Broken Part 17

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That person sadly sighs while still staring at M and Lk, who were laughing at each others jokes.
A: she... Seems happier...
A said to himself in a sad tone and started to sadly walk to his class alone. A sat down on his seat, which was his old seat next to N with a sad face on while thinking about what happened last night with Lb.
Lb turns around.
Cn: w-wait-
Cn didn't have the chance to stop her because she already started swinging home. Cn sighs and sadly watches Lb swing away, leaving him alone.
Cn: i guess I'm alone... Again...
Cn took out his baton and checked what time it is, and saw that it was already time for patrol.
Cn: let's just get this over with...
Cn said in a low sad tone. He started to extend his baton and started jumping, building to building to patrol. After an hour of patrolling alone at night. Cn decided not go home yet and stay at the Eiffel Tower to think.
Cn: thinking(she still hates me... Doesn't she...)
Cn sighs and just stared at the view of the night sky and Paris.
Cn: the night looks beautiful today...
Cn tries to slightly smile to hide his sadness.
Cn: thinking(just like her...)
Cn stayed at the Eiffel Tower for an hour and soon decided to go back home.
Cn: maybe I should go home now. I think plagg is already hungry... Well, he always is.
Cn stood up and takes his baton out. He extends it and started to jump home. When he arrived on one of the roofs near his house. He first looked around for a second and saw someone getting inside a limo.
Cn: was there a guest?
Cn thought for a second and soon realized that there could be a chance that his father would have been looking for him.
Cn: Oh no! I hope father didn't look for me.
Cn slightly panicked and started to quietly go inside his room through his window. Cn said his de-transformation words in a low tone to not get caught.
Cn: claws in.
Cn soon de-transforms back into A.
A: phew! Father didn't look for me...
A said in a whispering tone and suddenly got sad at the thought of his father, who was always too busy with his "work" thta he couldn't ecen talk to his own son. A sighs, and P soon flew to him.
P: adrien give me my camembert!
P said in a tired and irrated tone because he was transformed for too long.
A: fine... Go to the cheese cabine.
A said in a bit a annoyed tone. P lits up with energy and quickly flew in his cheese cabine.
P: my sweet cheese!
P said happily from inside the cheese cabine. A slightly shakes his head because of his silly kwami and sighs. A then freshened up, and went to his bed and alid down.
A: thinking(will she ignore me as Chatnoir...? I guess she will... But what if I talk with her as Adrien? No no, if I talk to her as Adrien and talk about what happened, she'll be suspicious of me being Chatnoir! Ughh, she'll hate me more!)
A was slightly panicking internally. A took his pillow and smashes it on his face.
A: I'm such an idiot...
A mumbled in his pillow.
(End of Flashback)
A sighs, and mumbles something.
A: I'm an idiot...
A puts his head on his table while feeling hopeless. With M and Lk, who were still outside, giggling and laughing together.
M: oh! By the way Luka.
Lk looks at M and stops laughing.
Lk: yes, mari?
M: why were you here in the first place? Were you just passing by?
M looks at Lk in curiosity.
Lk: oh, I drove Juleka here.
M: ohh, makes sense!
M said in a happy tone. M was way to happy to realize what she was about to say next.
M: thanks for cheering me up-
M quickly realized what she said and started to change the topic.
M: I-i mean was just happy v-very happy! I-i wasn't sad!
M immediately looks around, thinking of a way to change the topic of their conversation.
M: O-oh look a plane!-
M pointed at a nearby tree and soon realized she said something wrong again.
M: I mean! B-bird... Hehe...
M said nervously and slightly scratches her neck from behind in awkwardness. Lk looks at M with small frown.
Lk: marinette... I already know something is wrong, you don't need to hide it.
Lk crosses his arms.
Lk: now, tell me what's wrong...
M's bright smile slowly faded and puts down her hand from her neck from behind and M sighs.
M: I... Can't tell you... I'm sorry, Luka...
M looks away from Lk and looks down. Lk sighs and unfolds his arms.
Lk: well, okay then...
Lk slightly looks away.
Lk: I think you should go to your class now... You might get late...
Lk turns around and started to walk to his motorcycle.
M: wait, Luka!-
M didn't get a proper reply from Lk.
Lk: bye, Marinette.
Lk said in a sad tone. He puts on his helmet and rode his motorcycle to go home, leaving M alone in front of her school.
M: Luka...
M said in a sad tone and sighs again. M started walking to her class.
M: thinking(even Luka now...)
M made a last turn to her class and soon arrived. M looks around and saw the class glaring at her. She just ignores them and went in front of the table where A was laying is face on the table.
M: excuse me... Adrien.
M stared at A with blank eyes. A immediately bolted up as soon as he heard M's voice.
A: M-marinette?
A nervously sits properly on his seat.
A: o-oh sorry for carelessly laying down the desk. I-i d-didn't mean to do it.
A said nervously and looks at M and decided to apologize.
A: I-i'm-
A was cut off by M, who just had a blank expression on her face.
M: can you switch seats with somebody else?
M said to A in a rude tone. A's eyes slightly widdens in shock.
A: b-but-
A was again interrupted by someone, but it was not M, it was someone else.
N: hey Marinette?
N said from the second row of the table behind the table, where A is sitting right now. M and A turns to N, making A confused and worried while M had a blank expression on.
M: what, Nino?
M was getting slightly annoyed.
N: do want to switch seats with me?
Al looks at N with confusion and anger.
Al: wait, are you seriously making me seat with that brat?!
Al angrily glared N, but N just ignored Al and continues to speak with M.
N: so do you want to?
M crossed her arms and slightly glared at N.
M: I rather not.
M sat down next to A, infront of N. N looks at A and A looks back at N nervously and gulps. They both soon turn away from each other, acting like nothing happend. A secretly looks at M time to time, who was just staring at the board trying to ignore A, but soon he decided to talk to her again. He turns to M while slightly looking away from her and hesitantly taps her shoulder.
A: u-uhm Marinette...
A said in a low nervous tone while feeling worried and guilty. M rolls her eyes and faces A with a bit of an annoyed face.
M: what.
M said in a rude way.
A: w-well, u-uhm-
A was still hesitant to ask her, about what he wanted to say, which made M impatient.
M: just get on with it.
M got a bit more annoyed than before.
A: c-can we t-talk?
M slightly glared at him in anger.
M: what's there to talk about?
M said in a rude way while rolling her eyes.
A: i-it's-
A was soon cut off by someone, who came inside their classroom, crying. That person immediately went in front of M in tears. Both M and A were shocked about the sudden commotion.
L: M-marinette! H-how could you?! W-why did you do that to m-me?!
L said in tears while more tears drip from her eyes with bruises and scars on her body. Al eyes widden in shock and immediately stood up from her seat in anger and went infront of M with L beside her.
Al yells in anger while holding L's shoulder as she kept on crying. M stood up from her seat and got furious and annoyed.
M: what are you talking about?! I didn't do anything to her!
M said in a bit of a higher tone, but she wasn't yelling. M tries to control her emotions and tries not to lose control.
M clenches her fist in anger while trying not to fight back.
M: wow! You think you're smart now?! If you're so smart you should've believed me than this, BRATTY LIAR OVER HERE!
M yelled very loud at the last part of what she said, which made Al lose her temper and slaps M in the face so hard that made her cheek hurt, turn red and made her bottom lip bleed. M held her cheek and lip while feeling the pain rushing in that made tears form in her eyes as her anger rises at the same time, that really got in her nerves.

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