Broken Part 35

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Lb was now left in the cold floor of the ice, while her phone was left ringing, waiting for the other side of the call to be connected. Meanwhile with A, who just arrived at his mansion, feeling all happy as he daydreams about what happened just an hour ago. He soon gets out of the limousine and soon went straight to his room in joy.
A: this... Is... THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!
A said in joy, as he almost screamed like a happy kid. He soon jumps on his computer chair and places his sling bag beside his computer as he spins to face his computer and turns it on, showing the background if his screen that was the picture of his mother.
A: mom would've love Marinette....
A sadly smiles as he soon took the mouse and pressed an icon, causing a collage of Lb's photos to pop up. He stares at the pictures with love in his eyes while he dreamily sighs, while not yet remembering that he left something behind again. He made a smile full of pure love and happiness, but soon he was interrupted by something near him, that was something like a buzzing sound. He soon looks away from his computer and soon drew his attention on the buzzing sound near him, that was somewhere inside his bag. He looks at his bag in curiosity and soon placed his hand in to reach his phone, as soon as he grabbed his phone out of his bag. A knock was soon heard by his door.
A: come in.
A said as he puts down his phone without looking at it leaving it ringing near his computer, and immediately turned off his computer, at the same minute someone soon entered.
Nt: hello Adrien.
N said in a formal tone, while A turned his chair to face Nt.
A: oh, hey Natalie. What's up?
A said in a slight estatic tone.
Nt: your father wants to talk to you.
Nt said in a serious tone while A was slightly surprised of the sudden call of his father, as his phone behind him kept on ringing, causing Nt herself to be curious.
Nt: Adrien, your phone is ringing.
Nt said in a serious tone.
A: oh uh, wait a sec.
A turned around his chair and took his phone.
A: oh it's Marinette! I'll be-
A was soon interrupted by Nt.
Nt: answer her later. Your father wants to talk to you urgently.
Nt said ina serious tone while A looks at his phone in a unsure expression.
A: but...
A said in a uncertain tone while his phone kept on ringing.
Nt: Adrien...
Nt said in a serious tine while A suddenly was panicked, but soon decided to answer M and call back after.
A: okay, okay. How about this? I'll just tell Marinette to call back?
A said in a panicked tone while sensing that the call will soon get cut off.
Nt: hmm... I guess it's fine-
A interrupted Nt in a hurry.
A: great!
A then pressed the answer icon as he soon placed his phone in his ear.
A: in call (hello?)
A calls out for M, as he didn't hear anything while M, who is Lb at the moment was still unconscious on the ice cold floor as A remain clueless.
A: in call (uhm, hello? Mari?)
A calls for M again while a sudden thunder was heard in the call and near him, causing him to be slightly confused.
A: woah! Why is there thunder?
A said in curiosity while no response was heard again, but he turned around to look at his window and whispers to himself.
A: whispering (a new akuma victim...? Already...?)
A whispered while Nt was getting impatient.
Nt: Adrien, call that person back later. Your father is waiting for you at his office.
Nt said in a serious tone while she began to become impatient.
A: o-oh uh, I will!
A said to Nt while he want back to the call and told M, who is Lb right now that he will be back.
A: I'll be right back, My - I mean! Mari! Bye.
A soon ends the call, causing the call from Lb's side to be now cut off as well, making it now useless. He slightly looks at his window again in worry, seeing that Sw was flying around the city and causing chaos everywhere.
A: thinking (ughh! There's another akuma. I better make this quick.)
A soon turns back to Nt with a slightly hurried feeling.
A: u-uh, let's go Natalie!
A said in a panicked tone as he soon rushed out the door, causing Nt to be slightly confused.
Nt: uhm... Alright... Follow me.
Nt soon led the way to G's office, making A to follow after her.
A: thinking (ugh... I hope this will be quick... I can't let my princess fight in that state! She'll get hurt!)
A thought to himself while both Nt and himself soon arrived at the office.
Nt: sir, Adrien is here.
Nt knocked at G's door while a respond was soon heard from the other side of the door.
G: let him in.
G said from the other side while Nt soon opens the door and lets A enter in it. G took a glance if A for a second and soon looks at Nt.
G: you may leave.
G commands Nt while She follows G and closes the door behind them. G looks back at A while A was simply curious about why his father called him for.
A: so... Father... Why did you call for me?
A said in curiosity while G soon answer him.
G: well, son, I was thinking of letting you stay at Japan for a while with Kagami.
G said in a cold tone while A was shock.
A: w-what?! Why?!
A said in a panicked tone while G sticks with his cold and straight face.
G: don't worry, Adrien, it is just temporary. I just want you to stay there for just a little while until I finish up something.
G slightly looks away and made a slight glance at his wife's painting while A was in shock and in slight anger.
A: huh?! What did it have to do with me?!
A said in a slightly annoyed tone while he tries to keep his temper low.
G: I just don't want any distractions! Why can't you understand?! This is for your own good and safety.
G said in a cold tone while not caring for A's thoughts and feelings about it.
A yells in anger and sadness while G was surprised of A's sudden outburst, which just him slightly furious.
G: Adrien! How dare you raise your voice at me! Is that how I taught you?!
G said in slight anger while A just became more mad.
A said in anger and sadness because of the thought of his mother, while G had enough.
G yelled in anger while A teared up because of the build up anger and sadness.
A: respect...? Can't you see all my life... I respected you.... Obeyed you... And even... T-trusted and believed you that... You would someday c-change... But I guess that won't ever happen to you...
A looks at G directly in the eyes in pure anger and disappointment while tears drips down in his cheeks, as G suddenly had a bit of guilt rushing in him.
G: I..... Son-
G was soon interrupted by A, who said something that he never thought he would tell him.
A: I hate you...
A said in tears as he soon walks out the office, leaving G alone inside with a bit of realization hitting him. A soon went in his room in tears as he looks at his window again.
A: w-wait... The akuma! I forgot about that!
A soon looked around to try and find P.
A: Plagg?
A looks around again amd takes his bag to check if P was inside.
A: Plagg? Where are you?!
A said in a hurry while he puts down his bag and looks around his room.
A: Plagg! This isn't a good time to play hide and seek.
A looks up and down his room as he soon gave up and sits down his compiter chair again.
A: where is that kwami?!
A said in a panicked tone as he thinks of the possibilities where he is.
A: ugh! Where is he!
A thought and thought about where P is, whcih took him a few minutes to remember.
A: wait, Mari... The hospital! That's it! I left him there.
A then soon took his phone and immediately went out his room in a hurry while he tries to call back M again. He pressed call in his phone, making him soon place it on his ear while the call soon tries to connect at the other side.
A: come on, Mari! Pick up!
A said in a hurry while soon ran out of his room to go outside. He looked around him and soon saw the limousine parked near the gate. He ran up to the gate and slightly opens it to go through it and soon knocked on the window, causing the driver to open it.
A: hello! Uh, can you drive me back to the hospital? The one you picked me up from?
A said in ahurry and panic while the driver just simply agreed. A then opens the door and went in the limousine, as the driver soon began to drive, while A was still waiting for the call to be answered.
A: Marinette, pick up.
A said in panic while still waiting for the call to be answered. Meanwhile with G, who was left in his office sitting on his chair in a bit of frustration, causing his hand to be in his forehead, as he thought.
G: thinking (hm... Maybe I should stop this...-)
His thoughts was soon interrupted by someone who came inside his office.
Nt: sir, when will be sheduling Adrien's flight to Japan?
Nt said while she was holding a tablet, where she will shedule A's flight. G looks up to Nt.
G: Natalie... I think I have second thoughts about the plan...
G said in a slightly low tone while guilt was growing in him while Nt sighs.
Nt: Gabriel, it's up to you if you want Emily back or not.
Nt puts down the tablet and made a slight smile.
Nt: I'll support you no matter what.
G looks at Nt with a not so noticable smile while his brooch suddenly flashes purple lights from it.
G: Volpina is calling for me. I'll be back.
G sighs and stood up and went to the painting of his wife, as he presses the buttons from it, causing him to go down his secret lair. He soon went near his window with a butterfly pattern and soon said the transform words.
G: Duusu, Nooroo dual metamorphosis.
G soon transform into Sm, making a butterfly like pattern appear in near his eyes, as he soon speak.
Sm: what is it, Volpina?
Sm said in a cold tone while V soon responded back with the connection between them.
V: why are you the one asking? Didn't you tell me to come back here?!
V said in a annoyed tone.
Sm: about that, it seems like I won't be needing you anymore, nor anything at all.
Sm said in a cold straight face while V was slightly surprised.
V: wait, your just going to give up like that? Well, that's so pathetic of you.
V said in a annoyed tone while Sm slightly rolls his eyes.
Sm: Volpina, this is my decision. If your not agreeing to it then too bad.
Sm agrues to V while he tries to control his anger.
V: why are you giving up so easily? Didn't you want your wife back?!
V attempts to persuade Sm with the plan, but Sm was still hesitant.
Sm: I.....

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