Broken Part 31

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A stayed frozen alone while tears still continues to drip down to his cheeks to the ground. A soon sat down on the waiting area, which had benches, and had a traumatised face as the kwamis soon flew out his pockets, who were shocked, worried and still confused about what happened before all of this.
P: adrien-
P was soon cut off by T, who soon flew in front of A, who was still slightly looking away from them.
T: w-what h-happened when s-she was t-transformed...?
T said in a slightly panicked and shaky tone while A soon looks up at T, but still didn't say a word.
T: Adrien! T-tell m-me... What h-happened... W-was she cataclysmed?!
T panicked as she soon felt a bit of tears slowly forming in her eyes. A stared at T as he slowly started to speak up.
A: s-she...
A said in a shaky tone while his tears soon dripped more, causing him to put his hand on his eyes and sob. As his hand was on his eyes and his elbow was on his lap, making him to slightly lean down while T stared at him in silence while tears drips on her eyes.
A: s-she... W-was... I'm s-so s-sorry, Tikki...!
A said in a shaky and devastated tone while A soon sobbed louder in tears while his hand was full off tears as T soon froze in disbelief and tears, as she turns away from A, making P to be shocked and worried for both of T and A, who were both devastated and broken about this situation.
P: T-tikki... K-kid...
P looks at T and A in worry while not yet sure, who to comfort first. He looked at A who was sobbing in guilt and T, who was devastated and broken about M, while P, himself, was worried about the possibility of a loss of another guardian and miraculous holder of one of the most precious jewel of all of the miraculouses and because of losing a friend of his. P sighs and looks down on the ground while all the three of them were all unsure of what to do next and what the future awaits for them. While the three of them were all quiet P and T soon sensed another person going near them, making them to fly inside A's pocket again. The person soon approached A, who was still slightly sobbing and leaning on his hand, which was still on his eyes.
Dr: sir?
Dr calls out for A as he slightly taps his shoulder. A soon felt the touch of Dr and soon looks up at Dr and removes his hand from his eyes with a bit of tears.
A: o-oh... Uhm, y-yes?
A said in a slightly low tone as he soon wipes off his tears.
Dr: well, Ms. Dupain-Cheng is stable... For now but she is still at risk.
Dr said in a unsure tone while A just sighs.
A: oh...
A said in a low tone as he slightly wipes off the remaing tears in his face.
Dr: but the good news is you can visit her now, but there are only limited visiting hours.
A soon slightly lits up after hearing that he can see M now.
A: oh thank you... But is she awake?
A said in a low curious tone.
Dr: not yet, but she will soon.
Dr said in a reassuring tone that slightly help A calm down for a bit.
A: oh, alright... Thank you again...
A said in a low tone while still feeling worried and guilty about what happened.
Dr: no problem, sir. Her room is 215 at the second floor, but before that.
Dr then takes out his clipboard and handed it out to A.
Dr: are you her guardian? If so, can you please fill this form for her?
Dr said as he was holding the clipboard in front of A.
A: well... Not really... But I can call her parents.
Dr looks at A and nods.
Dr: well, that will be better.
Dr soon puts down his clipboard while A soon took out his phone to call M's parents. After a while they soon answered the phone, making A to start explaining the situation and about what happened, except the part of being cataclysmed and being Cn and Lb. He just said that he and M planned to meet up, and when they did M suddenly fainted, which M's parents believed. After telling M's parents about M being hospitalised. They soon ended the call and finished the conversation. A puts down his phone, as he soon faces Dr again.
A: they said they will be here soon.
Dr nods again at A.
Dr: alright then, and in the mean time you can visit her first.
A soon nods and soon began to walk away, leaving Dr. While he was walking on the halls of the hospital. He soon arrives at the elevator and pressed a button to go up to the second floor of the building. The elevator soon opens, revealing that there was no one inside and soon walks inside. As he enters in the elevator. It soon closes in front of him as he soon went to press the second floor button. As he waits for the elevator to arrive at the second floor. He then slightly opens his jacket to see P and T, who were on his pocket.
A: are you guys hungry?
A said in a low tone while P peeks up to him While T did not.
P: oh uhm... Just a little bit.
P said in a low tone while T kept quiet, which made A slight guilty again.
A: oh okay... How about you Tikki?
A asks T while T answered him in a slightly uninterested tone.
T: no... I'm fine...
T said in a low tone while A sighs.
A: okay... Then...
A then takes out some camembert and gives it to P while P slowly takes it.
P: thanks...
P said in a low tone.
A: no problem.
P then goes back down in A's pocket and soon splits the camembert in half.
P: here Tikki, let's share.
P hands out the camembert in front of T while T still did not take it.
T: I'm not hungry, Plagg... You can eat all. Its fine.
T sighs and soon looks away from P that made him to sigh as well in worry. After waiting for a few more seconds for the levator to arrive. It soon did. The elevator soon opens and A soon walked out of it as he soon began to look for M's assigned room. He looked to the left and to the right as he slowly began to get closer to the assigned room of M.
A: 213... 214... Aha! Here it is... 215.
A stopped walking, as he stares at the door. He sighs at first then soon hesitantly opens the door in front of him. He slowly opens the door, revealing M, who was still unconscious in the hospital bed. He sadly sighs and soon went up to M and closes the door behind him, as he sat beside a chair near the bed.
A: my lady...
A holds M's hand as he slightly strokes his finger on it. While suddenly P and T soon came out his pocket and flew beside A.
T: Marinette...
T said in a low tone as she soon flew up to M's bed and sat beside her pillow while M was still unconscious. T sadly sighs as she worriedly stares at her owner. P again looks at A and T in a uncertain way, thinking about how they are going to get through this.
P: thinking(what... Will we... Do now...? What about the us...? Who'll be the next guardian...? )
P sadly looks at A, who was staring at M as he continues to stroke M's hand, while P continues to have thoughts.
P: thinking(Adrien...? I mean it will be alright... I guess... But how about Tikki...?And everything else...?)
P looks at T, who was still next to M while still feeling slightly devastated, as he soon turned away from her and then turns to the window beside him, and soon saw Paris still slightly damaged, due to the akuma and because that Lb was not able to use her power to fix everything. P sighs and soon suddenly heard something, that slightly sound like a slight groan near him. He turns and looks in front of him and soon saw M slightly moving her eyes, which made all three of them to lit up with s bit of energy.
A: M-marinette?
A calls out M in a slightly low tone as he stares at her while T did the same. M slowly opens her eyes as she slightly struggled due to the bright light above her.
M: ugh..... Where am I...?
M slightly turns her head, making her see a slightly blurry vision of A and T, as it slowly clears up.
M: A-adrien...? T-tikki...? W-where are we? A-and why are w-we de-transform?
M slightly stuttered while A was just glad that she was alright. He then hugs her in happiness.
M: woah, woah! Calm down, I'm fine, kitty.
M said in a reassuring tone as she slightly pats A's back and soon looks at T, who was almost crying again.
T: M-mari...
T then flys up to M and hugs her cheek in relief while M hugs her back by holding T by her hand.
M: hey Tikki.
M slightly smiles at T, as she soon saw P from behind.
M: oh, hey Plagg.
M greets P while P slightly smiles.
P: hey Marinette... So, how are you feeling?
P said as he slightly flys closer to M while T and A soon broke off the hug.
M: well, a bit better... I guess?
M said ina slightly uncertain tone whiel A soon spoke up.
A: do still feel tired? Are you hungry? Are you okay? Can you breathe properly?
A asked M multiple questions, causing M to be slightly confused because of it.
M: uhm... Adrien, please calm down. I fine okay? There nothing else to worry about.
M said in a reasurring tone while A still felt worried.
A: but princess...
A said in a low tone.
M: kitty, I'm fine. Stop worrying!
M said in a slightly energetic tone, as she attempts to at least make A feel less worried about her.
A: well... Okay then... But-
A was soon interrupted by a knock at the door, causing him to pause.
M: who's that?
M said in a curious tone, as A soon stands up.
A: maybe it's your parents. I called them a few minutes ago. And kwamis go hide.
A said while the kwamis soon flew somewhere to hide while M was looking at him.
M: you called them?
M question A while A soon replies back to her.
A: well, yes. Just a sec I'll go get it.
A soon walked up to the door and soon opens it, revealing an unexpected guest, causing A to slightly widden his eyes in shock as he soon speaks in slight confusion.

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