Broken Part 28

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The golden dragon then suddenly roared in rage, causing Q, who was above it to slightly lose balance over it.
Q: ugh! Stay still you infuriating dragon!
Q then suddenly stomped her hoove like foot on the dragon twice, making the dragon to suddenly change eye color to green and calm down, making Lb to be slightly stunned.
Lb: w-what, how-
Lb paused and stopped after hearing Q cutting her off.
Q then raises up her other hand and made Cn to fly up in the air and soon made him and Lb to be smashed on the wall, causing the wall to have a hole, where both Lb and Cn went through. Both of the heroes landed on the ground with a bit of bruises. Cn had minor bruises and scars on his face and body while Lb had more severity about her scars and bruises all over her. While both of the heroes slowly struggled to get up. Q soon left the school and began to fly around Paris with her golden dragon and continued to look for her daughter.
Q yelled as she continue to make other objects to get blown by the wind by her power and get broken and smashed. As Paris was being terrorized by Q. Cn finally stood up from the floor while Lb was still struggling.
Cn: m-my lady, are you alright?
Cn went to Lb and helped her to carefully get up from the floor as she slightly coughed for a second.
Lb: y-yes, yes, I'm fine...
Lb soon finally stands up thanks to Cn's help but suddenly heard a beeping sound from Cn's ring .
Lb: y-you should r-recharge first... I'll go by my own...
Lb said in a slightly weak voice as she tries to stay firm and still while Cn felt worried.
Cn: b-but-
Cn was soon interrupted by Lb because she already left to go after Q, resulting for Cn to sigh in worry as he thought for a second before going after Lb.
Cn: thinking(this isn't going to end well... Is it...?)
Cn then takes a deep breath and began to look for a place to hide and to re-charge.
Cn: ugh! Where can I hide?
Cn looked around and soon saw an alley way slightly far from him. He
extend his baton to get there faster. Cn soon arrived at the alley and by the time his ring beeped for the last time making him de-transform and a green light land on his hand, who was P.
A: ugh... I need to hurry... She might get more hurt.
A sighs and takes out a piece of camembert from his jacket and gave it to P, who was exhausted.
P: thanks.... Kid.
P takes the camembert and began to eat it.
A: hurry up, Plagg. We need to get back to Ladybug.
P then immediately finishes his cheese in one bite, making A feel slightly surprised that P listened to him.
P: happy now?
P said in a slightly cold tone.
A: well, yes... Let's transform then. Plagg, claws out!
A then began to transform into Cn and soon fully transform after.
Cn: time to get back!
Cn then began to jump to building to building as he soon started to get farther away to get to Lb. While with Q was still looking around to find M, as she continously terrorize Paris and yelling about her daughter. As Q was about to attck another civilian a connection suddenly sparks up to her. Sm's peacock connection with Q soon became active, making a bird like figure to appear on her face. Sm soon started to speak through the connection he had with Q.
Sm: Qilin, enough terrozing Paris and looking for your daughter and get back to those heroes to get their miraculouses!
Sm angrily commands Q while Q declines his order.
Q: I am not going back to those impudent heroes! Those jewels are just useless!
Q argued with Sm with the connection as Sm started to get more furious.
Sm yelled angrily while Q, continues to agrue back.
Q said angrily as a sudden strong grip started to be felt in her neck, making it feel like she was getting choked by Sm but by the connection between them.
Sm yelled as Q replies back at him with a struggling voice due to Sm chocking her.
Q: I-i w-will n-not f-follow o-order f-from y-you!
Q said as she continues to try and gasp for air.
After the golden dragon suddenly heard the command, it suddenly went down from the sky and suddenly went somewhere where they won't be seen. Meanwhile with the two heroes, who coincidentally just arrived at the same time.
Lb: you're back already?
Lb said in a slightly surprised tone.
Cn: well, I can't make, My Lady, wait for to long. Can I?
Cn said ina slightly flirty tone, causing for Lb to secretly blush.
Lb: y-yeah, yeah whatever.
Lb said while slightly stuttering making Cn to slightly chuckle and Lb to playfully roll her eyes. Both of them then started to look around, making Cn soon noticed something off.
Cn: wait, didn't we just saw her over there or am I just seeing things?
Cn looked around again but didn't see Q while Lb wondered about the sudden silence around them.
Lb: well... I saw it too... And why is it suddenly so quiet?
While Lb and Cn were confused of the sudden disappearance of Q and the silence. Cn soon sense something behind him, making him turn around and looks at something in surprise.
Cn yelled as he pushed Lb away from the flying helicopter, causing them both to be on the floor again. Both of them looks up and soon found the person their looking for or they didn't?
Q yelled as she began to again use her power to make big and small object to get blown by the wind to attack them.
Lb: never!
They both then began to dodge everything Q used to attack them, making Lb and Cn to begin to attack her aswell.
Lb: thinking(I'm sorry mom but you leave me no choice...)
Q then suddenly made a car to get blown by the wind by her power, making Cn to just jump up to avoid it while Lb jumped at it making her to step on it and just to make her get closer to Q, making her to swing her yoyo at Q to attack, but suddenly someone blocked her attack by hitting her yoyo, making Lb's attempt to attack Q fail. Lb looks up at the person who blocked her attack in shock as she started to fall down without noticing it herself, but luckily Cn immediately ran up to her and catched her on time.
Cn: My lady, are you okay?!
Cn said in worry while Lb was still stunned of what she saw.
Lb: s-she...-
Lb paused as the person who blocked her attack went infront of them and began to speak.
V: long time no see... Ladybug.
V evilly smirks at Lb.
Lb: Lila....?
Lb said in shock while Cn puts down Lb as he slowly began to get furious just by seeing V again.
V: it's Volpina!
V clears up her rightful "superhero" name or more likely her villain name that is more agreeable with other people. V evilly smirks again at Lb.
V: soo... How's life doing for you?
V slowly started to get closer to Lb, but suddenly Cn went in front of Lb, blocking V to get closer to Lb.
Cn: back off, Volpina.
Cn said in a slightly annoyed tone while V slightly backs away at Cn.
V: don't worry, Chatnoir, I won't to do anything to her.
V suddenly smirks at Cn, making him slightly feel confused.
V: but she will.
A sudden breeze was suddenly felt behind Cn, making him to turn around behind him. His eyes widden as he saw Lb on the dragon with Q, who was strangling Lb with her arm, making Cn to get more furious.
Q: I see that you're little bug is weaker than I thought!
Q evilly chuckled as Lb continues to struggle to get off her grip, because she still felt weak about being thrown on the wall and due to her condition. Cn then immediately takes out his baton out of anger and worry.
Cn swing his baton as it extends to hit Q, but it did not. Q dodges it by flying away from Cn while still having Lb as hostage.
Cn yelled in worry as he immediately started to extend his baton again to start to jump to building to building again to go after Lb and Q, but out of luck he lost track of both of them, making him stop and break down on one of the roof tops.
Cn: n-no... M-my lady...
Cn said in a hopeless tone as he suddenly thought the terrible possibilities of what could they done to her, but soon realized that it isn't a right time to still stop.
Cn: w-wait I-i can't stop now-
Cn suddenly paused after hearing steps and a voice from behind him.
V: oh come on, It's such a waste of time finding her.
Cn slightly peeked behind him while angrily glaring at V.
V: because she is well hidden especially for you.
V smirks while Cn just rolls his eyes in anger and annoyance while V had the thought of mocking Cn to make him more furious.
V: aww, I see that this little cat was abandoned now by his own owner or should I say his "lady".
V said in air quotes as she mocks Cn. Just by a few seconds, Cn, became furious again. He slowly tighten the grip of his hand on his baton as he stands up and turns around to face V, who was slightly laughing at Cn's miserable expression.
Cn: you're going to pay for this...
Cn then started to attack V first by swingging his baton but V dodges it effortlessly. V then began to jump away as Cn chased behind her.
Cn yelled as he continues to chase after V while attempting to attack her from behind. V peeked behind her while still running and jumping away from Cn and smirks.
V: thinking (everything is going as planned. Now for the next step.)
V thought and began to slow down from one of the roof tops to start a fight between them. Cn then jumped up to V to attack her but she suddenly grabs his bell from his collar and throws Cn down to the roof top below them, making Cn to struggle a bit to get up from the ground. V slightly bends down to Cn as she watches him struggle.
V: you know, It's useless to fight me for your little bug because you aren't sure....
V made a evilly creepy smile to Cn.
V: Maybe she's already dead.
V said in a devilish tone, making Cn have enough of V's behaviour.
Cn then clenches his fist and out of anger and frustration, he calls out his power.
Black auras then started to comeout of his hand, making V internally smirk.
V: thinking (finally!)
V thought to herself in delight.

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