Broken Part 30

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After V talked and argued with Sm. She soon left and home. Meanwhile with the two heroes who were still in the alley, feeling weak and tired about what happened. Cn was leaning on the wall as he soon turns his head and looks at Lb, who was now on the wall also leaning on it, but she was still coughing out blood while panting at the same time.
Cn: M-marinette...
Cn then slowly tries to get up as he quietly groans in pain. He slowly but carefully soon stands up and soon went to Lb and went to her to sit down beside her.
Cn: m-my lady, bugaboo... Are you okay...?
Cn said in worry while Lb slowly turns her head to face Cn while blood was still dripping from her mouth to her lips. She soon began to speak up in a low and shaky tone.
Lb: C-chatnoir...
Lb said as she slowly puts her hand on Cn's head, near his ear, where Cn's scar was close to.
Lb: y-you're... B-bleeding...
Lb said in a shaky tone while the scar from Cn's head continues to slightly bleed, causing Lb to be worried about Cn's injure, that was just simply minor for Cn but not for her. Cn took Lb's hand from his head and soon held on to it.
Cn: i-it's nothing, my lady... You're in a worse state than I am...
Cn said in a worried tone while a tear started to stream down on Cn's cheek, as he slightly strokes Lb's hand with his finger.
Lb: haha... I-it doesn't really matter a-anymore... I-i'm going to die s-soon anyway...
Lb sarcastically laughs to herself while Cn suddenly felt more tears coming out of his eyes, because of the thought of what Lb said, that really made reality hit him more. He then shakes his head to stop himself to shed even another tear but it didn't go as he planned. Tears then started to stream down to his cheeks, causing him to sob and cover his eyes with his right hand as he sobbed while his left hand was still holding Lb's hand that was suddenly slightly trembling, due to Cn's force of keeping his emotions not to show. Lb just stared at Cn with a sad smile while a tear soon drips on her cheek, as a familiar sound suddenly came out. Cn's ring beeped for the second time, meaning that he only has 1 minute left until he de-transforms back into his civilian form. After Lb heard the signal of Cn's ring, making her sigh and soon decide to speak up.
Lb: y-you're about to d-de-transform...
Lb said in a low weak tone while Cn continues tp cry and sob, ignoring the fact that he is going to de-transform back. Lb sighs again and soon puts her hand on Cn's cheek, making him to put down his hand from his eyes as he looks up to Lb while his eyes were still full of fresh tears.
Lb: A-adrien...
Lb said in a low shaky tone as she slightly strokes her finger on Cn's cheek.
Lb: I-i know that... I-it will be h-hard when I-i d-disappear.... B-but I w-want you to l-listen to me c-carefully...
Lb said in a serious and shaky tone while Cn stares and listens to her carefully.
Cn: y-yes, my lady...?
Cn said in a slightly low tone while he places his hand on top of Lb's hand, which was on his cheek while Lb took a deep breath as she slightly coughed.
Lb: I.... Don't want you to do cause any trouble because... You want to bring me b-back....
Lb said in a sad shaky tone while Cn was slightly surprised of her though of it. The thought of the possibility that he was willing to do for her.
Cn: m-my lady! I don't care of the t-troubles that could cause me! I-i would do anything for you. Even if... I need to risk my own life for you...
Cn's hand, that was on top of Lb's hand, then slowly tightens the grip as it trembles. Cn looks down away from Lb as tears started to form again in his eyes, making Lb to shed a tear herself.
Lb: Chaton...
Lb said in a sad tone as she slightly coughs again that suddenly made her feel a hit of pain in her head. Lb then slightly lifts her head as she soon held her head with her other hand as she soon tightly closes her eyes while feeling the headache to worsen that made her slightly groan in pain and seek attention to Cn. He then rauses up his head and looks at Lb in worry.
Cn: M-marinette, w-what's wrong...?
Cn went closer to Lb while she kept on holding on her hair, causing her to tighten her grip.
Lb: I-I'm f-fine, I'm fine... I-it's just a slight h-headache...
Lb said in a slightly stuttering tone as she slightly sits up properly while still feeling the pain rushing in her while continuously denying that something was not right with tehf pain that she was experiencing, that made Cn to feel extremely worried about her.
Cn: M-marin-
Cn paused and stopped after suddenly seeing that Lb fainted infront of him, causing Lb to fall on him as Cn suddenly froze in shock and fear. Cn froze for a while, while Lb was still on his chest unconscious, as a beep soon came out for the last time, making Cn to finally de-transform on the spot, while still frozen in shock. A green light soon landed beside him that soon became a black creature, which was none other than his kwami P. P landed laying down on the ground while feeling exhausted and hungry.
P: ugh... I feel exhausted! And hungry... Kid...?
P turned his head to the side while still laying down as he soon and unexpectedly saw Lb leaning on his owner, who was quiet. P's eyes slightly widens in shock as he saw Lb unconscious, without knowing the reason yet.
P: w-wait... L-ladybug...?
P slowly started to get up and soon flew up to A and started to ask some questions.
P: A-adrien, what's g-going on?! Why is L-ladybug u-unconscious?! W-what-
P paused after hearing that A cut him off.
A: I... T-this is my fault...
A said in a devastated tone while atear began to run down his cheeks again while P panicked.
P yelled in a slightly stuttering tone, as he soon thought of the worse.
P: thinking(we can't lose another one...)
P sadly thought while a tear suddenly drip from his eyes. He immediately wipes it off while A was still slightly frozen and traumatised, but soon the feeling of panick soon rushed in him.
A: I-i... Y-yes, y-yes...
A then immediately carries Lb in his arms while P then immediately went near Lb, who was still unconscious in A's arms. P then went to Lb's ear and took one of her earrings off, causing her to de-transform. A first panicked about what P did, but soon just did not care about it, because there is no time to react about it. When Lb soon completely de-transform into her civilian form. A pinkish red light soon flew to one of A's pocket, making T to appear and land inside one of the pockets as she felt exhaustion and slight pain all over her, due to the cataclysm of Cn. After seeing that Lb was finally de-transformed. He then began to immediately run, while P soon follwed after him and went inside the pocket, where he saw T was looking weak and tired, that made him make a frown and and sigh of the terrible possibilities that could happen to them next.
P: thinking(we're.... Doomed...)
P thought to himself as he sigh in worry about what is going to happen in the future. After A started to find a hospital or any medical help. He soon found a hospital that is a bit close by him. He slightly lits up after finding help or medical help. A soon enetred in and soon seeked medical help from medical professionals or in other words doctors and nurses. After A was assisted by the medical staff he soon waited by the waiting area, while M was on the emergency room with the other nurses and doctors. While he was waiting outside. He could not help but to feel guilty, worried and traumatised about M, because of her condition and due to the fact that she is going to die because of it, which is now was worse than before. This could lead her to die sooner. A soon sat down on the seats of the waiting room and soon had a emtionless face as he slightly leans down while his hand were on his head and his elbow were on his thighs as he was gripping on his hair.
A: w-what.... Did... I... Do...
A said in shaky tone as he slowly tightens his grip on his hair while tears started to form on his eyes.
A: w-what have.... I... D-done...
A leans down his head more while his tears started to drip down. While A was crying in guilt P soon peeked out from one of A's pockets and sighs. P then soon flew out and soon went infront of A woth a slightly worried expression.
P: Adrien... What happened...?
P said in a low tone while A continued to cry as he sobs a bit that made P to sigh again in worry as ge suddenly heard somone familiar calling him.
T: Plagg...
T said in a slightly weak tone as she peeked out and saw A full of tears on his face and a hitof puffy eyes, which made T to be slightly worried and confused about what id happening.
T: Adrien...? W-why are you crying? P-plagg, what's h-happening...?
T said in a slightly weak and confused tone as A soon and slightly spoke up.
A: I-i... T-this is m-my fault...
A said in shaky tone while T was still confused.
T: w-what do you m-mean that-
T soon paused as she soon sense someone approaching them, making herself and P to immediately hide again, while A stayed to his position.
Dr: Marinette Dupain-Cheng?
Dr calles out M's name whiel also looking for the person who brought her in the hospital. A then immediately looks up and removes his hands from his head and soon slightly sits properly.
A: y-yes?
A said in a bit of stutter while Dr soon turned and looked at him,and soon recognising him.
Dr: oh, aren't you the boy, who also came with her last time?
Dr said in curiosity while A slowly soon remembered him.
A: wait, you're her doctor from before, right?
A said in slight surprise while Dr nods.
Dr: yes, I am. Well anyhow, about Ms. Dupain-Cheng's condition.
A looks at Dr with curiosity and worry. Dr suddenly sighs that made A extremely worried.
Dr: well... Her condition had gotten worse.
Dr said ina slightly calmed tone while A' s eyes slightly widdens in shock.
A: w-what...
A stutters while Dr soon looks at the clip board on his hands that had M's results.
Dr: her cancer was already spreading in her heart and a unidentified black burn is slightly near it, which means her life is in risk...
A soon looks down while tears started to form again while Dr sighs in sadness.
Dr: you will be allowed to visit her in a few minutes but for now.... I'm sorry...
Dr soon leaves while A froze while tears continues to drip down on his cheeks.

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