Broken Part 6

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M: m-mom d-dad don't worry i'm f-fine
M said weakly smiling while having tears in her eyes, S didn't answer and just cried, they were still hugging but soon broke apart, Tm hugs S
Tm: honey... Everything is going to be alright... For now...
Tm said while holding back his tears
M: mom, dad?
Tm and S: yes dear?
Tm and S breaks the hug
M: can you not tell anyone about this...?
S: but dear what if you get hurt again?!
S said worriedly
M: please mom?
S sighs and looks at Tm, Tm looks back and nods
S: alright then...
S wipes her tears off
M smiles
M: thanks mom, thanks dad
S gives M's medication, M takes it
S: this is the medication that the doctor pescribed you, he said that you will take it once a day
M: okay mom
S: well me and your father will talk to the doctor about when you can get discharged, and if your staying the night either me or your father will stay with you
M: mom you don't have to stay with me, i can stay here by myself, please mom?
S looks at M, Tm went near S and puts his hand on S's shoulder
Tm: we'll think about it
Tm smiles a bit
Tm: me and your mom will go to the doctor now, we'll tell you if you can stay alone or not
M: thanks dad
M smiles
Tm smiles back
Tm: we'll be back later
M: okay
M's parents went to the door and opened it and saw Al, N and A sitting the bench infront of M's hospital room
S: oh hello kids, and nino? What are doing here? Are here to visit marinette too?
S look at them
N: yes i am miss dupain cheng
S: well that's great to know that my daughter has wonderful friends
S smiles, they all smiled including A and Al
Tm: well me and sabine will be talking with marinette's doctor for a while, you can come in and see marinette and keep her company while we talk to her doctor
Al: okay!
N: no prob!
A: sure mrs and mr dupain-cheng!
S and Tm smiles
S: that's great to hear, we'll get going now, bye kids
Al, N and A: bye!
S and Tm left
M's friends were about to go inside the room but suddenly Al's phone started to ring, Al takes her phone out of her pocket and answers it
Al: in phone /hey mom, why did you call me?/
Al: in phone/w-what?! H-how?!/
Al: in phone/o-okay okay i'll t-try!/
Al: in phone/o-okay bye/
Al puts her phone down in worry
Al: guys i'm sorry to say this but i can't visit mari right now!
A: huh why?
N: is something wrong?
Al was crying a bit
Al: my d-dad g-got into a car a-accident!
N and A: WHAT
Al: i need to go! Tell mari i'm sorry!
Al was about to leave
N: wait i'll come with you!
Al: you don't have to nino! What about mari?!
A: don't worry i'll talk to mari you guys can go
Al: really?
A: yes
Al: thanks adrien!
N: thanks bro!
Al and N left, leaving A, he walks inside to see mari with reddish eyes from crying
A: marinette?
M quickly wipes away her tears
M: o-oh hey adrien
A: marinette, were you crying?
M: what! N-no i wasn't!
M lies
A: marinette...
M: i didn't i promise!
M smiles a bit
A: okay then
M: by the way where's alya?
A sits on the chair beside her
A: oh... She left because her dad got into a car accident...
M: what?! When did this happen?! I should've gone with her...
A: it just happen when your parents left and don't worry nino came with her
A smiles M trying to cheer her up
M: okay... Wait nino was here?
A: yea he went here to visit you, he even ran here just to visit you
A laughs a bit
M: he ran?
M laughs a bit, A smiles seeing her happy, the two talked more a bit until
A: by the way mari?
M: yes?
A: i was thinking about what you said before you got unconscious
M: what did i say?
A: you told me to don't tell them something?
M remembers what he was talking about
M: o-oh that...
A: do remember?
M: yes i did
A: so what were you going to tell me then?
M: well it's about lila
A: what does this have to do with that liar?
A got annoyed because it had to do with L
M: i don't want you to tell them lila did that to me
A: what! I can't do that! She's been lying for a long time! We need to tell them!
M: even if we did, they won't believe us, they all know that i hate lila, they will just think i framed her!
A: well you do have a point...
M sighs
M: just forget it... Now that i answered your question it's time to answer mine
A: okay, what's your question?
M: well at class when you came you looked tired and annoyed you even had puffy eyes at that time... Did something happen? Did you cry then?
M said feeling worried
A: oh...
A sighs
A: okay i'll tell you since you answered me, there's this girl that i love...
M: a-a g-girl?
A: yea, she's very sweet, talented, brave, and extremely smart... But we can't be together because something is stopping us...
A clenches his hand a bit thinking about it
A: and now i feel like she doesn't trust me anymore...
M had mixed emotions for A she was sad she was happy but she more on sad, she felt bad for A
M: maybe you should talk to her? Maybe tell her your feelings?
M was still hurt because A loved someone else
M: have you confessed to her?
A: i had, multiple times already!
M: thinking(he really loves that girl...)
M: how about talking to her have you tried it yet?
M was still hurt she felt like crying but she kept it inside
A: well not yet, i'll try it sometime, thanks for the advice marinette
A smiles a bit, M smiles back weakly feeling sad in the inside
M: anytime adrien, anytime
M smiles a bit. M's parents came inside and M saw them but A didn't because he was facing M
S: hey honey we're back
M: hey mom, hey dad
S looks at A
S: oh hello adrein
A turns to M's parents
A: oh hello mr and mrs dupain-cheng
S: call us sabine and tom, dear
S smiles
A: okay!
A smiles back
Tm: wasn't alya and nino with you, son?
A: oh about that
A explained why Al and N didn't come, both of M's were shock and worried
S: oh dear! I hope her dad gets well
Tm: i hope so too honey...
Tm said while putting his hand on S's shoulder making her feel everything is going to be alright
M: by the way mom?
S: yes sweetie?
M: what did the doctor say? Am l going to stay here for the night?
S: well the doctor said they'll just run a few more tests and they will get you discharged after
M: oh okay that's great
A: that's good to hear
A smiles
A: can-
A got interrupted by his phone, he took out his phone and saw that it was Nt, he answered it
A: in phone /hello?/
Nt: in phone /adrien where are you?/
Nt said with a bit of anger on the phone
A: in phone /i'm at a hospital/
Nt: in phone /why are at a hospital?/
A: in phone /well my friend got hurt so i brought her in the hospital/
Nt sighs
Nt: in phone /your driver is going to pick you up in a few minutes/
A: in phone /but natalie!-/
A got interrupted
Nt: in phone /adrien your father is already angry don't make him more angry even if he already is/
A: in phone /yes natalie.../
Nt sighs
Nt ends the call
A puts his phone back his pocket
A: my bodyguard is going to pick me up soon i should go...
M: okay then, i don't want your dad to get mad
A sighs
A: he already is... Bye mari, bye mr and mrs dupain-cheng, thanks for letting me be with mari
M: bye adrein... And no biggie
S: no problem dear you can visit us anytime you want
Tm: it's no big deal, son
They all smiled at A
A: thanks everyone, see you at school mari
M: be with you- i mean! S-see y-you too
M smiles awkwardly, A chuckled a bit and smiled back at M, A's phone started to ring again
A: i should really go now, bye!
A runs out the room and ran into his car
With the dupain-chengs
Tm: i really like that adrien kid, he is very sweet
S: i agree with you tom, adrien is such a wonderful kid! It's a shame that his father doesn't appreciate his warmhearted behaviour
S sighs feeling bad for A, after a few hours later M was done taking tests and went home, it was already 5pm, they entered the bakery, M already went inside first because alya called her, she was inside her room, S looks at the clock
S: well it's already late, i'll start cooking dinner, i'll be done in an hour
Tm: how about we cook marinette's favorite?
S: that will be great!
M walks back down from the stairs

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