Broken Part 7

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M: hey mom and dad i'm done talking with alya
S: oh okay dear, by the way how's her father?
M: alya said that he's alright he just broke a leg but he's fine
S: well that's good to hear
S smiles
S: well dinner will be ready in an hour
M: okay, i'll go back to my room then
S: sure hun
M walks back up while thinking about something
M: thinking(i think it's time to get ready for the worst...)
M arrives at her room and puts on her earrings making T appear
T: what happend?
T looks around
T: we're already at home?
M: yes we are
T: oh okay, so how do you feel?
M: well i feel fine i guess
T: well atleast you're okay now
T smiles a bit
M feels that her throat is itchy
M: well um tikki, i-i'll g-go to the bathroom for a bit
T: sure marinette
M walks to the bathroom and immediately locks it, M started to cough roughly while leaning on the door making her sit down on the floor
M: thinking(not again...)
M kept on coughing for 5mins but it stopped after but blood started to drip from her mouth, she was to weak to move or do anything, M stayed in that position for 5 more mins after 5 mins she had a bit of strength to stand up and walked in front of the mirror while looking at herself while holding the sink with both of her hands
M: i-i need to do everything i can before it's too late...
M washed off the blood of her mouth and went out the bathroom, T flew up infront of her
T: it's time for patrol mari
M: okay then, tikki spots on!
M transformed into Lb, she went out to her balcony and started to swing to their meeting spot
While with A
P: it's time for patrol, kid
A sighs and looks at P
A: plagg claws out...
A said sadly, A transformed into Cn
Cn: time to get this over with...
Cn jumped out his window and started to swing to the meeting spot, Cn arrived first at the meeting spot and started to think deeply
Cn: thinking(should i follow marinette's advice...? Maybe it's better than acting cold to her... Maybe-)
Lb arrived at the meeting spot, kind of out off breath
Lb: h-hey(pant)chat
Lb said while panting a bit
Cn: you seem tired? Did something happen?
Cn was still a bit cold on her
Lb: oh uh it's nothing!
Cn: okay then
Cn was about to leave
Lb: wait!
Cn turns back around
Lb: can we talk after patrol? This really important
Cn: um sure, i was actually going to ask you too...
Lb: oh okay then
Lb smiles
Lb: thinking(i hope he'll understand...)
Lb: let's start patrol
Cn: sure...
Both of the heroes started to patrol, after an a hour of patrolling they went back at their meeting spot
Cn: so what did you want to tell me?
Lb puts her hand on Cn's shoulder
Lb: i'm going to tell you the identities of the heroes...
Cn eyes widden in shock
Cn: w-what?! W-why are you suddenly going to tell me this?
Lb: well it's better that we both know, you never know if something bad will happend to one of us
Cn: why are you telling me this now? Why didn't you tell me before?
Cn was still cold on her
Lb: i just realised that it would be safer just in case something bad happends...
Lb made a weak smile and went to hug Cn, Lb had a few tears coming out her eyes
Lb: chat i want you to know that you're the best partner i ever had...
Lb said in a low tone, Cn was still processing what's happening just now, Lb wiped her tears and breaks hug and faces Cn
Lb: now... What were you going to tell me?
Cn was still shock and deicided not to tell her yet
Cn: o-oh uh nevermind
Lb: okay then, the identities of the heroes are luka coffaine is viperion, zoe lee is vesperia, juleka coffaine is purple tigress...
After Lb finished saying the identities of the heroes leaving the two last heroes
Lb: alya césaire is rena rouge or rena furtive and nino lahiffe is carapace, and that's it
Cn suddenly remembered
Cn: thinking(i think it's the right time to ask her...)
Cn: ladybug?
Lb: yes kitty?
Cn: i heard this from the nino kid, that both carapace and rena rouge... Know eachothers identities...? Is it true...?
Lb eyes widen in shock
Lb: w-what? B-but how?-
Cn: so it was true...
Lb: chat i can explain-
Lb got interrupted
Cn: y-you don't trust me d-don't you?
Cn said in a shaky tone
Lb: what?! Of course i trust-
Lb got interrupted
Cn said in a shaky mad and sad tone
Lb: chat please i didn't-
Lb got interrupted again
Cn: j-just stop ladybug, just tell me you don't trust me...
Lb: CHATNOIR I TRUST YOU! Stop assuming i don't!
Cn secretly mumbles something
Cn: mumbles(as if i am going to...)
Lb: i-
Lb froze and remembered chat blanc, her memories about what happend flowed back to her mind, Cn just got more angry because he assumed that what he said was true
Cn: so i was right, i can't believe i fell in love with someone who doesn't even trust me...
Cn said in a annoyed and angry tone,
Lb unfreezes when she heard what Cn said, that made her heart break into a million pieces
Cn: goodbye ladybug
Cn was about to swing away
Lb: c-chat no wait!
Lb held his wrist, while tears started to flow from her face
Lb: c-chat p-please l-let me e-explain!
Cn: no need ladybug
Cn pulls his hands off Lb's hand and looks at her in anger
Cn: i hate you ladybug...
Cn jumped away leaving Lb heartbroken, Lb broke down to the floor and bursted out crying
Lb: i-i'm s-so s-sorry c-chat, i-i'm s-sorry...
Lb said while crying, feeling a bit of pain in her chest
Little did they know something was watching them or should i say someone, the creature came out of the shadows and went back to it's owner it flew through a window with a butterfly pattern on, it went inside and landed on the side table the creature was optigami, a figure came out the shadows as soon as optigami landed on the side table
Sm: i see that the two superheroes had a childish fight today
Sm said while grinning evilly
Sm: it won't be long before i can have emily back! Now that i know ever heroes identity it will be so much easier to achieve my goal!
Sm said in determination with an evil grin on his face
Sm: nooro, duusu reverse morphosis
Sm de-transformed to G, while Nt was behind him
G: natalie
Nt: yes sir?
G: call miss rossi after my meeting tomorrow morning, i have something to discuss with her
Nt: yes, sir
Nt walks out Sm's lair and took out her phone to call L, L soon heard her phone ringing and saw that it was a unknown number
L: who could this be?
L answers it
L: in phone /hello?/
Nt: in phone /hello miss rossi/
L: in phone /who is this? And i am not miss rossi/
L lies again
N: in phone /this is natalie, gabriel's assistant, Mr agreste informed me that he would like to discuss something with you/
L: in phone /oh! You're mr agreste's assistant, i'm so sorry that i lied there has been a stalker calling me for the past hour, i though you were one of them/
L faked chuckled and lies again
Nt: in phone /he would like to see at 7:00am tomorrow at the agreste mansion/
L: in phone /okay sure! I will gladly come!/
L made a fake act
Nt: in phone /good/
Nt ends the call, L puts down her phone
L: ughh that assistant is so rude!
With Lb on the meeting spot alone while crying she kept on apologising while crying thinking what have she done
Lb: i-i'm s-sorry... I-i'm s-sorry... I-i'm s-sorry... C-chat i-i'm s-sorry
Lb said while crying, she felt the pain on her chest getting worse, she held her chest while feeling the pain inside and started to hit it again and again
Lb: i should(hit)just(hit)die...
Lb started to hit harder
Lb: This(hit harder)is(hit harder)m-meaningless...
Lb stands up weakly, while still having tears on her face, she started to swing to the eiffel tower, she soon landed on the eiffel tower still having tears on her face
Lb: t-tikki spots off...
Lb de-transformed into M, T came out of her earring
T: marinette...?
M started to walk slowly to the edge of the tower
T: marinette, what are you doing?
T said in a scared and worried tone, M was already in the edge of the tower, if she takes one more step she will fall, M turns around to looks at T in tears

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