Broken Part 22

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A then looks at M with a slightly confused expression on his face.
A: why are you apoligizing?
A puts his hand on M's shoulder while M just kept on looking down.
M: it's that... I'm sorry about your mom and I'm sorry about what happened at school... I was just extremely sad that time... And I get it if you will hate-
A immediately interrupts M, making her pause and stop.
A: I don't hate you!
M was slightly flinched after, hearing A slightly yell, making A realize what he did. He removes his hand from M's shoulder.
A: I'm so sorry for shouting, Marinette. It's just... It's okay I'm not mad or anything and I get it... I sometimes get out of control too...
A said in a calm tone, making M slightly smile and feel relief in her shoulders.
M: r-really?
M said in a stuttering tone while A just smiled at her.
A: yes, yes. It's alright.
M's smile slightly widdens.
M: thank you...
A smiles at M in relief, after seeing that him and M were friends again. Both of them smiled at each other and soon a familiar voice was heard near them.
P: well, well, I see these two lovebirds are getting along again.
Both of M and A, looked away from each other and blushed and looked at the side and saw P and T near them.
A: P-plagg! Seriously!
A and M blushed while M was looking away and silently blushing also. T flew to M while feeling relief.
T: Mari! You're okay!
T went closer to M and hugs her on her cheek, making M hug back putting her hand on T.
M: yes, Tikki I'm okay.
M looks at her sweet kwami and smiles at her. M looked around then saw P, A's kwami.
M: oh hey! You must be Plagg, right?
M said while looking at P and lets go off her hand on T, making them break the hug.
P: yup! The one and only kwami of destruction.
P slightly bragged, making M slightly giggle. A watched them while feeling a bit jealous.
A: hey! I'm here too, you know.
A said in a childish tone, making both M and P look at him and M giggle at him.
M: aww! Is my kitty jealous?
M slightly teased A, making him slightly blush.
A: yes- I mean! No- I-i mean!-
A mumbles something.
A: m-maybe...
A blushed while slightly looking away from M, thinking that they didn't hear him. M slightly smirk and giggle at A.
M: aww! That so cute.
M playfully boops A's nose, making A blush more including herself but it was less obvious.
A: I-i u-uhh-
A said in a nervous, flustered and stuttering but someone suddenly interrupted him and went in between A and M.
P: okay, okay! Stop being so lovey dovey to each other. It's sounds so gross! Eww.
P whined while A playfully rolls his eyes.
A: seriously, plagg.
A thought for a second and had a bit of relief on his mind.
A: thinking(oh god, Plagg saved me from almost getting more embarrassed! Well, that's a first.)
P continues to whine infront of M and A while A just sighs while P was facing A.
P: kid, Give me my precious cheese already! I've been waiting for hours!
T sighs from behind and soon went near P.
T: Plagg, come on you already ate a cookie, and you're still hungry?
T said from beside P and P turns to face T.
P: sugarcube! You already know that THE almighty kwami of destruction should have a full stomach to fight against evil.
P slightly bragged while T rolls her eyes while feeling slightly annoyed at P.
T: the almighty kwami of destruction? Seriously Plagg. Just stop being so picky already!
T slightly got more annoyed than before but P just kept on whining.
P: no way!
P faces A again.
P: Adrienn, give me camembert!
A had enough of P's whining and decided to argue to P again but M unexpectedly spoke instead of him.
M: Plagg, stop whining at Adrien.
M slightly scolds him like talking to a little kid. P then turns around to face M.
P: but marinetteee!
P whined for the last time and M then stood up and decided to let him eat his precious cheese.
M: fine, fine, I'll check if there's any cheese left at the fridge downstairs.
After hearing that P immediately lits with joy and went infont to M with a happy expression because he will soon get his long awaited and beloved cheese.
P: you're the best!
P immediately hugs M for a bit and then lets go after.
P: Why didn't I get a kindhearted owner like you instead!
M slightly giggles while she slightly pets P's head.
M: oh, it's nothing Plagg, it's not that much to thank me though.
P dramatically gasps, making A rolls his eyes again because he knows where's this is going.
P: have you ever seen this kid treat me as well as you do?!
P said in a dramatic tone while A stood up and went close behind P.
P: he doesn't feed mee!
After P dramatically complains about his owner. He didn't yet notice that he was already behind him.
A: haha, very funny Plagg. Stop being so dramatic. It's not like you don't eat three rolls of cheese everyday.
A playfully rolls his eyes while P turns around to face A.
P: excuse you, I only ate two rolls of cheese today!
A face palms his face after feeling defeat in the argument between him and P. M giggles at them.
M: okay, okay, enough already you two. I'll get Plagg some cheese so that you'll be in peace.
M smiled at A and A smiles back feeling less defeat.
A: thank you so much, my lady- I mean! Marinette.
A slightly stutters while M just slightly smiled.
M: it's fine to call me my lady, as long as I can call you my kitty.
M sweetly smiles at A, making him blush.
A: of course you can!
A said in a cheerful tone while M slightly giggled.
M: okay then. I'll-
M paused and suddenly started to roughly and loudly cough while covering her mouth with her hand, making it soon slightly seek attention to the parents of M from downstairs and making A worry.
A: Marinette!
A went M and pats her back in worry while T suddenly froze. P looks at T from beside him in confusion.
P: uhmm, sugarcube? You oka-
P stopped after hearing something open. P looked to the side where he heard it and saw the door opening. He immediately flew away to hide not yet noticing that T didn't move an inch with him. P looks back and saw T still frozen
P: Tikki, What's wrong?!
P slightly whispered while T kept quiet. P looks back at the door and saw it opening widder. He slightly panicked and dragged T with him instead. While A was left with M.
A: were you sick?! Why didn't-
A paused after hearing the door open, making S and Tm enter the door in worry.
S: Marinette! Are you okay?!
S went to M and make her sit down on her bed.
S: Marinette, why didn't you drink your medication again?! Already told you to stop skipping it!
S slightly scolded M in worry while she continues to cough, making A confused and worried and thought for a second.
A: thinking(medication...?)
S slowly calms down and sighs.
S: Tom, can you get her medication and some water...
S said in a low tone while Tm nods and went out to get her medication. S stand up and went to M's bathroom to get her a towel because she knows what about to happen next. S soon went back with a white towel and soon gave it to M. M took it from S and soon used it to cover her mouth to cough instead. A just watched M in worry while she continues to cough and soon saw something red in her hand.
A: w-what's on her h-hand...?
A stutter in worry while S looks at him and soon looks back at M and sighs.
S: well, uhm...
S was unsure if M will be fine if she tells A about her condition but soon she didn't have to chance to say anything else because Tm soon arrived at M's room with medication and a glass of water.
Tm: here's the medication dear.
Tm went near S and M and gave the medication to S and soon continued to pat her back again.
S: okay now dear... Don't force yourself...
S said in a calm tone but actually worried in the inside.
M started to soon slowly stop coughing while all the blood that she coughed up was on the towel, that was once fully white but now there was stains and specks of red on it. M soon fully stopped and immediately folded the towel in half to hide the stains from showing.
S: are you alright now, dear?
S looks at M in worry while M was just quiet. S gives the medication to M, making her to just looked at it and sigh.
S: Marinette...
S slightly said in a angry and sad tone. M then looks away from the medication and looks at A.
M: A-adrien...
M said in a dry voice while feeling the pain in her throat from coughing. A looks at M while still feeling slightly confused and worried.
A: yes, Marinette?
M sighs and slightly looks away from A.
M: c-can you... G-go home right now...? I-i'll talk to you to tomorrow... I-it's already late anyways... Your dad might get worried...
M said in a dry and low voice while still looking away from A.
A: but...

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