Broken Part 20

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T immediately flew to M in worry and went near her face and checks if something was wrong with her, and soon T sighs in relief after finding out that it was not that severe. T looks up to P and A with a calm but a bit worried smile and said.
T: she didn't faint.
P and A looks at T in confusion while P suddenly realized something and dramatically gasps at his thought about what happened with M.
P said in a panicked tone that made T go near him and hit his head with her small hand, that actually hurts for P.
P: ouch! Hey!
P held his head where T hit him.
T: of course she's not dead, stinky sock! She's just asleep!
A looks at T in with a slightly surprised expression while P just kept on holding his head.
A: wait, asleep? Why is she asleep? And how did you know that she was asleep?
A asked in curiosity and T went near him.
T: well, first of all maybe because she didn't really sleep that much and because she cried for a long time, and second I heard Mari slightly groan.
T looks at M again and sighs.
A: oh...
T looked at A and suggested something to him.
T: can you take her home, Adrien?
A looks at T and nods.
A: sure, not a problem, uhmmm?
T looks at A for a second and soon understands what happening.
T: oh! Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself.
T slightly flew higher in the air.
T: my name is Tikki, the kwami of creation and Ladybug's kwami.
A slightly smiles at T.
A: nice to meet you again, Tikki, and sorry if I forgot your name.
A said nervously while feeling a bit embarrassed.
T: it's alright. Now can you help Marinette home?
A made a small slight smile at T.
A: sure, Tikki.
A stands up and makes M lean on the wall while he slightly walks backwards.
A: Plagg, claw-
A was ready to transform back to Cn, who was already in position to transform, but soon he was stopped by P, who was right beside him.
P: hey, wait!
P called A making him look at P with a bit of a confused expression on his face.
A: is something wrong, Plagg?
P went next to T, who was infront of A.
P: seriously, kid.
P said in a bit of a annoyed tone because A forgot about something that was very important to him. A looks at P still feeling confused.
A: what?
P face palms his face with his tiny hand.
P: seriously! You dare to forget about feeding me my beloved cheese?!
P cutely crosses his arms while feeling annoyed at A, making A slightly chuckle at P's behaviour.
A: okay, okay Plagg sorry.
A checks his pockets if there's cheese for P but he didn't see anything.
A: oh, we're all out of cheese.
A looks at P and started to whine about his cheese.
P: oh come on!
P whined about his cheese while A just ignored P about complaining about his cheese. A looks at M and then thought of carrying her instead to her house.
A: well, I'll just carry her house instead then.
A went to M and carrys her in a bridal style position, making M lean on his chest, still sleeping as A started to blush.
A: w-well uhm kwamis, I think you guys should hide now.
Both the kwamis P and T soon hid in his jacket and soon A started to walk to M's house, without noticing someone was watching them from afar. That person was secretly watching everything but that person didn't hear everything. That person was the one and only L, the liar, faker and villian of the story. L just blankly stared at A carrying M from afar while a voice was heard in L's mind or in the illusion's mind. There was a communication between L, the illusion and V, the real L in civilian form. Everything that L, the illusion, heard and saw were also heard and seen by V. With V, who was in her house talking to the illusion, who she made.
V: in transmission/wait! Why is Adrien carrying that brat?!/
V groaned in anger while clenching her fist.
V: in transmission/ugh, you illusion! You should've have looked for a better spot to spy on them! And now I didn't even heard anything from them!/
V slightly yelled at the illusion while the illusion stayed expressionless.
L: my apologies, Volpina.
The illusion said in a emotionless tone while V hold her head withe her hand in frustration.
V: ugghh! Just forget it! We'll continue tomorrow, get back here right now!
V angrily demands the illusion to go back to her house. The illusion agreed and soon started to turn back to L's original personality, as if it is original, and started to walk to her house. Meanwhile with N, who was still looking for A and M, all over the school while slightly panicking.
N: why can't I find them anywhere?!
N said in a tired and worried tone.
N: ughh! What am I going to do now?! Where could they even be?!
N said in a annoyed tone.
N: ugh, Nino! Think seriously, dude!
N slightly hit his head and tried to think of some way to find them.
N: how can I even find a way to...
N suddenly thought of something that he didn't thought of doing before.
N: call them...
N soon realized the most easiest way to find them, and that by calling them.
N: wait... Why didn't I call Adrien before?
N facepalms his face and slides it down to his mouth after realizing it.
N: damn it... Why didn't I thought of that before.
N mumbles on his hand and soon puts it down and sighs while feeling a bit annoyed about his behaviour. N took out his phone and dials A's number to call him, he soon placed it on his ear and waits for A to accept the call. While with A, who was already in front of M's parents bakery. A went in the bakery door as the bells in the door started to ring, seeking attention to S, who was looking down in the counter and raises her head up after hearing the bakery door open.
S: how may I-
S looks up and saw her daughter and A, who was carrying her. S eyes widden and immediately went to A in worry.
S: oh my! What happened to Marinette?! Adrien what is going on?!
S panicked and soon she saw M slightly move because of S's yelling. S got confused and looks at A, making A slightly nervous.
A: well, uhm, Mrs. Dupain-Cheng can I first put her to her bed?
A said in a low tone to not wake up M. S nods and leads the ways to M's room. S slightly fixed her bed and A slowly puts M down to her bed while the kwamis quietly hide somewhere on M's room. A and S soon went downstairs and left M on her room sleeping with the kwamis there hiding. S sat down on the sofa in the living room.
S: take a seat, Adrien.
A went to the sat down and faces S, who was still confused and worried about what's happening.
S: so, Adrien care to explain what's happening?
A took deep breath and soon started explained what happened to M except the part where he and M fought a bit and about his identity being Cn. S gasps in shock after hearing everything that happening, even if some were covered with lies to protect their identities.
S: oh dear! She almost got akumatized?!
A sadly looks down and sighs.
A: yes... She did...
Someone then gasps after from the side, making them turn to the side to see Tm in worry and shock.
Tm: Marinette almost got akumatized..?
Tm said in a low in worry while small tears started tp form.
Tm: where is she?!
S stood up and went to Tm to calm him down.
S: honey, calm down Marinette is sleeping in her room and she didn't get akumatized. Well, she almost did but Adrien saved her.
Tm sighs in relief and looks at A. He gave A a slight smile and A smiles back.
Tm: thank you... Adrien... For saving our daughter...
A sweetly smiles back at Tm.
A: no problem, Mr. Dupain-cheng.
Tm calms down and went to the sofa and sat down.
Tm: how about we have a little talk?
A suddenly got nervous, feeling like as if he was meeting with his father-in-law.
A: o-oh sure Mr. D-dupain-Cheng.
A slightly stutters while feeling nervous. Tm soon noticed A stutter in nervousness, he soon chuckled at A's behaviour.
Tm: oh, don't worry, son I won't be testing you on anything.
Tm secretly mumbles something without A hearing it.
Tm: not yet...
After hearing that A slightly calms down but he was still nervous.
A: oh, o-okay, Mr. Dupain-cheng.
Tm slightly chuckled again.
Tm: please, call me Tom.
A finally calms down after hearing that Tm kind of  accepting him.
Tm: I just have one question for you.
A answers Tm without feeling nervous.
A: sure what is it?
Tm looks at A.
Tm: do you have... Any feeling for my daughter?
A's eyes slightly widdens while he became nervous again.
A: u-uhhh...

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