Broken Part 11

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T: marinette?
T flies closer to M
T: are you crying?
T said worriedly
T: are you hurt?! Does it hurt that bad?! Do you feel sick?! Or-
T stopped and looks at M who had teary eyes and remembered what recently happened
T: is it... about... Alya...?
M started to cry more and felt the pain in her chest again; she held her chest while feeling the pain while sobbing
M: i-it h-hurts t-tikki everyone t-that i-i c-cared and l-loved turned a-against me... They h-hate me now...
T looks at M with sad eyes
T: marinette... They don't hate you!
T said in way to calm her down but didn't work
M: yes they do! F-first i lost my p-partner... A-and then the doctor said that i g-going to d-die... A-and n-now i e-even lost m-my b-bestfriend... Because of that liar... I have nothing left! Except for my parents...
T: and you still have adrien! Right?
T makes a small smile just to cheer up M
M: i guess... But what if he turns against me t-too...
M said while still having a bit of tears
T: he won't, i know adrien he will always be by your side, no matter what happens!
M smiles a bit and wipes of her tears
M: thanks for making feel better tikki, your the best kwami that i ever had!
M smiles, T smiles back at M
T: we should go back to your class now, miss bustier might get angry
M suddenly remembered that she had class ongoing right now
M: ah! I forgot that a had class right now! Come on tikki!
T went back to M's bag and M started to run to her class; she soon arrived while panting. Mb looks to the side where M was
Mb: marinette, why did you take so long?
Mb said while crossing arms while holding her book
M: i-i'm(pant)sorry that i(pant)took so long(pant)i- umm uhh... Got locked in the restroom! Y-yea i accidentally locked myself in... Hehe
M said nervously
Mb: okay... Then? Just be careful next time, okay?
M: yes miss
Mb went back to discussing, M walks back to her seat, while hearing a famailar voice behind her
Al: mumbles(another lie...)
Al rolls her eyes while her arms were crossed and scoffs, M heard what she said and got hurt, she felt like crying because of Al but she suddenly felt someone's hand on her shoulder, she looked to the side to see A
A: marinette, did you cry?
A said in a low tone while looking at M
M: o-oh uhh well
M stops and whispers to A
M: whispers(can we talk about this later...?)
M said in a slightly sad tone
A: whispers(sure)
A slightly smiles at M and blushed a bit because she was his lady. While they were having class A couldn't stop thinking about M
A: thinking(i wonder why my lady looks so blue? Is it because of alya? I hope i can cheer her up, i don't like seeing my lady of my dreams sad, i should apologize to her at patrol too... Maybe i'm the reason...)
A looks at M who was busy listening to Mb's lesson
A: thinking(wow.. I never knew that marinette was this beautiful...)
A kept on thinking about M and staring at her for almost the whole class but not until Mb noticed that A wasn't paying attention to class and just kept his eyes on M
Mb: adrien?
A didn't response because he was still mesmerised by M's beauty
Mb: uhm, adrien?
A still didn't respond, M turns to the side and looks at A
M: adrien?
A was still mesmerised by M's beauty
M: uhm adrien?
M waves her hand infront of A's face that made A snap off his thoughts
A: huh? O-oh hey what's up?
M slightly giggles that made A slightly confuse
A: what so funny?
M: adrien, miss bustier has been calling you for the past 2mins!
A: oh! Uhhh
A awkwardly stands up and turns to Mb while feeling embarrassed
A: y-yes, miss?
Mb: well, adrein are you done staring at marinette?
Chatter started to blow up(R: omg! Adrien is in love! K: the guy's in love! Haha! Ax: haha! Wow!) they all teased A not knowing that it was true, A and M blushed at each other
A: uhhh y-yes?
Mb chuckles because of A and M, she smiles
Mb: alright, alright you can sit down now just don't get distracted when your having class, okay?
A: y-yes miss
A sits down on his seat while still blushing
A: w-well uhm s-sorry for staring at you m-mari
A said nervously
M: n-no, no it's f-fine
M said nervously while looking to the side blushing
At the cafeteria
M was sitting alone in a table while looking at Al with N and L laughing and giggling she was watching them from a far
L: i know right? My mom and jagged stone are childhood best friends! Isn't that cool?
L lies
Al: really?! That's so cool
N: ohh! That why you where with him in japan, right?
N plays along with L
L: yea
L lies and fake chuckles, M rolls her eyes and mumbles
M: mumbles(there she goes again...)
L saw that M was watching them and thought of doing something
L: hey alya?
Al: yea lila?
Al said while eating her lunch but she stopped for a second just to talk to L
L: well i have been wanting to tell you this for a long time already
L lies
Al: what is it?
L: well i just want to tell you that, thank you for always being by my side while i was struggling with marinette's threats. I appreciate that you care for me, i know that a thank you isn't enough but i wish that i can repay you!
L lies while having a sweet act on
Al: you don't need to thank me lila i'm just doing what's right! And you dont need to pay me back on anything! Well except for one thing
Al said cheerfully while smiling
L: and what would that be?
Al: do want to be best friends?
As soon as L heard that, her evil grin was disguised with a fake smile, she saw that M heard everything and continued to play along, acting as if that she didn't noticed that M saw and heard everything that happend
L: really?! Can we?!
L makes a excited act
Al: yea!
Al smiles
L: of course! I would love too!
M's eyes widden because of shock and tears started to drip from her eyes but she kept it in, she sighs and turns away from them, she soon felt someone behind her, she turns around and saw A
M: oh hey adrien...
M said in a low tone while making a fake smile
A: did something happen?
A said worriedly, M hesitantly answers him
M: n-no...
A didn't believed what she said
A: marinette, you know you can tell me anything, right?
M didn't answer him. A sighs. M was still sad because, the fact that she saw her best friend, Al, who she thought, she was her real friend, turned against her
A: can i atleast sit with you? Please?
M: sure...
A lit up as soon as she agreed, and sat down beside her. A looked at her while she was looking down on the table
A: thinking(why si she-)
A stopped for a second because he heard laughing. He turned to the side where he saw Al, N and L laughing together
A: thinking(so... It was about alya...?)
A looks at M who was silent while trying to hide her tears from him
A: marinette...
A said in a sad worried tone and hugs her tightly, M was surprised because of the sudden behaviour of A
M: a-adrien?
M said in a low confused tone, M didn't hug back
A: marinette... I know your sad and i know that you don't want to tell me what's the reason why your sad... But i really want you to help you in any way i can because... You have been right beside my side for a long time, you have been the reason why i have been happy, your the reason why i can be myself, your the reason why... I'm still smiling even if i've been gone through a lot...
M started to blush about everything that A said about her, while still on the hug
A: i think it's time to repay you on everything you have done to me... So please can i help you in any way, like you did to me?
M made a slight smile because of A while still blushing
A: if you still don't want too, i'll-
A didn't have time to finish his sentence because M suddenly hugs him with a smile on her face
M: thank you, adrien, i'm glad to have a true friend like you
M had a wide smile on her face while hugging A tightly, A was shock for a second but he soon just smiled at her friend and love of his life, while with L and the others. L was laughing
L: i know right?! It was so funny!
L peeked on the side where M and A were, and saw that they were hugging, she angrily glared at M and started to clench her fist while looking at them, not noticing that Al was looking at her confusingly

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