Broken Part 36

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Sm was still hesitant about what he is about to say but soon he tightly closes his eyes for a second and soon opens it again. His face soon  changed into a serious expression, causing him to be cold again.
Sm: that is none of your concern, Ms. Rossi.
Sm said in a cold tone while his words were slightly hesitatant.
V: seriously?! How is it not my concern?! I've already gone this far! And now your saying I have no right?!
V said in annoyed tone while Sm tries to control himself.
Sm: let us just end this agreement, Volpina. Otherwise this won't end well.
Sm said in a slightly annoyed tone while V was still against his decision.
V: why are going to back down now?! Afterall the failures you had in the past. Why now?!
V groans in frustration while Sm sighs to calm himself a bit.
Sm: Ms. Rossi-
Sm said in a serious tone while V cuts him off.
V: what about Adrien?
Sm paused and suddenly became quiet, causing V to have an advantage. V slightly smirks as she continues to speak.
V: aren't you doing this for him?
V said in a sly tone while Sm was speechless as he slightly looks away.
Sm: don't bring my son into this.
Sm said in a serious tone while V kept on smirking.
V: why? Didn't you do all of this for your dear son? Don't want him to be happy?
V said in a sly persuading tone while Sm was still speechless and hesitant at the same time.
Sm: ..... He already accepted the fact that his mother is gone... What's the point?
Sm slightly looks down at his ring from the side as he slightly figids it.
V: does he seem happy about it? Have ever even made him happy yourself? What do you think made him like this? Or should I say.... Who?
V said in a persuasive tone as she soon heard yells near her again while Sm understands what or who V was referring to.
V: oh and by the way who's the person that weather girl is looking for?
V watches the buildings getting destroyed and while at the same time watching people getting terrified. Sm looks back up from looking at his ring.
Sm: hm... It's Chloe Bourgeois.
Sm said in a serious tone while V was not surprised.
V: that brat again?
V rolls her eyes as she looks around the city.
V: it seems like those so called heroes aren't here yet.
V said to Sm in the connection while Sm still had uncertain thoughts of the plan, causing him to be distracted.
V: uhm, hello?!
V said in a irritaed tone while Sm spoke up again.
Sm: let's just... End this, Lila. I won't be needing you anymore.
Sm said ina serious tone while he was about to raise his hand and snaps his fingers to remove all the akumatized object from both Sw and V, but suddenly someone went behind him in panick.
Nt: sir! Adrien is not in his room nor in any place in the mansion!
Sm puts down his hand and turns to face Nt in surprise.
Sm: what?! Didn't he went back to his room after we talked?!
Sm said in shock and worry while Nt was clueless herself.
Nt: I don't know! I just finished fixing Adrien's flight to Japan and went to his room and tell him but he wasn't there.
Nt said in worry while Sm was slightly unsure of what to do.
Sm: ugh! Call his drive-
Someone then interrupted Sm.
V: hey! How about I look for him?
V said through the connection, causing Sm to be frustrated at first.
Sm: Ms. Rossi, I already told you we are done with every plan and there is no need of your assistance.
Sm said in frustration while V secretly smirks.
V: oh come on! I'll just look for him and I'll tell you guys where he is and that's it. Don't you trust me?
V said in slightly slyish tone.
Sm: well first of all I don't trust you and second I won't let you lay a finger on him!
Sm said while V continues to smirk.
V: come on Mr. Agreste! I won't do anything to him, and besides if I wanted to hurt him, I would've done it a long time ago.
V said while Sm realize that V's words were true, kind of, but at the same time he was still unsure if it was a good decision to let V find his son, but then again he still has the main source of V's powers. He could take it away anytime he wants.
Sm: hm... Fine. If you do anything against what you've just said just now... You'll be dead.
Sm warns V while V smirks wider.
V: don't worry, Mr. Agreste. I promise you.
V secretly crosses her fingers behind her back.
V: he'll be just fine.
V smirks while Sm sighs. Their connection soon cuts off as Sm soon detransforms.
Sm: Nooroo, Duusu reverse morphosis....
He soon detransforms causing two kwamis to fly beside him, whowere exhausted.
G: let's just hope that Ms. Rossi will keep her word....
G takes a deep breath in worry, while both Nt and himself were quiet. Meanwhile with A, who was nearly at the hospital.
A: ugh.... Uhm... Can we go a little bit faster...? I- uhh... Need that thing that I left in the hospital, right now.
A said in a rush while the driver just nods. He looks outside the window and saw ice and snow all over Paris, causing him to be worried and panicked. While A was looking at the window in worry. An unexpected and sudden blizzard came in near the limousine, causing a giant iceberg to appear infront of them and making the limousine to crash on it.
Sw: ha! This limo is big enough to kill that brat!
Sw looks around and saw Le Grand Paris and smirks.
Sw: the forecast just changed, a blustery wind will be coming in! I advised everyone to stay indoors... Oops! Too late.
Sw then takes out her umbrella, causing a strong wind to blow at the limo and making A to immediately get out. A gets out and immediately opens the driver's door and yells out.
A then pulls the driver from the limousine and soon drags themselves away from the strong wind. At the same time when the limousine was blown to the hotel, who was owned by C's parents. A looks back at the broken limousine and soon saw that the hospital was near.
A: I need to hurry!
A slightly said in a low tone to himself, as he left the driver, who ran off as well. A ran and ran to the hospital, but suddenly saw a car fly up from above him, resulting for the car to land and crash into the hospital. A eyes widden in shock and worry as he felt some tears coming in, but tries to stop it.
A: n-no.... MARINETTE!
A then ran faster to the hospital and soon arrived inside, seeing that there was rubble everywhere from inside of it due to the crash. He quickly went to an elevator and pressed the button, but it did not lit up, meaning it was broken, due to the destruction.
A: oh come on!!!
He then ran to the stairs and started climbing up to it as he panicks.
A: please! Please! P-please be f-fine...!
A said in worry while he runs up the stairs in a hurry. His tears were kept inside in him, as he soon arrives at the second floor of the hospital. He came out from the door where the stairs were as he ran and looked around for M's room number.
A: 210! 212! 213! 14...! 215!!!
A then run to the room door and opens it, revealing that M was not inside, leading him to be confused and more worried.
A: w-what..... W-where is... -
A soon paused to the hard thumps as he immediately looks around the room instead to look for P.
A looks at the side table to the bed until he soon saw P still frozen.
A yells for P while P was quiet and still. A then immediately walked up to him in worry.
A: Plagg! Where's Marinette and Tikki?!!
A said in panick while P slowly looks at Ain a slightly blanl expression.
P: she's...
P was about to speak, but soon a hard thump was again heard, causing their surroundings to shake.
A: come on, Plagg!
A grabbed P and placed him in his pocket jacket and soon ran out if the room just the time it broke down. As he ran out the room he went back to the stairs and started to run down it.
A: Plagg, what happened when I left?!! Why isn't Marinette inside?!!
A said in a hurry as he was running back down  the stairs while P was still slightly frozen.
P: Marinette.... Left...
P said in a slightly hesitatant tone while A was slightly surprised.
A:  she left to safety, right?!! But why did you come with her?!!
A slightly yelled in a hurry as he soon arrives at the door of the ground floor. As he reaches out to the door knob. P spoke again.
P: no...
A paused and looks at P in confusion.
A: what? Then... Where is she?
A slowly puts down his hand from the knob.
P: she left.... Before the akumatization.... And...
P paused for a second because of his fear of what M said.
A: and...? Plagg... Sorry to rush you but  we need to fight the villian...
A looks at P in a concerned way. P sighs and looks at A.
P: she went to look for her mom...
A's eyes widden in shock as he became  more worried and scared for M.
A: what?! Why didn't you guys stop her?!
A said in worry while P still had a blank but worried expression on his face.
P: she didn't listen to neither of us... Even Tikki...
P sighs while A was still in shock.
P: just transform and find her already!
P slightly yelled.
A: y-yeah.... Plagg, claws out!
A soon transform and opens to the doror to go through it, making him to see that weren't any people anymore.
Cn: everyone's gone? Well I should hurry up for the other civilians and My lady.
Cn then went out the hospital and soon went out to extend his staff to looks around Paris.
Cn: everything is... Destroyed.... Grr! Shadowmoth... Your going to pay for this...
Cn continues to look around as he extends his staff, but soon something cold hits him.
Cn: ow!
Cn falls down the streets of Paris whcich were full of ice and snow.
Cn: brrr... That snow ball was so cold!
Cn turned infront him and soon saw Sw floeating in the sky while her umbrella was on her shoulder.
Sw: oh the little bug's cat finally arrived! Too bad that you took so long you should've joined her!
Sw swing her umbrella to Cn causing a slash of ice shards to fly to Cn. Cn jumped and dodged the shards, but one of it cuts his cheek.
Cn: ouch... Where is she?!
Cn yelled as he held his cheek and looks at the blood in his hand.
Sw: oh, she's just somewhere as chilly as Antarctica. Why? Wanna join her?
Sw said in a sly tone as she take out her umbrella again.
Sw: I will glady do it for you!
Sw blasted a strong wind like blizzard as Cn extends his staff to get away, leaving a giant iceberg infront with cold wind moving inside. Cn looks at the iceberg and became shocked and angry.
Cn rage but soon had the thought of fighting Sw would be a waste of time and it could lead M to be more in danger thn she is now.
Cn: thinking (ugh! I don't have time for this! I need to find her.)
Cn glares at Sw in anger.
Cn: your lucky this time...
Cn said in serious tone as he runs off and takes out his baton to track where  M or Lb at.
Sw: hey! Come back here. We haven't even started yet!
Sw blasts Cn's path with ice walls while he dodges and breaks it with his baton as Sw chases sfter him from behind.
Sw yells as Cn soon extends his baton to get away from Sw. After constantly turning to different routes. Sw soon lost track of Cn.
Sw: UGH!!!
Sw groaned in anger while she soon flew off to cause more chaos. Meanwhile with Cn, who was running and jumpimg roof to roof as he looks at his staff which had a tracker of Lb.
Cn: almost there... Wait why is it infront of-
Cn paused because he slipped from a from a roof and fell down an alley, causing him to have a rough and cold fall?
Cn: ugh....
Cn held his head in pain. He slowly stands up and takes his staff from the ground and looks at it.
Cn: wait.... It's... Infront of me....?
Cn looks slowly infront of him, casuing him to see the giant ice cube.
Cn: M-m-marinette...?
Cn slowly walks closer at first but soon runs up to it while tears started to form and anger rises.
Cn: L-ladybug....?
Cn went to the ice cube with was foggy and cold and soon wipes it with his hand, making the ice from inside visible. Hi eyes widden and tears fall after seeing Lb on the ground unconscious.
Cn: no.... N-no... NO! C-CATACLYSM!
Cn scratches the ice as the cataclysm broke the ice and the cold air comes out causing a cold breeze to be felt and Cn's hair to slightly flow. A million ice shards surrounded Lb as Cn rushed up to Lb and held her.
Cn: L-ladybug!!! LADYBUG! Wake up! P-please!! M-my l-lady!!!
Cn yelled in sorrow as he looks at Lb who was pale and cold.
Cn: w-wake u-up... P-please....
Cn hugs Lb tightly as he felt her body to be cold as ice.
Cn: w-wake u-up... P-please... Y-your the o-only one I-i h-have.... P-please.....
Cn's tears constantly drips down his cheeks while some on Lb's hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2022 ⏰

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