Broken Part 26

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The next day. M just woke up from her bed while still feeling a bit exhausted and tired even if it was the only day that she slept properly. She sat up from her bed and checked her phone for the time. Surprisingly she woke up pretty early than usual. She even woke up before her alarm even rang, making her think for a second.
M: thinking(well, that's new.)
M puts down her phone and soon saw T still sleeping on the small cushion on her side table. She slightly smiled at T but the smiled quickly vanished in a second. After remembering what happened yesterday, including the argument between her and A, just made her sigh and take a deep breath. She soon stood up and began to get ready for school. After finishing up showering, changing her clothes and taking her backpack and purse. As M was finishing up getting ready. T soon woke up from her sleep and looked at M feelinh slightly surprised. M looked up from her bag and saw T looking at her.
M: oh, you're awake. Well, morning...
M awkwardly greets T as she soon finished up getting ready. M took out her phone as she waits for T.
T: oh... Good morning, Marinette.
T made a slight smile for M while M was just busy looking down on her phone.
M: let's go, Tikki.
M said while still swiping and scrolling on her phone while T just sighs and went inside M's purse. After everything was set for school. M soon went downstairs from her room to her parents. While she was walking down the stairs. Eyes were already watching her as she was walking down.
S: good morning, sweetie.
S slightly smiled at her daughter but still felt guilty about yesterday.
Tm: morning, honey.
Tm smiled and waved from afar while holding his cup of coffee while keeping a smile on his face, acting like nothing happened. M blankly stared at them and greets them awkwardly.
M: morning...
M soon turned away from them and finally went downstairs and went past her parents to grab something to eat. She grabs a croissant from the plate on the table and began to walk to the door to leave to school.
S: wait! Aren't going to eat more than that?
S calmly questions M, gesturing her to eat something more than the crossiant she took, which M replied back blankly.
M: no, I'm fine.
M blankly answers S as she took a bite of her breakfast. M's answer was not clear, because she looked slightly distracted by something, and that was her thoughts. M was about to walk out the door again but she was suddenly stopped by S because S again suggests something for M for the last time.
S: w-wait, can't you atleast drink your medication?
S said desperately to M while M walked out the door while still feeling distracted at the same time, purposely ignoring S, leaving both of her parents. S watched M walk out and sighs while Tm, held her shoulder from behind.
Tm: maybe, she just needs a bit of time and space...
Tm slightly pats S's shoulder, trying to help S feel a bit of peace in mind, but it didn't really help her. She just sighs again and turns to Tm, making Tm to let go of her shoulder and look at S as well.
S: Tom... What are we going to do? We just can't leave out daughter like that forever. We need to do something...
S held the side of her forhead as she felt a slight migraine because of stress.
S: this is like the same expression of Adrien when he left home last night...
S said in a low tone and in worry while still holding the side of her forehead, as she remembered what what happened last night.
A sadly walks downstairs while both Tm and S were both extremely worried. S went up to A worriedly as she started asking questions.
S: what happened? Did she change her mind in anyway? Is she still coughing?
S straightly questions A as Tm soon went behind her.
Tm: honey, calm down.... Don't rush him.
Tm looks at A, who had a gloomy and hopelss face on. S takes a deep breath and looks at A again.
S: how did it go....?
S calmly questions A, which A answered back in a sad tone.
A: o-oh..... Uh....
A was uncertain about his answer to S and while the same time, lost the interest to talk about anything.
Tm: well... Adrien?
Tm kept his eyes on A, hoping that he would answer them positively, but his hope went down.
A: it... Didn't went well....
A sighs sadly and looks down as Tm and S suddenly got more worried about M.
Tm: w-what...? What happened...?
Tm said worriedly, waiting for A to reply back to him, but soon. A's phone started ringing, meaning that his father and Nt were making him come home. A sadly sighs and and looks at  M's parents once again.
A: I-I'll... Get going now.... Bye Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-cheng....
A slightly waves his hand goodbye and soon went out the bakery door to go home while still having a gloomy expression on.
(End of Flashback)
S sighs again as her grip on her head slightly clenched in a fist, feeling that her migraine was getting worse.
S: ugh... My head hurts...
S tightly closes her eyes while feeling the pain in her head getting slightly worse.
Tm: maybe you should stay in bed. All this commotions made you really stressed... You should rest today.
Tm suggests S, which S replied back, but in a slightly angry tone because her migraine was getting over her emotions.
S: yes, yes... I will, Tom.
S soon started to walk up to their room while still holding her head in pain. When she arrived at her and Tm's room she carefully lays down on the bed, as she close her eyes, trying to sleep in the pain. As S tried and tried to take a nap, her slumper was continuously blocked by the pain of  her head.
S: oh... Dear...
S said in a tired tone as she continue to feel pain. She groans in pain as she slightly massgaes her head, but it didn't work either. She soon stopped and continued to groan in pain, as negative emotions started to worsen. Leading it to be felt by someone. Someone, who can feel and tell any emotion of a person, including happiness, sadness and anger. With Sm, who was at his secret lair, keeping his eyes close and his head slightly down while trying to sense any strong negative emotion nearby.
Sm: I sense something...
Sm slightly tightens his eyes, trying to find where that emotion was. His eyes soon and immediately opnes up after finding that strong emotion.
Sm: I feel... The sense of sadness, irritation... And anger!
Sm smirks to himself in determination while having the thought of akumatizing the victim, but suddenly felt something even better for him.
Sm: hm... I see this emotion is still growing... Let's just wait a little bit more until it reach its limit... But wait...
Sm closes his eyes again, because he suddenly senses more emotions. He again immediately opens his eyes again.
Sm: there's another one!
Sm takes out his cane and leans it on his side table near him while hand takes out a fan which had white feathers on it. He pulls out a piece of feather from the fan and places it on the palm of his hand. He began to close it, making a dark purple and black aura to form in his hand. Sm opens up his hand, revealing the white feather to change into a different one. Sm soon made the purplish black feather fly away as Sm puts down his hand and takes his cane back.
Sm: fly away my evil amok and find the strongest negative emotion!
The feather soon flew out of the widow and began to fly away by the wind.
Sm smirks again as he watches it fly away while he fidgets his ring from his hand, where his hands were on top of the cane.
Sm: I guess, Ms. Rossi si pretty much useless now, but I'll not get rid of her powers... Yet.
Sm said as he continues to fidget his ring form his hand. Meanwhile with M, who just arrived at her classroom while some eyes her on her, except A, who was still gloomy and blank.
Al: well, well, well, if it isn't Ms. Liar.
Al said from her seat as M rolled her eyes and ignores Al and went to her seat, which was right next to A and infront of N. She sat down at her seat as she  slightly tilted her head to look at A in slight worry.
M: hey... Adrien?
M said in a low tone as she continues to stare at A. He soon turned and looks at M in a slightly blank face.
A: oh... Uh... Yes, Marinette...?
A said in a slightly nervous tone, since he still doesn't have enough of the courage to talk back to M, because of what happened last night.
M: can we talk... Somewhere more P-private...?
M slightly looks down while A looks up at her.
M: I-i know that it's kind of bad timing but... I really need to talk to you...
M said as she slightly fiddles with her fingers, expecting A to reject, as A suddenly and hesitantly answers her.
A: I... Uh well... S-sure... I guess... There's still time left before class even starts yet anyway.
M slightly looks up at A, feeling a bit surprised, but she didn't really show that much expression to it.
M: r-really...?
M looks at A as he nods at M. They both soon stood up and went out their classroom and went to the locker room to talk there instead. While they were on the locker room. There was a bit of an awkward silence with them, which was slightly difficult to start a conversation. One of them soon thought of speaking up or should I say both of them.
M and A: so...-
They both paused and looked at each other in shock, because they coincidentally said the same word at the same time, which made it slightly awkward and funny at the same time. M made small smile as she slightly giggled while A looks at her with a slight smile on his face.
M: so... Yeah... About what I'm going to tell you... I just want to apologize to you about last night...
M's small smile soon fades away as she sighs.
M: a-and, it's okay if you're still mad at me.... I-
M slightly stuttered as she was soon interrupted by A.
A: no, no, no, I'm not mad and you don't need to apologize either...
A sighs and looks at M again while still having his small smile on.
A: I get that... You just didn't want to worry anyone... Especially me... After all I'll maybe do the same if I had the same situation.
M looks at A and slightly smiles again at him.
M: r-really? B-but-
M stutters as she was interrupted again.
A: Marinette... It's fine.
M looks at A agin and sighs.
M: okay... Thank you... For understanding, kitty...
M warmly smile at A as she slowly went near him to hug him, but instead something unexpected happens. Due to her nature of being a clumsy person. She suddenly slipped on her own, causing her to lean on A and kiss him on the lips, which made both of them stunned.

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