Broken Part 4

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M yawns while walking
T: are you still tired mari?
M: (yawns) yea just a bit
T: how long did you sleep?
M: maybe like 2 hours?
M yawns agains
T: oh
M soon arrived at school, she walked inside the classroom and sat down
Al wasn't looking at M because she was fixing her bag, she felt that someone sat beside her, she turned to see M
Al: girl? I though you weren't coming to class today, weren't you sick?
M: i'm okay now alya don't worry i'm (yawn) just a little tired...
M puts her head down her table
Al: girl-
Al was interrupted
C enters the classroom while Sb was holding her things
C: ugh ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! Sabrina! Where is my coffee?!
Sb: oh sorry chloe! Here!
Sb immediately gives C her coffee, C snatches the coffee from Sb, C takes small sip of the coffee, C immediately spits a bit of the coffee out
C: eww! What is this?!
C looks at Sb angrily
Sb: well uhm i-its a vanilla latte with 2 pumps of-
C: what! I specifically said 3 pumps!
Sb: but you said-
C: are you talking back at me?!-
C was interrupted
M lifted up her head from the table
M: ughhh chloe can you just shut up!
M said in a annoyed tone
C: ughh how dare you interrupted me dupain-cheng!
M: i should say the same thing!
C: ugh you're so annoying dupain-cheng can you just mind your own business!
M: how can i mind my own bussiness if you're the one disturbing me!
C: ughh! Another word from you and you'll be banned from this school!
M: pfff- sure go on
M said in a annoyed and confident tone
C: ughhh
C takes out her phone and called her dad
C: daddy! I want to you ban dupain-cheng from this school this instant!
C: what?! What do mean you can't?!
While with A in his car driving to school, he was exhausted because of what happend last night and has puffy eyes because of crying, he was feeling a bit cranky because of lack of sleep, A yawns, and P peeked out his bag a bit, A saw plagg and said
A: whispers (here's your cheese plagg...)
A said in a sleepy tone, he took out plagg cheese and gave it P without his driver noticing, P takes it and started to silently eat it, A sighed and yawned, A soon arrived at school and walked out the car door and closed it, he soon arrived at the classroom, where he heard someone arguing, he saw that it was M and C fighting
C yelled at her phone
C: ughh! This is ridiculous utterly ridiculous!
Al: chloe can you just leave?
C put her phone down and glares at them
A went in between them without them noticing
C: ughh shut up Césaire!
A: uhmm...? Guys?
The three of them looked at A
C: oh hey adrikins!
M rolls her eyes, C went to hug A on his neck, she was about kiss on the cheek but A pushed her away
A: chloe seriously...
A said in a bit of a annoyed tone
A: by the way why were you fighting?
C: ugh! This baker girl interrupted me while i was talking!
A: seriously chloe that's it?
C: what could there be any other reason adrikins!
A sighs and faces M
A: i'm so sorry about chloe, marinette
M: it's fine and besides you're not the one who's supposed be sorry
A smiles weakly
C: ugh! This is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!
C walks away to her seat with Sb
M: thank you so much madrien- i mean! Adrien hehe
M said nervously
A: no problem marinette
A went to his seat which is infront of M's seat, A was still a bit sad because of what happend yesterday, M noticed that
M: whispers (hey alya)
Al: whispers (yea?)
M: whispers (why does adrien look so sad today?)
Al: whispers (i have no idea, one way to find out!)
M: whispers(what do mean-)
A turns to the back to M and Al
A: hey guys, have seen nino?
M and Al stopped whispering
Al: oh i forgot to tell you guys that nino isn't coming today he's sick
A: oh okay i hope nino gets well soon
Al: yea same, oh and by the way adrien?
A: yea?
Al has a smirk on her face while looking at M
M: thinking(what is she planning to do)
Al: well mari was wondering if she could sit with you?
Al said while smirking at M
Al: right mari?
Al smiles innocently acting like she didn't do nothing wrong
M: w-well u-uhm no- i mean! That will be great!- i-i mean!- you're great!- i mean y-yea
A: oh sure no problem
M stands up awkwardly while awkwardly smiling at A, M took a step and suddenly loses her balance but she balanced herself on time but she was left on an awkward position
M: o-oh u-uhm, oops?
M stood up straight, A slightly laughed because of M's clumsy behaviour, M saw it and smiled, she sat down on N's seat and smiled at A, A smiled back at M that made M blushed a bit
M: hey uhm a-adrien can i ask you a question?
A: of course marinette! What is it about?
M: well-
Mb arrived at their classroom
Mb: goodmorning class!
Css: goodmorning miss bustier!
Mb: well class i have great news!
Chatter started to blow up (K: is class dimissed?! R: is their going to be a party?! That'll be so romantic! Mx: there is a 57.8% chance that there's a guest J: mumbles(is there a new student?))
Mb: you are pretty close max but she isn't a guest more like she is back! Now let's welcome lila rossi back!
L walks inside
L: hey everyone! Sorry that i came back so late! I'm just came back from japan with jagged stone  and met famous artists!
They were all amazed of L's "traveling" except for M, A and C, M rolls her eyes
C: ugh enough with your ridiculous lies liela!
Mb: chloe! Apologize to lila this instant!
C: ugh sorry that I won't believe in your lies!
Mb: chloe have some manners!
C: whatever!
L: it's alright miss i know that she didn't mean it
L lies again
Mb: thank you lila
Mb smiles and looks around, she saw that M was present
Mb: marinette? I though you weren't attending class today?
M stands up
M: well i'm not sick anymore, so i thought of coming to school today
Mb: are you sure you aren't sick anymore?
M: yes miss bustier
Mb wasn't still convinced about what M said
Mb: well okay then but tell me if you feel something okay?
M: yes miss bustier, and don't worry miss i'll be fine!
L sees that M was getting all the attention, she got annoyed,
M smiled and suddenly felt a slight pain in her chest
Mb: okay then
Mb smiles a bit
M: uhm miss can i go to the restroom for a moment?
Mb: sure, but hurry up class is about to start
M: yes miss
M went out of the classroom
L: thinking(now is my chance)
L had an evil grin on her face but it wasn't really that noticeable
L: miss can i go too? I feel nauseous from all the traveling
Mb: oh sure lila! Just make it quick class is about to start
L: i will miss
L walks out the classroom, A noticed that something was wrong with L so he decided to follow her
With M in the restroom
M was holding her chest while looking the mirror
M: thinking (not again...)
M took off her earrings so that tikki won't hear her she placed the earrings inside her bag, she went inside one of the restrooms and locks it, she started to cough roughly while blood was dripping down her mouth, while she was coughing she heard foot steps getting closer she unlocks the restroom door and quickly went out and started to wash away the blood from her hands and mouth, soon lila went inside and saw M near the sink
L: long time no see, marinette
L said acting sweet to her
M: cut the act lila!
M said in a bit of a dry voice, L goes back to her normal tone
L: okay then, i see that you're sick?
M: what are you talking about i'm not sick!
L: stop lying i know you're sick
M: wow! And that coming from you? Yea sure i am sick, sick of you!
L: ugh! You'll regret everything you said marinette! Look, i'll still give you a chance either you'll be with me or against me, now what's your final decision?
M: i will never be with a liar like you!
M was about to walk away but L pushes her against the wall making her fall down the floor
M: ouch!
L: i see that you're against me? Well then prepare for the worst! Marinette dupain-cheng! Oh and by the way stay away from MY adrien or else!

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