Broken Part 12

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Al: uhmm... Lila is something wrong?
L was still glaring at M while Al was trying to call her
Al: lila? Hello, lila?
L still didn't respond to Al, she was still blocked by jealousy because of A and M
L: thinking(ugh! That brat never listens to me! I'll show her how to listen to me properly!)
L secretly made an evil smirk, that was not really visible to any persons eye
L: thinking(she-)
L stopped because she felt someone tapping her shoulder
Al: lila?
Al tapped L's shoulder, L snaps of her thoughts and looks back at Al
L: oh! Sorry alya i just zoned out for a bit
L went back with her fake acts
Al: oh ok, but what were you thinking about? It seems like it was important
L: oh it was nothing!
L fake smiles
Al: oh, okay then
L peeked to the side again and saw M standing up
M: hey adrien, i'm going to the restroom real quick, can you cover for me just in case i came out late?
A: sure mari
A smiles at M and she smiles back at him
M: i'll be quick!
M mumbles something before going to the restroom
M: mumbles(i hope...)
M mumbled in a bit of a silly tone. A heard what she said and chuckled, M giggles
M: okay, okay! Be right back!
M runs to the restroom leaving A alone. A sighs dreamily and leans his cheek on his hand
A: i love that girl... And now i love her even more now!
A dreamily sighs again while daydreaming about his princess/lady. L overheard their conversation and decided to follow M to the restroom
L: hey guys, i'm going to-
L suddenly got interrupted by Al who was looking at her phone to see that is was almost time for their class
Al: oh no! It's almost for class! We should go now!
Al said in a rush
N: yea! It's almost time! Come on lila!
N said while making a small glimpse of A
L: but-
L didn't have time to say anything because Al dragged her to class with N who followed them. While L was getting dragged by Al
L: thinking(ugh! This alya girl is sometimes so annoying! That brat got away with this! I won't let her slide next time!)
With M in the restroom. M walks in the restroom and checks first if there's anyone inside, she checked and saw no one; she opened her bag and lets T out of her bag. T soon flew out M's bag
T: is something wrong marinette? Aren't you supposed to be in class? You might get late again!
T said in a bit of a panicked tone
M: woah tikki! Calm down! Nothing is wrong, i just want to talk to you, and don't worry adrien can cover for me
M slightly blushed because of A. T calms down and smiles at M
T: see! I told you adrien would be always be with you!
M smiles at T
M: yea, i guess you're right
T: by the way mari, didn't you just told me that you were going to tell me something?
M: oh yea!
M's smiles suddenly slowly fades
T: marinette?
T said confusingly, M sighs and looks at T directly on her eyes, making eye contact
M: its about the paris... And being the guardian...
M said in a low sad tone
T: what about it?
M: well... I'm planning on making chatnoir guardian after this... I think... We should defeat shadowmoth, before time runs out...
M looks at T with a sad look on her face
T: marinette... I know being the guardian is important but... It's also important to-
T got interrupted
M: i know... I know... But it's better to take care of this situation first before anything else. The miraculouses are more important now than ever, it's best to first take care of this...
M said sadly
T: but mari what about your friends-
T quickly realized what she said
T: w-wait i-
T gets interrupted, and M suddenly has a blank look on her face, when T knew that she was still furious on the inside because of what happened
M: what friends...? I don't have friends...? Their all traitors... Not even one of them supported me... Only adrien did, he is my only friend, from now on...
M started to clench her fist in anger
T: they-
T gets interrupted again
M: lets go back to class, tikki...
M said in a serious blank tone. While facing away from T
T: but-
T didn't have time to finish what she was about to say because M started to walk away and just ignored T's questions, making T stop talking and just follow her. T sighs before flying to M and goes inside her purse
With Al, N and L. Al, N and L arrived at their class and sat down on their seats, leaving L with an annoyed face, still thinking about another plan to ruin M once and for all
L: thinking(ugh, i need another plan to make that brat more miserable! But how?!)
L kept on thinking and thinking about a new plan to make M feel any negative emotion that was strong enough to be a new victim of Sm. Soon she saw A, who came inside the Css alone. L suddenly finally had thought about an idea. An idea that is enough to make M miserable and broken. L stood up and went to A, who was about to sit down in his seat
L: hey adrien!
L made a fake act, A looks at L with a bit of a annoyed face and sighs
A: what lila?
A said in a bit of an annoyed tone
L: well i just to say... That i'm sorry about what happend with mari...
L lies and made a sad fake act, A rolls his eyes and crosses his arms
A: and? Why are apologizing to me? Aren't you supposed to apologising to her? And don't call her mari! Only her REAL friends can call her that!
A said in a annoyed angry tone
L: well... I couldn't face her after what happend...
L lies and made a fake act again. A of course didn't believe her lies, especially now
A: lila... Can you stop? Seriously, can you stop with the lies already?! It won't work on us! And it never did!
L: b-but i never lied!
L lies while making a fake scared tone, while a fake tear started to drip on her face while making a scene
L: i-i dont lie!
The Css started to look at A with angry glares and disgusted looks including Al. but N didn't; he just looked at A with a guilty look. While everyone was looking at A. L soon noticed that M was about to enter the classroom door. She suddenly hugged A with a different expression on her face
L: thanks for being by my side adrien! I knew that your always on the good side!
L made a cheerful act while hugging A while smirking at M evilly from behind. M looks around and suddenly saw the Css smiling; she soon thought that A was on their side now. Tears started to drip from her eyes and her heart was broken because she thought that A had broken her trust. A pushes L away from the hug
A stopped because he heard a familiar voice calling him from behind
M: a-adrien...?
A turns around to see M in tears
A: marinette, what's wrong?
A said worriedly while he was about to walk closer to M
M: d-don't come closer!
M said in a shaky tone while sobbing
A: m-marinette is something wrong?
A took another step
M said in shaky angry tone
A: okay, okay, can you atleast tell me what wrong?
A said in a worried tone
M yelled in a furious sad tone
A: w-what...?
A was confused and worried
M said in tears and started to run out the classroom; she was already stressed out, her chest started to hurt, and now her heart was broken than ever
M: thinking(i have n-nothing left...)
M thought while trying to stop her tears. While M was running Mb walked past her, noticing tears on M's face. She immediately walked faster at her class to see what's going on. While with A who was shock and sad at the same time
A: she... L-loves me...? M-marinette! Wait!
A was about to run after M, but L suddenly grabbed his arm. A look at L furiously
L: leave her, she doesn't deserve to be with you
L said in her normal annoying tone, which made A more furious
A pulled his arm off L and started to run out the door while going past Mb, who was slightly confused about the situation leaving L and Css in shock. Chatter started to blow up(R: omg! It was all true?! K: what's his problem?! Mx: so my calculations were correct)
Sone of them were angry, some where surprised, some weren't. L groaned in anger while clenching her fist
L: thinking(ugh adrien is still on that stupid brat's side! Well atleast now that brat won't go near adrien now. Shadowmoth will soon have his new victim)
L secretly smirks without anyone noticing her while chatter continously go on
C: adrikins liked that baker girl?! Well i'll accept that than being in love with that lying brat!
C points at L with a disgusted look on her face
L: I don't lie!
L made a fake act
Al: shut up chloe!
C rolls her eyes in anger. Mb soon entered the classroom with a worried expression on her face

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