Broken Part 18

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When M was about to speak and let out her anger, something suddenly stopped her from doing so or someone did. A stood up from his seat because he had enough of Al.
A was extremely furious at the thought of someone hurt the love of his life. Al rolls her eyes at A and scoffs while feeling annoyed.
Al: so what? What are going to do about it?
Al said in a tone that really could make a person irritated.
Al: why are you even on her side? She's the real villian here! Not Lila!
A clenched his fist in anger while glaring at L, who was behind Al, still crying.
A: how could you even say that?! After all what Marinette done to you, you're just going to treat her like this?! WHAT KIND OF FRIEND ARE YOU?-
M stopped A from talking and decided to put an end to this. M looks at A blankly
M: Adrien, I don't need you to talk back for me, so just keep quiet...
M said coldly to A.
A: but-
A was again interrupted.
Al: ugh! Adrien, you're sometimes so dumb! How can you even believe her?! She's just brainwashing you to believe her!
Al said in an angry tone which made both A and M furious, but M was more angry than A, leading M to yell in anger.
M angrily points at L.
M yelled at Al's face, making her more angry and annoyed at her.
Al: YOU-
Al was about to slap M again but someone suddenly stopped her by holding her arm. Al looked at the person, who stopped her from slapping M again. Al was stunned to see that person. She never expected that person to stand up for someone she despise now, especially at this very moment.
N: Alya, stop it already!
Al pulls her arm from N's grip.
Al: Nino, what are you doing?!
Al said angrily at N.
N: I should ask you the same thing! Why are hurting Mari?! She didn't do anything wrong!
Al glared at N with angry eyes.
Al: "she didn't do anything wrong?!" l never thought that you were also fooled by her!
Al said angrily as her anger started to rise.
N: she never did anything wrong! And I was never fooled by her! You're the one you got fooled by this liar!
N said in a annoyed tone while pointing at L and while trying to control his anger.
Al: I'm the one who got fooled now?! Are you crazy, Nino?! And if she didn't do anything wrong why did she hurt Lila?!
Al was angry and sad at the same time because she didn't thought that N, her boyfriend, would believe M over her and L, even if N was actually on the goodside.
N: she didn't hurt her! Marinette isn't like that! She never was!
N said in an angry tone while his temper slowly rises. L then went in front of Al, making Al go behind her to show her scars and bruises to N.
L: t-then what's t-this then?!
L said in stuttering crying tone because she was still crying. N glared at L in anger and soon his anger rose.
N yelled in anger which made everyone shock because N was the person, who's always calm and quiet in every situation but this time he wasn't.
L: w-why would I d-do this to my self?
L said in stutters and in tears.
N: you did this because you wanted to make a fool of us! It already worked on every one.
N looked at Al for a second and looks back at L.
N: except for me and Adrien.
N slowly calms down while L slowly cried more.
L: n-no I-i didn't!
L soon cried more and began to run out the classroom, crying and sobbing.
Al: Lila wait!
Al said in a bit of a worried tone and faces back to where M was at.
Al: you-
Al was about to argue with M again but she didn't saw M, making Al confused including N and A afterwards.
Al: where's that brat?!
N and lokked at the right while A looked at the left in shock.
A: wait where's Marinette?
A got worried and decided to look for her. A ran out of the classroom, leaving Al and N alone. N then thought of going after A, when he was about to go after A. Someone suddenly stopped him by grabbing his arm. N looked at the person, who held his arm.
Al: what do you think you're doing Nino?! You're not going after those brats!-
As soon as Al called N's true friends, brats again he got furious and soon had enough of Al. N glared at Al, his girlfriend, and clenches his fist from Al's grip.
N: call them brats again...
N went a bit closer to Al's face.
N: and we're breaking up...
N said in a annoyed tone, making Al shock and lose grip of N's arm and making it more easier for N to snatch his arm off Al. N glared at Al for the last time and left. Al was too shock to argue to N and soon she was just left alone standing there while being completely quiet while the almost whole class were shock. Some were angry, some were just quiet. While with M and the others. M silently cried while looking for a place to hide from everyone. She then found a lonely corner and saw no one around near it, it was just quiet. M sat down to the floor and leans against the wall while her head was down on her knees, she then began to cry in anger, sadness and fear because of thought of her life getting more miserable and broken every second when there's a chance. A slight pain was soon felt in her chest and a sore throat started to rush in. Sobs weren't coming out due to the sore throat. She just cried in pain while replacing sobs into small coughs. Those coughs soon became louder and louder every second she sobs. The coughs soon stopped but there was blood on her lips, making the blood slowly drip on the side of her lip, which had the scar from before. The blood soon dripped from her chin to the ground.
M: thinking(I hate... This...)
As she was crying on the floor in her knees. M soon heard something fluttering above her, feeling like it was slowly getting closer to her. She lifts her head up and saw a black butterfly with small purple pigments on it, flying closer to her. M's eyes widden in terror.
M: a-an a-akuma...?
M immediately covered her ears with her hands to protect her miraculous from getting akumatized or if she did get akumatize she'll remove them. More tears started to flow again.
M: no, no think happy thoughts, think happy thoughts!
Even if M tried to think positive it didn't work, her mixed negative emotions were too strong to handle. T soon flew out of her bag.
T: Marinette, what-
T paused in horror of seeing an akuma flying closer to M.
T: a-an akuma! Marinette!
T looks at M worriedly, who was repeatedly saying the words that she said before,thinking that it could maybe work.
M: t-think h-happy thoughts, think h-happy t-thoughts!
M said in a fast small stutters. T immediately flew infront of M and tried to calm her down.
T: Marinette, please calm down!
T said worriedly as the akuma just kept on flying closer. T kept on helping M calm down but there was no use, nor did the repeating words helped her. M slowly started to lose hope as her words started to slow down as well.
M: t-think h-happy thoughts... T-think h-happy thoughts... T-think h-happy...
M froze for a second and soon slowly stopped repeatedly says the words she was saying, while slowly putti g down  her hands down from her ears to the floor, making it an easier target the akuma. T eyes widden as she saw M froze in defeat. M had a tired and weak expression on her face while a tears slowly drops.
T: M-marinette?
T said in a worried tone without hearing any reply from M making T more scared. M looks up at the akuma in tears. The akuma was only an inch away from her, she closes her eyes in defeat and whispers something in tears.
M: I-I'm so s-sorry T-tikki...
M tightly closes her eyes.
M ignored T and became ready for the worst of getting akumatized because it was already too late to back out. While M had closed her eyes shut, she suddenly heard a familiar voice from afar. M slightly peeked her eyes to see.
M: a-adrein...?
M said in a low tone. M was slightly confused to see A.
A calls out his transformation words in a rush, as he transform infront of M, making her eyes widden in shock while tears were still on her eyes.

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