Broken Part 9

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T flies up to M and hugs her cheek while tears drip on the kwamis face.
T: m-marinette don't ever do that again... I was so worried for you!
T said in a worried tone.
M: i'm so sorry tikki...
M puts her hand on tikki making it like she was hugging back.
T: why did you do that...?
T said in a low tone still having a bit of tears on her face.
M: well...
M takes her hand off T and T gets off M and went infront of her, M looks down and tears started to flow from her face, T noticed tears on M's face.
T: mari...?
T said worriedly, M covered her face with her hands and started to cry.
T: marinette what's wrong?!
T said in a worried tone
M: t-tikki i-i c-can't t-take i-it a-anymore...
M said while sobbing and crying.
T: what do mean?
T said in confusion.
M: t-tikki... I-i'm going to d-die...
T: what? No you aren't!
M: yes i am! Because...
M removes her hands off showing her face full of tears.
T: because what?
M hesitantly answers T.
M: i-i have... C-cancer... L-lung cancer...
T: w-what?
T said in a shaky tone while tears started to form again.
T: w-what... W-when d-did t-this...
T looks at M in tears.
T: w-why didn't you t-tell me...?
M: i-i'm so s-sorry tikki... I didn't w-want you to worry...
M said in sobs.
T: when did this h-happen...?
M: it h-happened at the h-hospital...
Dr opens the door and gets inside
Dr: oh, you're awake miss dupain-cheng?
M: yes I am... Are you my doctor?
Dr: yes I am, and also I came here to tell you about your condition.
M: oh okay then... What's my condition...?
M was still tired and weak from what happend.
Dr: well i'm sorry to tell you this but you are diagnosed with staged 4 lung cancer...
M eyes widen in shock.
M: w-what? B-but h-how...? H-how did i have l-lung cancer?!
Dr: well, lung cancer is commonly diagnosed when a person either smokes or second hand smokes.
M: b-but i d-don't do either of that!
Dr: well that isn't your case.
M: w-what?
Dr: your illness was inherited, it can be either inhertited from your parents, your grandparents, your great grandparents or even your late ancestors, it is very rare that a person can inherit lung cancer there was only a 8% possibility that it can happen.
M: w-what b-but i never heard that my family had a genetic illness... But can this be cured...?
Dr: unfortunately it isn't...
M looks down while holding in her tears, Dr walks near M and puts his hand on M's shoulder.
Dr: everything will be alright, miss dupain-cheng i will prescribe your medicine later, it can help you prolong your life...
M look up
M: how long do i have left...?
Dr: less than 12 months the treatment that i'll give will help you extend it to 1 year and a few months
M: oh...
Dr: i will leave now
M nods and Dr left and M silently cried a bit and calms down after, she wipes her tears away and clear throat a bit, she takes her bag and opened it up to take out her earrings and puts it on and a flashing light came. The flashing light turned in to T, T looks at M
T: marinette what happend?
T looks around
T: why are we in a hospital? Did you get hurt?!
T said worriedly
M: i'm fine tikki don't worry
M weakly smiles
(End of Flashback)
T: oh... But... m-marinette w-what about your friends, the heroes, chatnoir?! ... And... Paris...?
M look to the side still having tears
M: i'm not going to tell them anything...
T: but what if-
M interrupts T
M: it's best if they don't know... I don't want to be a burden to them... Especially to chat...
M said while still looking to the side
T: but... Marinette...
T got interrupted again
M: let's go to my room tikki...
M went down to her room, T sighs and follows M after
The next morning
M went down stairs and S saw her
S: good morning, dear
S said with a slight smile
M: morning mom...
M said in a sad tone
S: is something wrong?
M: it's nothing...
S knew that M was still devastated because of what happened, S went to M and hugs her
S: everything will be alright sweetie...
S said while patting her back
S: are still going to school?
S breaks the hug and looks at M
M: yea...
S:okay then... Just be careful, okay?
M: okay...
S: now, you should eat breakfast first before going to school
M: i don't really have an appetite today...
S: but-
S got interrupted
M: i'm going now, bye...
M said in a low sad tone and leaves, S sighs sadly
S: it's been days since she haven't eaten properly...
While M was walking to school
T: mari you should've eaten something, your getting thinner!
M: don't worry tikki i'm fine
M said still having a frown on her face
T: but mari...
T felt that someone was approaching them and she immediately hides, M felt that T suddenly hides
M: tikk-
M got interrupted
A: oh hey marinette!
A said while smiling
M: o-oh hey a-adrien, how you- i mean! H-how are you?
M lights up a bit because of A
A: i'm good, how about you?
M: i'm great- i mean! Your great- i mean! I-i'm good
M nervously laughs
M: thinking(wow! Marinette this is already a total disaster! Just great, great!)
A chuckles a bit
A: that's great to hear
A smiles because of her clumsly behaviour and because she was his lady
A: well do you want to walk with me to school?
M: thinking(okay marinette you can do this!)
M: s-sure!
A: great!
M and A started to walk to school while they were walking
M: by the way, adrien?
A: yes mari
M: did you walk to school?
A: well no, why did you ask though?
M: oh i just thought that you walked to school because your walking with me now
A: oh i thought of going to you because nino and alya weren't at school yet
M: oh okay, oh were already here
M and A didn't noticed that they were already there, they saw that nino and alya were already there waiting for them, they went near them
A: hey girl, hey adrien
M: hey alya
A: hey alya, how's your dad?
Al: well he's still in the hospital but he's fine
M: i'm sorry that i didn't come with you alya
Al: it's fine, girl
A: by the way where's nino?
Al: oh he's already in class
A: okay, i'll be going now are you guys coming?
Al: maybe later
A: okay
A walks to their school leaving Al and M
Al: so girl why were you with adrein?
Al said while smirking
M: nothing we just talked and walked together
Al: really?~ Why did guys walk together though?
Al said while still smirking and teasing M
M: well, he said that he wanted to walk with me because you and nino weren't here yet
Al got confused
Al: huh?
M: what?
Al: me and nino came earlier than he did
M: what?! Than why did he say that you guys weren't her yet
Al thinks for a second and realized something and suddenly gasps dramatically
M: what?
Al: maybe he wanted to be~
Al stopped and went to M's ear and whispers
Al: whispers (alone with you~)
M suddenly felt embarrassed and blushed
M said while blushing
Al: there's a chance! How about you ask him yourself?
Al said excitedly
M: w-what i can't ask him that! It could ruin our friendship and besides... He loves someone else
M said in a sad tone
Al: well it will be better if you tell him before its too late!
M: well...
M had different thoughts about it, and thought that it would be better if she tells A before it's too late
M: thinking(well alya is right it will be better if i tell him... Before it's to late...)
Al: -ette, marinette!
M quickly snaps out of her thoughts because she heard Al calling her
M: huh? Oh, yes alya?
Al: girl, what were you thinking about? The man of your dreams?
Al smirks at M
M got interrupted by the school bell
Al: oh! Look it's time for class, see you at class!
Al said quickly and started to run to their class, M rolls her eyes playfully and glares at Al
M: i'm not done with you alya césaire!
M yells while running to her class
They both arrived at their class while panting
Al: phew! Well that was close!
Al said while panting a bit
M: y-yea
M said while panting harder than Al
M: don't(pant)think(pant)i'm(pant)done(pant)with you(pant)alya!
M said while glaring a bit on Al
Al: hehe
Al said nervously, A looks up from his phone and looks at Al and M
A: hey guys!

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