Broken Part 32

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A looks at the person with a slightly surprised expression, because he didn't thought that person would look for them.
A: Nino? Why are you here?
A said in slightly confused and surprised tone, as N soon waves at A while feeling a bit awkward.
N: hey dude... Well I came here to visit Marinette. It looks like I found the right room this time, hehe.
N slightly and awkwardly laughs, as he slightly tilts his head, making him see M behind A.
A: oh... But wait, how did you know that she was here and what happened to you? I didn't saw you ever since we last looked for Mari.
A question N while N soon looks back at A.
N: well, when we we're looking for Mari. I didn't get chance to call you guys, because my parents called me to go home. And I went to visit the bakery just an hour ago and asked dudette's dad about her, and he told me that she was at the hospital, so I came here with them.
N said while A soon understands everything he said.
A: ohhh. Well, since you came with them. Where are they?
A said in curious tone while n soon replies back to him.
N: oh, he's with Mari's doctor, filling up some kind of form.
N said while A soon replies back.
A: oh okay then, but what do mean by he-
A was soon interrupted by someone behind him.
M: Adrien, enough asking Nino questions. Just let him in already!
M said from behind while A slightly felt awkward and scratches his nape.
A: o-oh, right. Come in then, Nino.
A soon walks a side and lets N go through the door, as N soon waves at M with a slight smile.
N: hey dudette.
N greets M while she soon greets back to him.
M: hey Nino! Soo how have you been?
M questions N.
N: well I'm good. How about you?
M slightly smiles widder.
M: I'm fine. I guess...
M said in a slightly low tone as she slightly coughs a bit, causing A to feel slightly panicked again.
A: princess! Are you okay?!
A said in a slightly panicked tone as he soon walks up closer to M while N was slightly surprised of the nickname he heard from A.
N: "princess"?! Dude, are guys a thing?!
N said in joy as he hopes for a positive answer from them.
M: well... No, not yet.
M slightly blushed while A did the same.
N: oh really?!
N then went to A and places his arms around A's nape.
N: yo! My dude is finally growing up!
N teased A while A playfully rolls his eyes as he continues to slightly blush at the thought of it.
A: oh, shut up.
A slightly whines while N laughs and M giggles, making A to look at M and warmly smiles her.
N: haha! So when are you guys going to make it official? Are guys going to be official after dudette is out of the hospital?
N said curiously while slowly realises another thought as M and A's smile slightly fades.
N: come to think of it. Why was Marinette here in the first place?
N had the curious thought of asking, causing A to speak up, but in a slightly less energetic tone.
A: o-ohh, uh... We decided to meet up, and when we did Marinette suddenly fainted.
A said in a slightly less energetic tone as he made a white lie.
N: ohh, that's why. But why did you faint Mari?
N looks at M curiously while M suddenly became slightly nervous.
M: o-oh... U-uh... I-i was... Uhh-
M was soon interrupted by someone, who slightly yelled in worry.
Tm: Marinette! Are you okay, sweetie?
Tm soon ran up to M in worry while M slightly looks away.
M: h-hey... Dad...
M said in a low tone while avoiding eye contact with her father, causing Tm to sigh in worry.
Tm: Marinette... Look at me.
Tm said in a low and calm tone, as M sighs and looks at him with a slightly sad expression on.
Tm: thanks... Now, how are you feeling?
Tm said in a calming tone while M hesitantly answers him.
M: I... I'm fine, I guess...
M said in a unsure tone while Tm looks at M in a slightly unsure expression.
Tm: well... Uhm...
Tm looks behind him and looks at N and A, who were behind him.
Tm: can you boys excuse us for a moment?
Tm looks at both of N and A while N was still slightly confused, while A was not.
N: oh uh, sure?
N said in a uncertain tone as he looks at A.
A: yeah, sure.
A looks at N and nods while pretending not to know what their situation was.
Tm: thank you, boys.
Tm made a small smile while A and N soon went put the door and closes it behind them, while N was still confused.
N: what do you think are they going to talk about?
N said in curiosity while A still pretends to be clueless about what is happening.
A: I don't know either, but I think it's a... Family thing.
A said with a bit of hesitation while N agrees with his thought.
N: yeah, maybe.
N shakes off his thoughts about M while A internally sighs. Meanwhile with Tm and M.
Tm: well... Uhm... I talked to the doctor about your condition.
Tm said in a low tone while M slightly sits up from the bed.
M: what did they say?
M asks in curiosity while Tm sighs in hesitantion.
Tm: they said that... The cancer had... Uhm...
Tm was still hesitant about telling M about her condition.
M: had what?
M looks at Tm while still feeling a bit clueless about what he is going to say.
Tm: your cancer... Had... Grown into your h-heart...
Tm looks down as he slightly wipes the few tears in his eyes, while M suddenly became blank.
Tm: t-thay said that... Y-your life is m-more at r-risk now t-than before.... Y-you only have a few m-month l-left...
Tm said in a shaky tone while trying to stop himself from crying or even shed a single tear. M stayed blank and quiet, as she slowly spoke up in a liw tone.
M: I knew it... When I thought that everything will be a little bit better...
M looks down while a bit of tears started to form in her eyes.
Tm: M-marinette... I-it's not too late-
Tm paused after M suddenly interrupted him.
M: yes it is! I-i don't have a-any t-time a-anymore! E-everything w-will be... D-destroyed....
M said in a shaky and panicked tone while a few more tears started to drip down her cheeks as she thought to herself.
M: thinking(n-no no! Paris will be in d-danger! Who will fight with Chatnoir?! Who will defeat Shadowmoth?! Chatnoir can't fight him alone! I-i can't leave y-yet... I c-can't... They will be in danger... A-adrien... T-tikki... D-dad... M-mom... Wait... Mom!)
M soon realized something while Tm was staring at his daughter in worry and confusion about what she said by "destroyed".
Tm: sweetie, what do you mean by de-
Tm was again interrupted by M, who was all panicked.
M: w-where's m-mom?!
M said in panicked tone while Tm was slightly taken aback by her question, causing him to sigh.
Tm: oh... About that...
Tm slightly scratches his nape while M slowly gets more worried.
M: w-what?
M said ina slightly trembling tone while Tm was still slightly hesitant to answer her.
Tm: well... I... Don't know....
Tm slightly looks down while M gets more worried, confused and frustrated about this situation.
M: w-what do you mean you don't know?!! Where is mo-
M suddenly coughs, causing her to slightly have difficulty breathing properly.
Tm: Marinette please calm down! It's not healthy for you to get stressed.
Tm said in worry while M continues to cough, causong her to place her hand on her mouth while coughing. Her coughs continues, as it slightly gets louder, causing the expected to happen.
Tm: s-sweetie...
Tm went near her as he slightly pats M's back from behind as he worriedly sighs. M's rough and hard cough slowly soon stops, as she soon slowly looks at her hand, which she remove from her mouth, revealing a red blood stain on her hand. She looks at the blood on her hand and sighs, while Tm panicked.
Tm: oh dear! Not again...
Tm stops patting M's back and soon went on front of her, making him see that there was blood on M's hand, at the same a bit on her lips also.
Tm: oh...dear...
Tm then soon looked and searched around the room, while looking for any tissues, napkins or a towel to wipe off the blood off M. He soon entered the restroom. He soon saw a clean hand towel near the sink. He soon took it and gave it to M, which she accepted without a word. M soon took the hand towel and wipes off the blood from her hand to her mouth, as she slowly controls her breathing. After she slightly calms down Tm soon spoke up again.
Tm: are you feeling better now, Marinette?
Tm said in a low tone while M slowly answers back.
M:.... I-i... Guess... S-so....
M said in a uncertian tone as she slowly puts down the hand towel, while Tm himself was unsure about what he is going to say next.
Tm: well... Uhm... Marinette, can I ask you something?
Tm said in curiosity while M looks at him.
M: what is it... Dad.
M said in a sad tone while Tm looks at M.
Tm: how has been school...?
Tm said in a low tone while M was slightly surprised with his unexpected question.
M: o-oh... I-it's g-good... Why do you ask t-though?
M looks at her father with a slight of nervousness.
Tm: well, I was just wondering how you were doing for the past few days... And I noticed that Alya hasn't been coming over. Did something bad happened between you two?
Tm asks in curiosity while M soon tries to change the topic.
M: w-we're fine, dad! T-that doesn't really m-matter right now, r-right? Mom is more important right now...
M said with slight stutters while Tm was slightly confused.
Tm: I... Guess... So?
Tm was confused by her behaviour, but decided to just ignore it and sigh.
Tm: and enough of your mother, Marinette... We can look for her after you get discharged... We can't really do anything right now...
Tm said in a low tone whule expecting M to understand.
M: there is! There are plenty of things you could do! W-what if she is in d-danger?!! What if she's hurt?!-
Tm soon interrupted M while slightly feeling mad.
Tm: Marinette, that's enough already. I know that you're worried about your mother, but you're more important now.
Tm said in a slightly mad and serious tone while M soon had enough, causing her to yell unexpectedly.
M yelled in rage while a few tears forms in her eyes as she pants a bit. Tm soon got more mad causing him to just raise his voice, but not yell.
Tm: Marinette! Enough with those kind of thoughts of yours! You and your mother are both important! Not just her and not just you! BOTH OF YOU ARE!
Tm yelled in the last part, causing M to just look down and cry.
M: I-i d-don't c-care a-about m-myself... I-i j-just w-want m-mom t-to b-be s-safe...
M said in sobs and tears while Tm look at M in sorrow, causing him to tear up a bit also.
Tm: I'm s-sorry...
Tm soon walks up to M and hugs her from the side while M continues to cry and sobs while Tm sheds a few tears.

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