Broken Part 24

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M said in a bit of a shaky and sobbing voice while her mind was stuck with a certain memory that was continuously repeating.
M: N-no... Not a-again... N-no....
Tm went closer to her in worry.
Tm: Marinette, sweetie, please tells us what's wrong and c-calm down, please.
Tm said in worry while M steps back to slightly get away from Tm. She slightly puts her head down as she tightens her grip more in her hair while tears started to drip from her cheek and into the floor.
M: e-everything is h-hopeless... M-meaningless... U-useless...
M said in a sobbing tone while her head was still looking down on the floor, which made everyone worried, including the kwamis, who were hiding.
S: d-dear, are you alright?
S went closer and planned to hold her hand but instead. Before she could even go near her hand. It was already pushed away by M.
M: d-don't t-touch me... It's too late anyways...
M removes her hands from her hair, making her hair slightly messy and shakes her head while her eyes were tightly closed shut while her head was still down. M opens her eyes with tears still coming out and began to walk away from Tm and S and ignoring them.
S: w-where are you going...?
S said in worry while stuttering, making Tm worried as well.
Tm: M-marinette?
Tm said in worry while M just ignored both of her parents. She soon went to the door and opens it, making A slightly stumble and to be seen, that made M slightly surprised and also slightly glad to see him.
M: A-adrien...?
M said with a bit of confusion but it helped her slightly calm down while tears were still on her eyes.
A: M-marinette I-i can explain-
A was soon interrupted by M's parents, who came behind M.
S: A-adrien? What are you doing here?
S looks at A, who was on the floor, feeling a bit panicked.
A: well... Uhm...
A slightly looked behind the parents of M from the floor and soon saw T with P, who were peeking out near M's desk, making him slightly feel relieved.
A: oh, uh... I think I left something in Marinette's room. Will it be okay if I go inside again to get it?
A said with a bit of a panicked tone while trying to convince then to let him go inside M's room again.
S: well-
S was interrupted by M, who was still slightly angry and irritated by her parents, especially her mother.
M: sure.... Mom, dad leave.
M said in a slightly mad tone and wipes of her tears, making her parents feel bad and worried about M, especially S.
Tm: b-but-
Tm slightly stuttered while M just ignored him. S sighs in defeat, leaving her and Tm no choice but to follow her decision.
S: okay then...
S and Tm soon left M's room leaving A and M alone. M took a deep breath and looks up at A like nothing happened.
M: soo, Adrien, what did you left behind?
M said in her normal tone but it was slightly obvious that she was faking it. A soon stood up from the floor and looked at M while slightly feeling surprised and worried about her but soon played along with her.
A: oh... I left Plagg here. I only realized he was gone when I was almost home.
A slightly lied, making M just realize something.
M: oh, you should get Plagg now then.
M said in a slightly cheerfulish tone.
A: okay then...
A said in a slightly low tone.
M: oh, and by the way, Adrien?
A looks up at M in curiosity.
A: yes?
A replayed back to M.
M: when you were on the floor near the door... Did you hear any... Coughing...?
M said in curiosity while A slightly panicked at that moment.
A: well, uhm... No...
A lies to M, making her still feel slightly suspicious of A.
M: okay...
M then turned around and walked back in her room, making A follow her from behind. While both of them were walking. A took his third step and soon felt something under his shoe that felt small and slightly hard. He looked down on his foot and removes his foot from it and soon saw the pill of M's medication under.
A: hey, Marinette?
A said from behind M, who was on her desk, making the kwamis come out, who were surprisingly quiet. She turned around and looks at A who was looking down on the pill.
M: yes, Adrein?
M looks at what A's looking at. A bends down and picks up the pill and looks at it, making M to look at it as well.
A: is this yours....?
A looks up from the tablet and looks at M with a slightly worried face on his face while M had a blank face but was still slightly surprised.
M: no, it's not.
M lies, trying to pretend like she doesn't know anything about it. M soon turned away from A and went to get her phone from her bed, which was above them. She soon climbed up her bed and took her phone while A was still worried about her.
A: Marinette, stop lying I know that you know what this is...
A holds out the pill, which was on his hand while M walks down while her head was down while looking at her phone.
M: I don't know what that is.... Adrien.
M swipped and tapped on her phone while A slightly became mad.
A: Marinette, please... Stop pretending....
A said in a slightly low tone as M puts her hand down with her phone and looks at A, trying to act clueless.
M: I.... I am not pretending...
M said with a bit of stutter while trying to control herself. A slightly looks down in worry and rage but still managed to control his anger but not his sadness. The same feeling that felt like when he thought Lb, who is M, doesn't trust him.
A: Marinette.... Tell me truth....
A slightly stuttered while his other hand was clenching in a fist while trembling.
A: I... Don't want you to keep secrets from me... Like before... Please... My lady...
A tightly closes his eyes making a tear slightly peek out, making M to struggle with her emotions.
M: I-i am not keeping anything from you! I... I-i-i...
M looks down and lets out a tear from her eye while her grip on her phone gets more tighter. She immediately closes and cover her eyes with her other hand while tears continues to run down her cheeks and making her make a loud sob come out of her mouth. A looks up at M, who also have a bit of tears.
A: M-marinette?
A looks at M, who was sobbing and tearing up more, and soon A drops the pill in the floor and came near M and hugs her.
A: It's okay... It's okay...
A continued to hug M, who was sobbing and crying but soon the sobs are about to be replaced with something else like before.
M: A-a-adrien....
M said in sobs and tears while A was stroking her hair.
A: y-yes?
A said with a bit of a stutter while still feeling a bit worried and sad.
M: I... I-i have-
M soon paused and stopped after feeling an itchy feeling in her throat. The feeling of the itch soon turned into coughs as a replacement of her sobs, which made A more worried.
A: a-are you o-okay?!
A stopped stroking her hair and began to pats her back instead, thinking that it could maybe stop, but he was wrong. The coughs didn't stop nor did it became better it only became more rougher ever time she coughs again.
A: M-mari...
A said in worry while M was still coughing while her head was on A's shoulder. While A was constantly trying to convince himself that it would maybe be alright, but he then suddenly felt something cold and damp on him.
A: h-huh?
A took out his other arm and touched the cold and damp part on his back, which was close to his shoulder where M was laying her head on. And soon touched it and first felt something wet and soon saw something red on his other hand, making him look at his hand that was trembling in terror. His eyes widden in shock and terror while M slowly stops coughing, making her suddenly lean more on A, because of exhaustion from coughing and crying.
A: M-marinette...? Marinette?!
A said in a worried tone while he was looking at his hand that had blood on it in horror, thinking that M fainted again.
A: M-marin-
A stopped and paused after suddenly hearing her speak in a weak and dry voice.
M: A-adrien...
M said in a bit of a shaky tone.
A: M-marinette? Y-you're awake?
A hugs M tighter not caring about the blood stain on his hand yet.
A: thank goodness...
A said in a low tone while feeling relieved but still scared at the same time. M holds A's shoulders from behind while her other hand still had her phone on it.
M: d-don't worry.... I-I'm f-fine, kitty...
M slightly pats his shoulder while A kept quiet. After some time both of them soon calmed down and decided to break the hug and look at each other. A soon got a bit shock after seeing a bit of blood on her lips.
A: oh... Uhh... Marinette you have a bit of you know...
A pointed at his lips, making M realize what it was. She immediately tries to wipe it off but she keeps on wiping the wrong side.
A: oh uhm... It's still there... Let me get it for you.
A went near her and wipes it off using her thumb while he was slightly holding her cheek.
A: there, it's gone now.
A slightly back up and slightly smiled that made M to lightly blush.
A: do you... Feel better now?
A said just to make sure if M is feeling fine, which she replied back with a slight smile.
M: yes... I do, thank you... Adrein.
Both of them smiled at each other while M slowly had the courage to finally tell A the truth. M looks up at A and take a deep breath.
M: Adrien...

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