Broken Part 10

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Al and M: hey
They both said in a tired tone, N takes off his headphones and looks at Al and M
N: woah! You guys look exhausted, what did you guys do?
N looks at Al and M
Al: well it's a long story
Al said still panting a bit
N: okay then?
Al and M went to their seat to catch their breaths
Al: we ran here so fast and miss wasn't actually here yet!
Al puts her head down the table because she was tired
M: i know right!
M looks at Al
Al soon heard footsteps coming closer so she raised her head to check what it was
Al: lila?
M looks at where Al was looking
L: oh! Hey guys i'm so sorry that i'm late, there was a kid that almost got hit by a car! So i saved the kid before the car hits him, but its no biggie!
L lies again and fake chuckles, everyone except M, A and C was amazed by her "heroic act", M rolls her eyes, A sighs and C made a disgusted look at L
Chatter started to blow up(R: that's so sweet of you lila! K: so cool lila! Ax: Awesome!)
Al: wow! That's so cool lila, i wish i caught that on video!
L fake laughs feeling all proud of her self because of that lie
L: oh! Its not really a big deal, come on guys!
L said proudly
C: ughh you are so annoying! Quit it with your ridiculous pathetic lies already!
C said annoyingly
Al: chloe! Stop saying that lila lies!
M stands up and crosses her arms
M: chloe's right for once...
M said while being a bit annoyed, Al stands up and faces M
Al: marinette what are you saying?! Lila doesn't lie!
M: yes she does! She always does from the very beginning!
M said while being angry and annoyed
Al: what?! She never lied!
Al said starting to get annoyed, A stands up
A: i'm with marinette
Al: what?!
L suddenly fake cries
L: w-why don't you believe me marinette! I thought we were f-friends!
L fake cries harder than before, Al went to L and tries to comfort her
M: we were never friends lila, i already told you that lies aren't always the best way to have friends...
Al: she doesn't lie! I can't believe you marinette, i never thought that you would go this far just treat her this bad because of a stupid boy!
Al said angrily, M becomes more angry because Al kept on assuming that she hates her because of a boy
M said angrily while suddenly feeling a slight on her chest
A: thinking(a boy?)
Al rolls her eyes, and gets more angry
M: what?! I do not!
Al: really?! If you don't, why are always gone when we look for you?! And if we did find you will just say a stupid excuse about it!
M: yes i do lie! But i only say white lies unlike this liar here!
M points at L, who was acting scared
L: thinking(my plan is working, now for the next step)
L goes infront of Al and M
L: guys stop fighting! This isn't right!
L lies again
Al: but lila! Marinette kept on saying you're a liar!
L: it's fine, don't worry!
M gets furious and feels like she can't take it anymore
A went to M and puts his hand on her shoulder
A: marinette, i think that's enough, if they believe don't you then they don't deserve your honesty
M sighs and calms down, Al rolls her eyes and scoffs
Al: honesty? Honesty my foot!
Al said annoyingly
A: i never thought that you would believe that liar over your bestfriend, alya
A said calmly but feels disappointed at Al
Al: she isn't a liar, she is!
Al points to M
Al: and we're not bestfriends anymore! I can't be with be friends with a liar like her!
L: stop alya, that's enough
L made a fake act
Al: fine...
Al looks at M angrily
Al: you're lucky that lila is stopping me
Al glares at M and A, M rolls her eyes
M: fine! I'll be switching seats then
M walks to N
M: hey nino? Can we switch seats for a while?
M said while feeling the pain in her chest getting worst
N: uhh sure dudette
N and M takes their things and switched seats and sat down on their new places, M turns her head to face Al in a blank face
M: happy now? Alya?
M said seriously, Al rolls her eyes on M
Al: whatever
Al walks to her seat and sits down while crossing her arms in a annoyed face, L walks to her seat as well while having an evil grin on her face
L: thinking(everything is going according to plan, soon adrien will be mine!)
L rings the doorbell of the agreste mansion on the gate, a camera came out of it near the gate, L faces the camera
L: hey mr agrest! I came here because you called me, is that correct?
L said infront the camera, the camera went back in and the gates started to open, L walks in and knock on the door, as soon as she knocked on it someone already opened it for her
Nt: hello there, miss rossi
Nt said seriously while looking at L blankly
L: oh hello there! Uhm miss natalie is it? You're mr agreste's assitant, right?
Nt: yes i am
Nt said blankly
Nt: follow me
Nt walks to G's office and L followed her, N opens G's office door and L walks in and saw G turned around, Nt walks in behind her
Nt: sir she's here
G turns around and looks at both them, G nods at Nt and she nods back, Nt leaves and closes the door behind her, leaving L and G
G: hello, miss rossi
G said in a serious tone
L: hey mr agreste! Why did you call me?
L makes a fake act again
G: no need to be nice ms rossi
L stops with the fake acts
L: okay then, mr agreste why did you call me?
L replied with her normal tone
G: well, as you were told by my assistant, natalie, i wanted to discuss something to you
L: and what would that be?
G: i wanted to ask a small favor from you
G said while holding his tie
L: what kind of favor?
G: before i tell you my plan
G stanches his tie off
G: duusu, nooro dual metamorphosis
G transforms into Sm while L was shock
L: you're shadowmoth?!
Sm: yes i am, now miss rossi do me this small favor and you can get anything in return
L crosses her arms
L: go on...?
Sm: i want you to find a new victim, who i can akumatize, but this victim must have a strong negative emotion, an emotion that is unstoppable!
Sm said while grinning evilly, L made small smirk on her face
L: sure not a problem, shadowmoth. I already have someone in mind
L said while grinning evilly
Sm: very well then. Duusu nooro reverse morphosis
Sm de-transform into G
L: it will be a pleasure working with you
L holds out her hand to shake with G, G look at L's hand and shakes it
L: so... When can i start?
G: as soon as possible
(End of Flashback)
L arrives at her desk and sat down on her seat, Mb walks in their classroom
Mb: good morning class!
Css: (except for M and Al): goodmorning miss bustier!
Mb smiles and looks around and noticed that N and M changed seats
Mb: oh i see that nino and marinette changed seats? Any reason?
Mb looks at N and M, M looks to the side
M: well-
M got interrupted
A: well i asked marinette if she could sit with me so she asked nino to switch seats
A made a white lie with a small smile. M slightly smiles at A
Mb: oh okay then, now let's begin class, turn your history book on page 212, let's continue our lesson
Mb started discussing their lesson while she was discussing, M suddenly felt the pain on her chest again and felt like coughing
M: thinking(ugh it hurts again...)
M clears her throat and raises her hand, Mb looks at M who raised her hand
Mb: yes, marinette?
M: uhm sorry to disturb, but can i go to the restroom?
Mb: oh sure, not a problem
Mb smiles at M, M smiles back
M: i'll be quick, miss bustier
M stands up and walks out of the classroom and rushes to the restroom, M quickly opens the door and went inside one of the restrooms and started to cough, T flies out M's bag
T: marinette!
T said worriedly
M: i-i'm(cough)o-okay(cough)t-tikki...
T: but mari-
T got interrupted
M: i'm(cough)f-fine(cough)don't(cough)worry...
M made weak fake smile, after a while she started to stop coughing
T: do you feel better ma-
T stopped because she saw that M had tears on her eyes

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