Broken Part 19

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Cn summoned his power as he ran up to M and catches the akuma on time, in his hand, which had the cataclysm on. Cn's hand was just a blink away from M's face. The akuma on Cn's hand soon turned into fine dust and M's eyes widden in shock while suddenly something clicked on her mind but she didn't really pay that much attention to it.
M: C-chatnoir? Y-you're-
Cn immediately hugs M in worry while tears started form in his eyes.
Cn: I-i'm s-so s-sorry, I'm s-so s-sorry!
Cn said in loud sobs while the grip of the hug gets tighter.
M: hey... Hey... Calm down why are you apologising to me...?
M said in a low tone while trying to calm him down but it didn't work, he just kept on apologising to M nonstop while M was just hugging him back.
Cn: t-this a-all my f-fault... Y-you almost got a-akumatized b-because of m-me...
Cn said in a sobbing tone. M breaks the hug and looks at Cn with her bluebell eyes.
M: it wasn't your fault... And you have nothing to do with this... It's just my emotions, I just didn't control them properly...
M forced a small fake smile and slightly shakes her head because of a light headache.
Cn: but...
Cn looks down in guilt while M continues to comfort him.
M: this isn't your fault okay...?
M said in a low tone and wipes off his tears in his eyes by putting her hand on his cheek and wiping it with her thumb. Cn just sighs and looks up to M again.
Cn: I... Guess...
Cn said sadly and M slowly puts down her hand. They both stared at each other of a second and suddenly realized something, soon they both turned away form each other while feeling a bit embarrassed. They both secretly blushed from behind each other while having thoughts about what happend.
M: thinking(w-what j-just h-happend?!)
M slightly blushed from behind, which is happening to Cn right now.
Cn: thinking(w-why d-did I s-suddenly f-feel like t-this?!)
Both of M and Cn were flustered of each other and soon, there was an awkward silence between them. M looks up at Cn and soon had the courage to speak up again.
M: hey uhh... Chat- I mean Adrien- I-i mean...
M sighs and Cn looks up at M while the headache made a slight hit on her again but she just shakes it off.
M: I don't know what to call you anymore...
M slightly looks down while Cn slightly chuckled. M looks up again because she heard Cn chuckled.
M: what so funny?
M was slightly confused.
Cn: oh, I'm not laughing at you, my lady, it's just that-
Cn soon paused to realized what he said
Cn: I-i m-mean p-princess!
Cn immediately changed what he said but it was already to late. M already heard it, making her more shock.
M: my... Lady...?
M said in a shock tone after slowly realizing something.
Cn: w-wait Marinette I can ex-
Cn paused because M suddenly stood up with a blank face on.
M: so... You knew I was ladybug...?
M said in a low lifeless blank tone, making Cn a bit worried.
Cn: w-well yes... But-
Cn was interrupted by M, who looked at him with a blank expression while having a tear drip on her cheek.
Cn: w-wait is something wrong?
Cn stood up and held out his hand to put his hand on her cheek but M pushes his hand away before it could even come near her, making Cn slightly confused.
Cn: my lad-
Cn was again interrupted by M.
M: don't call me that...
M said in a blank tone while she was slightly shaking, trying to stop her tears from getting out.
Cn: h-huh? But my-
Cn was again stopped by M but this time she slightly yelled.
M: I s-said don't c-call me t-that!
M lets out a few tears because she couldn't held it that much longer, making a few tears drip down her eyes to her chin and a hit of pain suddenly waved in her head again, she then again ignored and turned around, about to walk away from Cn but Cn stopped her by holding her wrist.
Cn: w-wait w-what's g-going o-on? P-please tell m-me!
Cn was sad, worried and confused at the same time while M just said.
M: let go...
M said in a blank tone while not facing Cn and while slightly shaking her wrist, trying to loosen Cn's grip but it didn't work.
Cn: please, Marinette! Tell me what's bothering you, p-please!
Cn begged for M's response, thinking that it could maybe help him understand what's happening, so soon it did, kind of, but the response that Cn wanted was answered in a way that he didn't like. M soon lost it, making more tears go down her face. She slightly turns her head to look at Cn from behind her.
M: you want to know what's b-bothering me...?
M said in a slightly angry tone while tears continues to drip on her face.
Cn: y-yes...
Cn hesitatantly answers M while feeling slightly scared at what's happening and what's about to happen next. M suddenly forcefully pulls her arm from Cn's grip, making Cn lose grip of M and turns around to him with teary eyes.
Cn: M-mari I-
Cn was slightly nervous while M was slightly furious.
M: It's you...
M said in a low angry tone while more tears started to form in her eyes. After hearing that from M, Cn's heart broke into a millions pieces, he slightly trembles in shock and sadness while replying back with a slightly trembling tone.
Cn: m-me...?
M looked at Cn with sad and angry eyes.
M: yes... you...
M said angrily while feeling extremely sad in the inside.
Cn: b-but w-why m-me...?
M sighed with a bit of a shaky tone and said.
M: because...
M looks up at Cn and Cn looks back at her.
M: you never loved me...
As soon as Cn heard what she said, Cn got extremely confused about what she said but then soon immediately answered back.
Cn: what?! Of course I love you!
Cn said with a slight stutter.
M looks at Cn again with a slight glare on her eyes.
M: not as Marinette... Marinette is only a friend... R-right...?
M said in a lifeless blank tone and expression while slightly stuttering her words. Cn gets more and more worried as he saw M getting more broken.
Cn: what?! of course I love you as Marinette and as Ladybug!
Cn immediately answers M back but soon a beep was soon heard near him. Cn's ring soon started to beep, signaling that he only had 5 minutes left transformed as Cn but both of them just ignored it.
M yells in tears and anger. M slowly start to feel pain in her chest again while her voice slowly became low. Hard flashes of memories started to spark on her mind while she slightly walks backwards.
M: you only s-saved me from g-getting akumatized b-because you knew, who I-i w-was...
M continues what she was saying, even if she was in pain. She held her chest in tears while slowly tightens her grip.
M: after all t-those t-times as M-marinette b-being a p-patient, s-supportive, and g-good f-friend of A-adrien didn't paid off...
M breaks down on the floor while her hand was on her chest and while her other hand was on her head gripping on her hair while flashes of Chatblanc gave her a headache while Cn just became quiet after realizing what M did for him as A, he just stayed up standing still just watching M on the floor crying, having some thoughts.
Cn: thinking(w-why am I-i s-so o-oblivious and b-blind...)
Cn thought as a tear dripped on his cheek. He kneeled down next to M and hugs her from behind.
Cn: I'm s-so s-sorry, M-marinette... Please... F-forgive me...
Cn said as tears started to drip on his face while M was trying to push him away.
M: l-let g-go o-of m-me...
M slightly coughs while trying to get Cn to let go of her but it didn't work, and soon she just gave up and cried as the last minute of Cn's ring beeped, making a green flash slowly appear on his body and disappear, making him de-transformed back to A from behind M's back.
A: I'm sorry... Marinette... I should've been more aware of your feelings...
A and M soon became quiet again while M continued to cry while slowly stopping while A was still behind her silently letting out a few tears.
A: I love you... Marinette... And I'm so sorry for being so blind about your feelings... I-
A paused he felt M slightly leaning on him he looked at M, who was infront of him and saw that she wasn't responding, meaning only one thing for A.
A: d-did she f-faint?!
A panicked a bit and thought of calling the kwamis.
A: Plagg! And uhh ladybug's kwami!
A called P and Lb's kwami, who is T and they soon went to A.
P: what's wrong kid? And where's my cheese?
P looked around and saw M leaning on him.
P: what's with her?
P points at M.
A: no time for your cheese, Plagg! I think Marinette fainted!
A said panicking tone making both the kwamis shocked and worried, especially T.
T: what?!
T immediately went to M in worry.

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