. N immediately looked up to A, because he was happy, relieved, and shocked at the same time
N: r-really?
N said a bit nervously, because he was still shocked by the fact that he forgave him that easily
A: yea, it's okay nino i know that you didn't meant to do it right?
A said in a bit of more of a lighter mood
N: of course not dude! So... Can we be friends again?
A smiles wider
A: that would be great!
A became more happy because now he has someone by his side including M, but soon his smile suddenly slowly faded. The thought of M suddenly flowed back to his mind, and remembered what he did to M, not knowing the real reason, though. A few tears started to form in his eyes, and N noticed it
N: is something wrong, adrein?
N said a bit of a worried tone, A quickly wipes off his tears
A: o-oh uh it's nothing nino
A said nervously, N puts his hand on A's shoulder
N: dude... I know something is wrong you can tell me, i mean i'm your best bud remember?
N said while pointing to himself, A slightly smiles
A: w-well... It's about marinette...
A said in a low tone
N: what about dudette? I remembered that she ran away crying. What happened then?
A sighs
A: i don't know either...
N: huh? What do you mean you don't know?
N was confused
A: i just... Saw her suddenly crying infront of me... Not even knowing the real reason... And she suddenly told me that i betrayed her and that she... H-hates m-me
A said in a low tone, while a few tears started to form in his eyes. After hearing all that A said, N got shocked because of what all happened and thought that it might be just because of her anger about Al and the others
N: marinette... Really said that to you...?
N said in a worried way, because of the fact that M was madly in love with A. A looks down trying to hides his tears
A: y-yes... S-she did...
A sobs a bit
N: maybe it was a misunderstanding, dudette would never do that, unless she really hates that person...
N had a bit of doubt about what happen with A and M. A and looks up to N with a bit of tears on his face
A: she would only do that if she hates that person...? But... That means...
N realized what he said, and made A assumed that M really hates him
N: no no! I didn't mean it like that, what i mean is that it could be just a misunderstanding!
N said in a bit of a nervous way, that made A doubt N a bit
A: but... What if she really does hate me...
A said in a sad low tone
N: nonsense! She would never hate you because...
N paused for a second and thought of something
N: thinking(should i tell him?! I shouldn't though but... I don't want him to be miserable, i know that he's been through a lot...)
A: because...?
N made a deep breath before telling him
N: she's in... Love with you...
N said in a bit of hesitation
A: yea i know... She told me at the same time that she told me that she hates me...
A said in a guilty tone
N: no no dude, you don't understand, i mean she is MADLY in love with you like crazy!
A looks up with a shock face
A: m-madly in love with m-me...? M-me? S-since when?!
A said while stuttering, while pointing to himself
N: dude, wasn't it obvious?! She's been madly in love with you for more than a year! Even when you first started school!
A blushed while being shock, because he didn't know that M was in love with him since then
A: t-that l-long? But h-how did you know t-though?
A said while stuttering while being a blushing mess. N facepalms himself
N: seriously dude. Everyone at class knows! I didn't know that you were THAT blind! And that's one of the reasons why she always stutters around you!
A blushed more because of the though that the love of his life, who rejected him as Cn, was also in love with him but the other side of him
A: thinking(so she rejected me f-for me?! She was in love with me this whole time!)
A was internally screaming in happiness, but at the same time he was still sad about what happened with M, but he was more on happy, while he was celebrating in the inside he didn't realize that someone was calling him
N: dude?
A was still deep in though about M
N: adrien?
A didn't answer him
As soon as N yelled his name he snapped out of his thoughts. N smirks
A: huh? What's with that face?
A was a bit confused
N: nothing, loverboy, i know that you finally realize your love with mari, but there's no time for daydreaming, we need look for her and talk her remember?
N said while still smirking, A blushed again
A: n-nino!
N laughs at A
N: okay, okay lets just find marinette already
A: yea... I hope she's alright...
With M, who was continuously crying and running to the bakery, she soon arrived at the bakery; she opened the door, making it seek a bit of attention because of the ringing bells on the bakery door. Sabine looked up from the cashier, thinking that it would be a customer
S: how can i-
S paused to see her daughter in tears
S: marinette? Why are-
S was cut off, because M quickly ran to her room and locked her door. She went to her bed and leaned her back against the wall while holding her knees while her head was down. She silently cries while feeling hopeless and miserable about herself. Tears kept on dripping on her face while silently sobbing at the same time. While she was crying in her room, she soon heard knocks on her door, including someone calling her
S: marinette?! What's wrong?! Did you get hurt?!
S said worriedly while continuously knocking on the door. M looks up a bit and looks at her bedroom door and first thought about just ignoring S until she leaves her alone. But she decide not to, so she wipes off her tears and clears her throat before answering S
M: i-it's nothing mom... C-can i be alone for a bit...? P-please?
M said while having a bit a shaky tone
S: but marinette...
S said worriedly while waiting for M's respond. S looks down and closes her eyes for a second and worriedly sighs; she opens her eyes and looks up at M's door
S: okay then... Call me if you need anything...
No respond was heard from M, and S sighs again and walks back to the bakery feeling worried for her daughter. M heard that S was leaving her room, she stood up. T looks up to M

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