Broken Part 15

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That mysterious person was glaring at them in jealously, and that person was none other than L. L glared at the two superheroes in digust, while feeling all jealous about them being a superhero while seeking attention to Paris and the world, not knowing that it was more harder than she thought
L: ugh, there goes ladybug and her sidekick cat
L said in a annoyed tone while rolling her eyes and while crossing her arms
L: ughh! It would feel so good to be noticed if you're a powerful and strong superhero! I should've been the one, who should've had hold of those miraculouses, not those wannabes!
L scoffed in jealousy. While L was looking at the two superheroes from a far while feeling annoyed about them. Her phone soon rang because someone was calling her. She takes out her phone and saw that it was Nt, who was calling her. She answers the call
L: in phone/oh! Hello again miss natalie!/
L made a fake cheerful tone
L: in phone/why did you call me? Did mr. Agreste told you to?/
L started to walk again to her house while her phone was still on her ear
Nt: in phone/yes, mr. Agreste did. He told me that he wanted you to go to the Agreste mansion in 20mins, starting now/
Nt said blankly on the phone call. L suddenly stops walking
L: in phone/oh, you mean right now?/
L said in a fake tone while thinking for a second
L: thinking(ughh! Seriously right now?! At night?! Ughh! This better be something important!)
L thought while being annoyed
L: in phone/sure! I'll be there in a flash!/
L fake chuckles while feeling a bit annoying about G making her go to him at night
Nt: in phone/mhm/
Nt said blankly and ends the call
L: ugh! That assistant is so rude! Why did Gabriel even made her his assistant! She is so annoying!
L said while being annoyed about Nt and G. L started walking to the opposite side the street of her house to go to the Agreste mansion. L soon arrived at the gates of the Agreste mansion 30 minutes later. She then pushed the button of the door bell, making a camera come out from above it. L makes a fake cheerful expression infront of the camera
L: hey miss Natalie! It's me lila!
L made a fake smile, and waves her hand
Nt: you're late...
Nt said blankly from the speaker and camera. The camera went back from where it came out of, and the gates started to open. L walked through the gates, and it slowly started to close again. L went to the door and knocked on it, as soon as L knocked on the door. Nt opened it
Nt: right this way, Ms. Rossi
Nt said blankly without even giving her a greeting, which made L a bit annoyed
L: thinking(rude...)
L thought for herself. Nt soon led the way to G's office, making L follow her. Nt knocks at G's office door
Nt: Mr. Agreste, Ms. Rossi is here
Nt said at the office door
G: let her in, Natalie
G said from inside the door. Nt opened the door and made L walk inside and closes it after, leaving G and L alone at his office. L looks at G who busy looking down on his tablet while sitting on his chair.
G: you're late Ms. Rossi
G said in a cold tone while still looking at his tablet and swiping on it
L: i'm so sorry for being late Mr. Agreste. There was a bit of traffic
L said in her normal tone and lies
G: hmm... Traffic? I see...
G said in a cold tone, and slowly looks up and puts down his tablet
G: well, is there any progress about the new akuma victim? It's seems like there isn't any new negative emotion coming in
G said coldly and looks at L blankly
L: well, I'm still thinking about a new plan to do it. My first plan didn't work as it was supposed to be
L said while thinking about M
L: thinking(that brat...)
G looks at L in a cold look while feeling a bit disappointed slightly shocked in L
G: i see this victim of yours seems... Different
G looks away from L and thought for a second and looks back at her
G: however, don't you think your plan is taking too long?
G crossed his armes
L: well, how about helping me?
L said in a bit of a annoyed tone
G: hmm, in what way may I ask?
L looks at G with a slight evil smirk on her face
L: how about giving me some powers? Like akumatizing me
L smirks widder and had already thought about a plan. G had uncertain thoughts about L's idea about akumatizing her
G: what's your plan? And how can I trust you?
G had doubts on L even though they already went this far. L just kept on smirking at G
L: trust me my plan will work
L said in a certain tone about her plan
G: hmm... I'm still not persuade with your plan
L just kept on smirking and kept on convincing G to agree with the plan, but not until G lost his patience. G stood up from his sit in a bit of anger
G: Ms Rossi, why do keep on insisting about this, even if i disagree with it!
G said with a bit of anger while slowly calming down
L: fine then. How about this, we'll both sign a contract to prove that we can both trust each other
L secretly puts her hands behind her back and crosses her fingers
L: so what do you think?
G was still not sure if he should trust her or not, because he knows that L was a liar but he didn't have a choice he needed help as much as possible to bring his wife back, so soon he just agreed with the contract
G: fine...
G takes out his phone and calls Nt, and she accepts the call
G: in phone /Natalie, get me a contract regarding Ms. Rossi and I/
G: in phone /yes/
G hangs up the call and puts down his phone
G: the contract will be here shortly
G said in his normal cold tone
L: great it's settled then
They soon heard knocking on the door
G: come in, Natalie
Nt opened the door and walked up to G while holding the contract
Nt: here, sir
Nt said while putting her hand out with contract on it. G takes it from Nt and secretly nods at her and she nods back at G without L noticing. Nt walked back out the door and closes it behind her. G signs the contract and hands it out to L
G: here is the contract, Ms. Rossi
G gives the contract and a pen to L
L: are going to keep your word after this?
L still had a bit of doubt about G
G: yes, yes i will...
G puts his hand behind his back while slightly moving the ring with his fingers
L: okay then
L signs the contract and gives it back to G, and G puts it down his desk
L: it will be interesting working with you, Mr. Agreste...
L takes out her hand to shake hands with G while her other hand was behind her back, that had her fingers crossed. G looks at L for a second before shaking his hand back with L
G: yes it will, indeed...
G and L stopped shaking hands
G: now that it is settled. Nooro, duusu dual metamorphosis
G transforms into Sm and takes out his cane. The top part of his cane started to open, making a akuma form and appear from the top part of the cane. L takes the pen from G's desk. The akuma from Sm's cane started to fly closer to L, and soon went in the pen, making the pen turn black and purple. A butterfly shaped figure started to appear on L's face
Sm: hello, Lila Rossi. We meet again
Sm made an evil grin
Sm: i will give you the power of volpina once again, but this time the illusions will be real. It will be so real that it could...
Sm grins widder
Sm: kill someone... So do we deal, Ms. Rossi?
Sm said in a evil confident tone
L: of course, Shadowmoth. I will glady accept your offer
A black shadow like cloud started to climb up her body making her transform into V
V: ahh, it feels so good to be back!
V said in a evil tone. V takes out her flute and started to play a note
V: mirage!
V summoned her power and pointed the flute to herself. She soon turned back to her normal form, but in disguise. L hid the pen in her pocket and faces Sm
Sm: now that your power is stronger than before, the illusions did also, if anyone touches the illusion it will not dissappear. Only you can get rid of it
L: great! Now that everything is settled, i should get going now
L waves her hand goodbye and left, leaving Sm alone in his office
Sm: nooro, duusu reverse morphosis
Sm de-transforms into G. G started to walk infront of the painting of his wife, and held out his hand on it while staring
G: soon, Emilie we'll be together again and... Happy again...

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