Broken Part 33

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Tm was still hugging M as he lets out a few tears flow down to his chin that was on top of M's head, causing a bit of tears to go down M's hair while M continues to sob and cry. They both stayed like that for a few minutes, until a knock was soon heard. Tm looks up to the door and soon broke the hug, making M to look up at Tm while still slightly sobbing. Tm wipes off his few tears from his face.
Tm: I'll be back...
Tm said in a slightly low tone before he went up to the door, while M soon wipes off her tears. M soon took a deep breath, as Tm soon opens the door revealing Dr.
Dr: hello again, Mr. Dupain.
Dr greets Tm while slightly noticing his slightly puffy red eyes, but soon decided to ignore it.
Tm: oh, hello... What seems to be the problem, sir?
Tm asks Dr, as he saw A and N, who were still there.
Dr: well, first. May I come in?
Dr asks while, as he slightly peeks behind Tm while looking at M, who was had a slightly blank expression from behind Tm.
Tm: oh, of course. Come on in.
Tm moves a side the door, letting Dr come in the room, making A and N to follow behind Dr.
A: oh uh Mr. Dupain-Cheng, can me and Nino come in?
A said in curiosity while Tm almost forgot about them.
Tm: o-oh, right. Sure come in boys.
Tm soon lets A and N come in, making them see M, who had a blank expression on her face.
N: uhh dudette, you okay?
N looks at M with slight confused expression while M didn't say a word.
A: Marinette?
A calls out for M, but he still didn't received an answer from her.
Dr: Uhm, excuse me Ms. Marinette?
Dr calls out for M while she soon replies back.
M: oh uh, yes?
M looks at Dr, as she slightly wipes off the excess tears, trying to make it not too obvious to other peoples eyes, but not with one person. A stares at M in slight worry as he thought.
A: thinking(did she... Cry..?)
A thought to himself from behind Dr and Tm.
Dr: I'll be asking you a few questions regarding about your condition. Will that be alright?
Dr asks M while she soon suddenly felt panicked, but it did not leave her any other choice but to agree. M slightly looks at N for a second as she immediately looks away from him then back to Dr.
M: u-uh... I-it's fine...
M said in a hesitatant tone while Dr begins to ask questions.
Dr: do get more tired easily these days? Unlike your first few days of the diagnosis?
Dr asks M while N started to get slightly confused.
N: first diagnosis?
N looks to the side where A was.
N: dude, what first diagnosis? Doesn't that mean that dudette had been sick before?
N said in confusion while A was unsure of what he is going to say.
A: well... I guess.... We should just listen first...
A said in a low tone while N looks at him in confusion.
N: uhm... Okay...?
N soon looks away from A and looks back at M, who looked slightly nervous. As M soon replies back at Dr's question.
M: yes...
M said in a low tone while Dr soon proceeds with the next question.
Dr: I see... Another question... Do you cough up blood instead of phlegm?
Dr looks at M while N soon got shock.
N: w-wait... c-cough b-blood...?
N slightly stutters as he looks at M, who was avoiding eye contact with him by looking away from all of them, as she answers Dr's question.
M: y-yes...
M said in low tone, as she continues to look away from them.
Dr: hmm... Last question... Do you take your prescribed medication daily?
Dr looks at M while M was soon speechless.
M: I.... Don't...
M said in a low tone.
Dr: I... See... When did you last take it?
Dr asks M while expecting her to at least take one tablet since then.
M: .... I.... I never did....
M sighs while Dr was slightly surprised.
Dr: may I ask why?
Dr asks in curiosity while M replies back hesitantly.
M: I just... Didn't...
M said in a low tone while a tear drips down her cheek, after remembering what happened then and her mother. She soon wipes it off and looks up again at Dr, as she slightly peeked behind him, revealing worried and shocked faces behind Dr.
Dr: I see... But I would still highly recommend taking it once a day, even if your life span has reduced, it would still be better if you take it to prolong your life, but in maybe in less than 12 months...
M looks at Dr in slight surprise.
M: less than.... 12 months...?
M said in a low tone, as Dr soon replies back to her.
Dr: yes... Less than 12 months... If you take your medication that is... But if not... Well maybe less than 7-8 months...
M looks at Dr with a sad expression, as she slides her hand to her face to her forehead and hair as she looks down and slightly tears up, making Dr to look down and sigh.
Dr: I'm so sorry in advance...
Dr soon walks away from them and left the room. N then came closer to M with a sad and slightly disappointed expression while his head was slightly down.
N: w-were you sick...? B-but... Since when... Is it like...  The kind that...
N slightly looks up at M.
N: can never be cured....?
N said in a low sad tone while M slightly looks up, making her to slightly peek to N while her eyes were still full of tears. She stared at N for a moment then soon slightly looks away and nods without saying a single word.
N: what....
N said in a low tone as he soon felt disbelief, as he slightly looks down again while his eyes were closed. A few tears then started to come out, as he slightly push up his glasses and wipe off the few tears from his eyes. He soon removes his hand and soon looks behind him, revealing A, who has a slightly gloomy face on, but not surprised, which made him slightly sadder.
N: did you... Knew...?
N said in a low tone as he sadly looks at A while A was slightly looking down.
A: I'm sorry... Nino...
A said in a sad tone while a bit of tears started to form in his eyes.
N: g-guys.... Y-you know I hate h-hiding things from m-me...
N said in a slightly stuttering tone while he avoids more tears to come out of his eyes.
M: I-I'm sorry, N-nino.... I-i j-just....
M looks up to N while her eyes were slooking away from him while her hand was left on the side of her head.
M: ... I just... T-thought t-that.... W-when n-no one b-believe me a-about t-that lair... I-i s-shouldn't t-trust a-anyone e-else, except Adrien.... I-i didn't t-though t-that y-you would g-go a-against A-alya because o-of m-me....
M sobs as she slides her hand to her eyes instead while new tears soon started to form and drip down her cheeks as she sobs.
N: well...
N takes a deep breath and wipes of his remaining tears.
N: I-it was p-pretty though going against Alya... I was sad and not yet sure if it was the right decision but.... I still went on your side even if was hard for me, but I know that your harder on a harder path than me....
N looks at M with a slightly smile while M slowly looks at him.
M: thank... You... Nino...
M slightly smiles while some of the remaining tears were still on her face.
N: no prob dudette. You can always count on me!
N smiles at M while someone soon spoke up from behind.
A: I'm here too you know, and that's my girl!
A playfully whined while M giggled and N laughed while N went up to A and puts his arm around his nape again.
N: don't worry my dude. She's all yours, and besides. She's like a little sister to me, so you better not hurt her.
N slightly glared at A while A suddenly became slightly nervous.
A: geez! I never thought you can be scary.
A slightly gulped while N soon laughed at A's scared behaviour.
N: haha! Don't worry dude. Just treat your girl like a princess and you'll be fine!
N slightly chuckled while a small smirks peeks out of N while M and A both lightly blushed. A and M then slimple smiles at each other and laughs as well.
Tm: aww! You guys are adorable. I knew Adrien was perfect for my little girl.
Tm sweetly smiles while M soon blushed again in embarrassment.
M: d-dad!
M slightly yelled in embarrassment while A chuckled.
Tm: what?! It's true!
Tm slightly chuckled while M smiles at them as she watches all of them smiling and laughing together as she had a slightly sad thought.
M: thinking(Even though I'm going to be gone soon... I hoped they'll always be happily laughing and smiling without me...)
M sighs in slight hope as she sadly smiles while A soon made eye contact to her which made them smile at each other. After laughing and chatting with each other N soon decided to leave and go home, due to his parents and the time, leaving M, Tm and A at the room.
Tm: Adrien, aren't you going home yet? Your father must be waiting for you.
Tm said looks at A.
A: oh... But it's fine. My father can wait a bit longer.
A insisted to stay a bit more longer while Tm disagrees.
Tm: no no, I don't want to keep your father waiting and cause you any trouble, so it's better if you go home now, it's already pretty late anyways.
Tm insists A to go home, because he was a parent himself, he wouldn't want his child to come hope late nor make him wait for too long. A was first hesitatant, but doon just agrees with Tm, resulting him to have the decision to go home.
A: well... Okay then, Mr. Dupain.
A said ina slightly upset tone.
Tm: please, call me Tom instead.
Tm slightly smiles while A gave a slight smile back.
A: alright... Mr.- I mean! Tom. Thanks for letting me see Marinette.
Tm nods and smiles.
Tm: oh, it's not a big of a deal. You can always visit us anytime you want!
Tm smules widder while A felt less upset.
A: thank you, Tom!
A smiles widder as he soon says his farewells.
A: well then, bye Tom, bye Mari!
A slightly waves his hand goodbye while M waves back.
M: bye...
M said her farewell while A soon began to walk out and leaving M and Tm left, as M soon felt a bit sad after seeing A leaving, but suddenly heard footsteps in front of her and saw that A came back to her, which made her slightly confused, as A suddenly went up to her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek and soon immediately left after it, making both of them blush.
M: thinking(oh my.... Gosh...)
M thought to herself as she held her cheek, while A was proud and flustered of what he did.
A said in a ecstatic tone as he happily walk down the elevator and walk out the hospital in joy. As he unexpectedly saw a limousine, which was his ride home in front.
A: oh, that was fast.
A then soon entered in the limousine as it soon drove him home. While he was happily thinking about what happened. He did not noticed a familiar purplish black butterfly, which was an akuma cross paths with him, which will be then the only one thing that he will soon regret.

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