Broken Part 14

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M: tikki... Can i go out for a bit...?
M said in a bit of a weak tone. T suddenly got worried about M. M looked at T. M, then thought that T would think that she might hurt herself again
M: don't worry tikki i won't hurt myself...
M said in a low tone while making a weak smile. T slowly smiles back and nods
T: just say the words!
T said trying to lit up the mood. M slightly smiles wider than before
M: tikki, spots on!
M transforms into Lb. Lb walked up to her balcony and started to swing from building to building until she arrived at the Eiffel Tower. After Lb arrived at the Eiffel Tower. She sat down and leaned her head against the side of the tower, and deeply sighs while looking at the night sky and the lights in Paris. While Lb was busy looking at the view. Two people were also busy. Busy looking for someone, and those two people were A and N. Both of them were looking for M, who was actually staying at the Eiffel Tower, but transformed as Lb
N: where could marinette be?! We've been looking for her for hours!
N said in a bit of a worried and tired tone and suddenly realized something
N: uhh hey.... Adrein, dude, don't you think she's just at home? I mean we're not that sure yet that she isn't, because the bakery was closed earlier than it was supposed to be. We just didn't have the chance to check
N said while looking at A, who had a worried look on his face
A: i... I don't know nino... But what if she is just home? But what if she isn't...? I-i... Dont know anymore...
A said in a tired tone, and sighs. A looks around for the last time while feeling all drained out of energy. When he started to looking around for the last time. Something suddenly caught his eyes at the Eiffel Tower. He took one step closer to at it and realized that it was M, but transformed as Lb. His eyes widden in shock, that made him lit up with energy
A: thinking(i finally found her!)
A thought while feeling relieved. N went to A and placed his hand on A's shoulder from behind. A looks to the side where N was
N: hey adrien. I think we should stop now... It's already late anyway. Our parents might get worried... We can just continue tomorrow...
N said in a low tone, while his hand was still on A's shoulder, still feeling worried about M
A: o-oh yea sure nino, but i think we won't be needing to look for mari tomorrow
A said while feeling relieved, making N slightly confused
N: huh? What do you mean we don't need to?
N removes his hand on A's shoulder, and A faces him
A: well... Uhh there could be a chance that marinette woud be coming to school tomorrow, r-right?
A was a bit nervous
N: but how are you so sure that she will?
N slightly raises his eyebrow
A: just... Trust me...
A said while making a small glimpse of the Eiffel Tower, where M/Lb was
N: uhm, okay then...?
N was still slightly confused, but he just soon shrugged it off
N: well... I'll get going now, bye adrien
N said before waving goodbye to A. A waves back at N. N soon started to walk away to his home, leaving A alone. A immediately hid somewhere, where no one could see him. He then lets plagg out of his jacket, who went infront of him
P: kid, what happened? Did you guys find marinette?
P said in a bit of a worried tone
A: yea we did. Well... I did. Nino doesn't know that i found her because she was at the Eiffel Tower
P looks at A confusingly
P: wait what? She was at the Eiffel Tower? But how?
P: thinking(why was she at the Eiffel Tower? She can't stay there... Unless...)
A looks at P nervously
A: o-oh uhmm a-about that... I u-uh know that she's l-ladybug...
A said nervously because he knew that he would be in trouble if he knew Lb's identity. P looks at A in shock
P: you... WHAT?! Since when?!
P said in a shocked tone
A: well u-uhm m-maybe a few days a-ago? Hehe...
A said nervously. He silently mumbles something, thinking that P won't hear him
A: mumbles(i'am so dead... )
P: good thing you know, kid
P said in a bit of an angry tone. P started to fly around will panicking
P: ughh! This is bad! This is REALLY BAD!
P said in a bit of yelling tone
P: tikki is going to kill me!!!
P said in a panicky tone while holding his head, still flying around. A just watched his kwami panick and yell about how T will kill him, but soon soon spoke while still feeling a bit nervous
A: w-well uhh maybe she would understand? I-i mean i-i didn't do it on p-purpose...
P stopped roaming around the air and looks at A with a bit of an annoyed glare
P: kid, you don't understand, who tikki is she does look sweet and soft in the outside, but she's sometimes terrifying! Even the sweetest kwami is  sometimes the most scary one! I'm so dead!!!
P said in a panicky tone. A looks at P and slightly gulps in fear
A: thinking(that makes two of us... My lady is going to be the end of me...)
A thought for a second
A: w-well uhm i think its t-time to go to her
A looks at his wrist, pretending to see what time is it
A: oh look! It's time for partol. Let's go p-plagg
A said a bit nervously. P looks at A with a blank expression while crossing his arms
P: seriously kid, it's not even-
P didn't have the chance to finished his sentence, because A said the transformation words
A: plagg, claws out!
P soon went inside the ring and disappeared, transforming A to Cn
Cn: well that should make him shut up for a bit
Cn takes out his baton
Cn: time to visit my lady...
Cn soon started to jump building to building to go the Eiffel Tower. With Lb, who was still on the Eiffel Tower while having deep thoughts about what recently happened
Lb: thinking(why does this keep on happening to me... Why are they suddenly going against me... Everyone i cared and... Loved turned against me... No one supported me... And the one i thought really supported me was a faker... Why would I even think that he would care?!)
Lb started to clench both of her fists on her lap in anger while tears slowly started to fill up in her eyes
Lb: thinking(i h-hate this! Why does it have to be me?! Why me?! What did i do to make this h-happen?! Why me?! W-why...?)
Lb's eyes started to fill up with more tears making it drip on her cheeks
Lb: W-WHY ME?!
Lb yelled in anger. She didn't know yet that she yelled it out loud and started panting a bit, feeling a bit of pain in her chest; she held her chest for a second and then lets go of it. Lb soon heard footstep coming closer to her. She turns her head around and sees Cn behind her with a worried look on
Lb: chatnoir? What are you doing here? It's not time for patrol yet
Lb slowly starts to calm down as soon as she saw Cn. She stands up and faces Cn
Cn: i know, i just came earlier...
Cn lies
Cn: and... Were you crying?
Cn said in a bit of a worried tone. Lb touched her face and realized that she still had tears on her face. She immediately wipes off her tears but still had puffy eyes from crying
Lb: w-what of course not! I didn't cry! Why would i?!
Lb said nervously. Cn looks at her with a guilty face on
Cn: my lady please... You can tell me... Right...?
Lb looks down at Cn with a frown on her face
Lb: i... I'm sorry chat but i can't... Even if i want to i can't... It's for the sake of our identities and Paris...
Cn looks at Lb with a concerned face on, and sighs. He held both of her hand and looks at her, making Lb look up at him as well
Cn: my lady... This isn't about our identies nor is it about Paris... This about you and your feelings. Telling anyone how you feel won't hurt anyone... Hiding it won't help you either...
Lb looks down and hesitantly answers him
Lb: but...
Lb was suddenly interrupted by Cn
Cn: i'm so sorry... Ladybug...
Lb looks up at Cn
Lb: what are you apologizing for?
Lb said in a low tone while being slightly confused. Cn sighs
Cn: well it's about what happened last patrol...
Cn slightly looks down
Lb: oh... But... Chatnoir you don't have to apologize... It was my fault in the first place... I should be the one apologizing to you...
Lb said in a sad tone while slowly letting go of Cn's hands
Lb: this wouldn't never happened if i just told you in the first place...
Lb soon felt tears form in her eyes. She tried to stop her self from crying, but it was already too late. Tears started to drip from her eyes. She immediately wipes off her tears and starts to cover her face with her hands
Lb: i-i don't e-even deserve to c-cry...
Lb said while slightly sobbing and while she was covering her face with her hands, still having tears in her face. Cn suddenly hugs her while having a bit of tears on his face, making Lb a bit shock about the sudden hug. Lb peeked out of her hands, still having tears in her face
Lb: c-chat?
Lb said in a bit of a stuttering tone
Cn: h-how could y-you say that! You deserve more than that! It wasn't y-your fault i-i was j-just being s-selfish a-about myself i-i never t-thought about your f-feelings... I-it's my fault...
Cn said in a shaky tone while tears started to slowly drip from his eyes. After Cn said all that Lb hugs him back, resulting for Cn to be a bit shock
Lb: c-chat s-stop s-saying t-that it was your f-fault...
Lb slowly hugs him tighter while more tears starts to flow from her eyes
Lb: p-please s-stop c-chat... I-i feel more of a b-burden t-to y-you... P-please...
Lb said while more sobs and tears come out. While they were having their moment. A mysterious person, who was just passing by from a far, then saw the two superheroes at the Eiffel Tower. That person had an angry grin on their face while clenching their fist

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