Broken Part 2

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M sighed
M: i didn't want you guys to worry because i always feel bad when you guys think it's always your fault....
M looked down on her feet feeling a bit bad, A hugs her, M was surprised but she hugs back
A: your such a great friend marinette
He whispered on her ear, M was a bit hurt because he is only his friend and nothing more than that but still smiled and blushed a a bit because of the hug. They hugged for 1 min but soon broke apart
M: w-well i s-should get going now
M still blushing
A: yea same
M: w-well bye
Turns around about to walk away but suddenly stopped, feels a sudden pain in her chest, hold her chest trying to endure the pain
M: thinking(ugh why does it hurt again?)
M was about to walk again
A: mari are you okay?
M stopped walking she hesitantly answered him
M: ... i-i'm fine...
M continued walking still holding her chest but she suddenly felt weaker and weaker every step she takes
A: marinette?
M: .....
She stopped and stood still
A: marinette is something wrong?
M: .....
M started getting dizzy
M: i-
M suddenly getting more dizzy she suddenly loses her balance making her about to fall but A catched her on time
A: marinette are you okay?! Were you sick?! I'm bringing u to the hospital right now-
M: a-adrien..
M said in a weak tone
A: yes marinette?
A said in a worried tone
M: can you take me home instead..?
M said weakly
A: but you're sick you should-
A got interrupted
M: can i just rest at home?
A was hesitant if she could just go home but he just soon agreed but he was still not sure if he said the right decision for her
A sighed
A: okay then let's go
M: w-what are you d-doing?
M said while blushing
A: what?
A said confusingly
M: why a-are u carrying m-me?
A didn't really realised that he was actually carrying her
A: o-oh s-sorry
A was lightly blushing same with M but M was a bit more obvious. A carefully puts M down
M: i-it's okay, w-well i should get going now, b-bye
M was about to leave
A: wait!- can i walk you home just in case?
M: can you- i mean if you want to you- i mean! S-sure why not!
M: mumbles(this is such a disaster!!!)
A: great lets go then!
They soon arrived at M's bakery and said their goodbyes to each other M goes in inside their bakery, the sound of the door made M's mom to turn around
S: welcome back sweetie! How was school?
M: hey mom! School was great!
M hugged her mom her mom hugs back and they both broke the hug after
M: hey mom?
S: yes?
M: where's dad i haven't seen him since this morning
S: oh your father was staying upstairs because he had a cold, so i told him to rest and leave the bakery to me while he gets some rest
M: oh okay i hope dad gets well soon
S: i hope so too
M: well i should-
M suddenly started roughly coughing
S: marinette are you okay?! Are you sick?!
M: m-mom i'm okay
M said in a weak and shaky voice she was still coughing none stop
S: maybe you should drink some warm tea to stop the cough a bit?
M: y-yea maybe, and mom don't worry maybe it's just a cold
S was worried because M was the person that doesn't really get sick easily
S: honey maybe it's the best if you skip school tomorrow and just stay at home and rest
M: but mom i dont want to skip school tomorrow, it's just a cold anyway!
S: still! You need to stay home and rest
M: but mom-
S: it's final marinette i'm going to tell your teacher later that you won't be attending school tomorrow and that's it!
M was a bit scared and just agreed
M: i'm going upstairs...
S sighed
M went upstairs and went to her desk and sat down and sighed
T: mari your mom was right you should just stay at home and rest
M: i guess...
M heard a knock at her door she stood up and opened it to see her mom holding a cup of tea for her
S: here sweetheart
S gives her the tea, M takes it
M: thanks mom
S: no problem sweetheart
S smiles at her daughter
S: oh and marinette?
M: yes mom?
S: i already asked for permission from your teacher that you won't be attending school tomorrow, and one of your classmates will be sending your school activities that you will miss tomorrow
M: oh okay
S: that's all i wanted to tell you, i will be downstairs if you need me okay?
M: yes mom
S left and went downstairs M closed her door and laid down her bed and stared at her ceiling until she fell asleep
T checked what time was it and she saw that it was already time for patrol with Cn
T: oh it's time for patrol, i should wake up mari
T flies to mari to wake her up
T: mari it's time for patrol
T said near her ear, M started to wake up she started to open her eyes slowly M sat up from her bed while rubbing her eyes
M: oh hey tikki
She said in a tired tone and yawns
T: hey mari it's time for patrol-
M started to cough she kept coughing and coughing until she felt something comming out of her mouth, M puts her hand on her mouth still coughing she took off her hand of her mouth and looked at her hand in shock
M: i-is this b-blood?
M said in a scared tone
T: mari?
T looked at mari slightly confused, T started getting closer to M to check what's wrong
T: mari, is everything ok-
She looks at what where M was staring at and was shocked
T: m-marinette why is there blood in your hand?!
T said in a shaky voice, T looked at M who still shock of what's happening
M: ......
T: mari maybe you should skip patrol too...
M ignored tikki and went to the bathroom to clean the blood off her hand while she was at her bathroom she looked down her sink with droplets of her blood and started to feel pain at her chest again M was panting heavily trying to control her breathing she was like that for 10 mins. When she was starting to breath normally she freshened up and went out the bathroom
T: mari! Are you okay?! Why was there blood on your hand?!
M: oh it was nothing tikki!
M made a fake smile
M: we should start patrol i don't want chatnoir waiting!
T: but how are going outside if you're sick?!
M ignored her questions and just said
M: tikki spots on!
M transformed into Lb and went to her balcony to swing to their meeting spot
At the meeting spot their was already someone waiting for Lb at the meeting spot, and that someone was Cn, Lb's partner, Cn was sitting at their meeting spot zoned out
Cn: thinking(does ladybug still need me? She doesn't really call me that much as before when there's a villian... Am i still useful to her..?)
He sighed
Cn: she isn't coming to patrol again isn't she?-
He was interrupted by a familiar voice
Lb: hey kitty!
Cn turned around to see Lb
Cn: hey ladybug
Lb was slightly confused
Lb: not calling me m'lady or bugaboo?
Cn: well it's not like u like it anyway...
Lb: i- 
Lb was a bit shocked bcz of his behaviour
Lb: chat is something-
started to cough like before but harder
Cn: ladybug are you okay?!
He went up closer to her and started pating her back trying to stop the coughing but it didn't stop, he started getting worried for her even if he is still mad at her, Lb just kept on coughing and coughing while Cn was trying to help her, she felt that there was something coming out of her mouth and that was none other than blood she felt her throat was sore and dry from coughing but she slowly stopped coughing thinking that it would be over she soon but she was wrong, her cough did stop but she soon felt dizzy and weak like before. Lb went silent bcz she was too weak to speak while still keeping her hand on her mouth
Cn: why were you coughing so much?! Ladybug were you sick?! Why did come to patrol if you were sick?! Are you okay?!
He said in a worried and panicked voice, he kept on asking questions again and again
Lb didn't answer any questions he asked. She slowly puts her hand down while making blood drip on the floor, while Cn was still asking questions he soon noticed that there was something on the floor
Cn: how long have you been sick?!-
Cn stopped because he noticed something
Cn: wait- what's that on your hand?-
Cn was about to grab her hand
Lb quickly hides it behind her back
Cn looks up in confusion

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