Broken Part 8

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M: i-i'm sorry tikki...
M said while crying and started to take off her earrings
M: i renounce you...
T disappeared and went inside the earrings, M puts her earrings inside her bag and placed on the floor
M: i'm sorry tikki, i think it would be the best if you find a new owner and guardian...
M closed her eyes and walked backward and started to fall down, while she was falling she was ready accept what she did in the past and future, but suddenly felt someone carrying her she opened her eyes to see
M: c-chatnoir?
M was shock, They both landed safely on the floor and broke down to the ground while Cn had teary eyes
Cn said in a worried crying tone
Cn hugged M tightly
Cn: w-why w-would you d-do that...?
Cn said in a shaky tone, M hugs back
M: i j-just...
M bursted out crying and hugged Cn tighter
M: i-i'm s-sorry chat! T-this a-all m-my f-fault!
M said while crying
Cn: m-mari why are apologizing
Cn breaks the hug and looks at M
Cn: you didn't do anything wrong
M looks back at Cn with tears
M: n-no, i d-did
M said in a shaky crying tone
Cn: princess, stop you didn't do anything wrong, okay?
M looks down while sobbing
Cn: can you tell me what happend...?
M didn't answer Cn and just continued crying, Cn hugs M again and started to pat her back while M was crying
Cn: it's okay... Let it all out...
Cn said in a low tone while patting her back. They both stayed like that for a while until M calmed down. M breaks the hug and lifted up her head, Cn looks at her
Cn: do you feel better?
M slowly nods
Cn: so do you want to tell me what happend?
M was hesitant to answer Cn, she just looked at him with her sad eyes
Cn: it's okay, it's fine if you don't want to
Cn slightly smiles
M makes a fake small smile
M: thinking (it's the best if he doesn't know...)
Cn: do want me to take you home?
M: su-
M stopped and remembered that she left her earrings and bag at the eiffel tower
Cn: is something wrong, princess?
Cn looks at M
Cn: don't you want you go home?
M: no no it's not that, it's just i uhm left my mira- i mean! My purse on top of the eiffel tower...
Cn: oh do want me to get it for you?
M: uhm sure...
Cn: okay then
Cn lets go off M and help her stand up
Cn: i'll be quick princess don't go anywhere okay?
M nods
Cn: great be right back
Cn took out his baton and started to extend it making him go up
M: i hope tikki's okay...
Cn didn't heard what she said
While with Cn looking around the eiffel tower looking for M's purse, Cn was looking around and saw something shiny inside near him he looked at it and saw that it was M's bag
Cn: found it!
Cn picks up M's bag from the strap and something suddenly fell out of it
Cn: huh?
Cn looks down and saw familiar earrings on the floor, not knowing that it was Lb's miraculous
Cn: earrings? Maybe she took it off before jumping. Wait a sec...
Cn made a closer look of the earrings and realized something
Cn: w-wait why does this look like ladybug's earrings...?
Cn's eyes widden in shock
Cn: wait is this a-actually the ladybug miraculous?! H-how d-does she have this?!
Cn was confused and kept on repeatedly asking himself questions
Cn: why is there a miraculous in her bag?! Did ladybug give these-
Cn suddenly thought of something that he never thought of before
Cn: w-wait a sec... Is there i chance that... No...
Cn was not sure if he was right about he was thinking
Cn: is... Marinette... Ladybug...?
Cn mind clicked and realized that it made sense
Cn: it makes sense! The eyes, the hair, the personality! It all makes sense now!
Cn was happy about the fact that his lady is also his "just a friend", but suddenly remembered something
Cn: wait... Was i the reason why she...
Cn suddenly teared up
Cn: m-maybe t-there's a different r-reason r-right...? I-i hope...
Cn wipes his tears and takes M's bag with the earrings inside it, and started to jump down the eiffel tower to M
Cn: hey, princess!
M turns around to see Cn
M: hey kitty
M smiles, Cn blushed because of M's smile, knowing the fact that M was Lb
Cn: here's your purse back, sorry i took so long it was a bit hard to find it
Cn lies and gives M her purse back
M: it's okay and thanks for getting my purse back
M smiles and takes her purse back, Cn kind of smiles back
M: by the way chat?
Cn: yes m'la- i mean! Princess
M: thinking(was he about to say m'lady?)
M just shrugged it off
M: well did you open my purse while you were in the eiffel tower?
Cn: no why?
Cn lies, M sighs in relief
M: oh nothing
Cn: okay then, can i ask you a questions?
M: sure what is it?
Cn: can you tell me the reason why you, you know...
M understands what he was refering too
M: oh that.. Well it's kind of personal...
Cn: oh... Can you atleast tell me a few things about it that won't really affect you? It's fine if you don't want to it's fine
Cn smiles a bit
M: no no it's fine, well i can tell just a little bit about it, is that okay?
Cn smiles
Cn: that more than okay!
M: okay then... Well it's about a boy...
Cn: a boy?
Cn got a bit jealous for a second
M: yea... We had a fight and that really made him mad because he assumed that i did it on purpose...
Cn: what did you do?
M was hesitant to answer Cn
M: he thought... That i don't trust him anymore... And he said that he hated me...
Cn was shock but it wasn't that noticeable
Cn: o-oh maybe he doesn't mean it... Maybe he was just stressed out?
Cn said a bit nervous, M looks at Cn
M: i don't think so...
Cn looks to the side feeling bad about what he did without M noticing
Cn: i should bring you home now, it's getting late..
M: oh okay, you should get going too
Cn: yea...
Cn soon brought M home by her balcony and said their goodbyes, Cn soon arrived at his house and jumped through his window and landed safely
Cn: c-claws i-in...
Cn de-transformed into A, A leaned on his window and sat down on the floor and puts his knees in his chest while his face was faced down and bursted out in tears
A: i-i w-was t-the r-reason... W-why s-she t-tried t-to...
A just kept on crying while plagg was quiet
A: i-it's a-all m-my f-fault... I-i was the one who made her sad... I-i was the who made her cry... I-i was the one who... Made her f-feel... Guilty, e-even if i-i was the o-one w-who w-was suppose t-to be g-guilty!
A said in a shaky tone while sobbing
A: i-i hate that i yelled at her... I-i hate that she felt guilty for me... I hate... M-myself...
A kept on crying and crying until P finally thought of going to him
P: kid...
P said in a sad worried tone, A looks up with teary eyes
A: p-plagg... T-this all my f-fault, i-i should've never got mad at her... I-i d-didn't know that she had been gone through a-a lot...
A cried harder
P: hey, hey kid calm down it's not your fault you didn't know
A: y-yes it is plagg it is my fault!
A said in a shaky tone
P: kid this isn't your fault! You didn't even know that it was a misunderstanding!
A: b-but-
A got interrupted by P
P: kid, stop assuming that it's your fault! Why? Did you do it on purpose?!
A just went silent for a moment and said
A: n-no...
A said still sobbing a bit
P: see?! It's not your fault, okay?!
A looks to the side to face away from P
A: b-but...
P flew up to his face and pulled it a bit to face him
P: kid, it's not your fault, it never was...
A: thanks plagg, thanks for everything
A smiles
P: no problem kid but doesn't this awesome kwami deserve a camembert?
P said will smirking a bit, A chuckled a bit because of his silly kwami
A: sure plagg
A smiles and wipes off his tears
A: thanks for making me feel better plagg
A smiles
P: don't mention it, kid
A stands up and went to P's cabin of cheese and took out some out
A: here plagg
A said while holding the cheese
P: thanks kid!
P flew to A and took his cheese, A smiles
While with M at her house
M: i hope chatnoir is okay... He was way too quiet...
M looks at her bag and remembered T
M: wait, tikki!
M immediately opened her bag and looks inside to check if her earrings were there, and it was
M: phew! It's here...
M said in relief she took it out and puts them on. A small light came in front of her, while it's head was down, T appeared and lifted her head in tears
T: m-marinette...
T said in tears

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