Broken Part 16

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G stared at the painting for a few more minutes and sighs. G removes his hand from the painting and walked to his room. With L, who was in G's limo, taking her home. L was looking out of the window while waiting to arrive home. While she was busy looking out the window she suddenly saw a billboard of Lb and Cn pass by, that made her a bit annoyed
L: thinking(ugh, does pesky heroes again, maybe i should ruin their lives after I'm done with that brat)
L thought while staring at the window
L soon arrived at her house and immediately went inside her room. She took out the akumatized pen and looked around to check if there's a good hiding spot for it, she then thought of hiding it under her mattress bed, so she did
L: now that I'm done hiding that, how about testing out these powers
L closed her eyes and slightly looks down, and made a cross with her arms and swings it down
L: reality
An orange flash started going up her body as she slowly turns back to her akumatized form. V takes out her flute and started to slightly tap it on her shoulder
V: time to have a bit of fun with this, before doing the plan
V twirls her flute and stopped to play a note
V: mirage!
V pointed at one side of her room, and an orange flash turned into an illusion of herself. V walked infront of her illusion
V: now, Lila, get ready for school tomorrow
V said in a evil tone while looking at her self illusion and evilly grins
V: thinking(Gabriel did a great job trusting me)
V evilly grins widder
The next day at M's room. M just woke up from her alarm that made T a bit surprised
T: Marinette? You're already awake?
M sat up from her bed and yawns and looks at T in tired eyes
M: well, i didn't really get enough sleep last night...
M said in a tired tone and took her phone and checked what time it is. M saw that it was 7:00am
M: i only had 1 hour of sleep...
M said in sleepy tone
T: why what happened last night?
T asked M in curiosity
M: o-oh uhm it's nothing, i-i just had a nightmare that's why...
M said in a tired tone and lies, and slightly looks to the side
Lb and Cn was still hugging and sobs and tears soon ended. They both soon broke apart because Lb slightly pushes Cn away. Lb immediately wipes of tears while avoiding eye contact with Cn which made Cn a bit worried for Lb
Cn: is everything okay, mylady...?
Cn was about to put his hand on Lb's shoulder. Lb slightly walks backward making Cn's hand to go down. Cn got more worried when Lb stopped him from putting his hand on her shoulder
Lb: y-yes, yes I'm fine...
Lb said while still looking on the side, and still having puffy red eyes
Cn: a-are you sure?
Cn said in a worried stuttering tone. Lb made a small glimpse of Cn, and looks away after. Lb hesitantly answers Cn
Lb: y-yes, chaton... I-i think I should go now... C-can you please do my the patrol for today. I-i don't feel really well today...
Cn hesitantly answers Lb
Cn: uhm s-sure but-
Cn got interrupted
Lb: thanks...
Lb turns around
Cn: w-wait-
Cn didn't have the chance to stop her because she already started swinging home. Cn sighs and sadly watches Lb swing away. Lb soon arrived at her balcony, and said the de-transformation words
Lb: spots off...
Lb said in a gloomy tone. There was soon a pinkish white light going down her body as she started to de-transform. She soon completely de-transforms and T then appeared beside her. M sighs.
M: I'm going to bed now, tikki...
M then went straight to her bed and laid down, leaving T slightly confused. T went after M and slept at M's side table with a small cushion on it. T made a small glimpse of M, who was just pretending to be asleep, before going to sleep. After T immediately fell asleep, M was still awake, thinking about Cn and about what happened between them
M: thinking(did I do the right thing...?)
M asked herself in doubt. M turns to the other side of the bed and thought again
M: thinking(did I...? Maybe I was being to harsh on chat...)
M internally sighs. M then thought about chat and about what happened again, and again, and again. Until she suddenly had a random thought that made her a bit bewildered about her feelings
M: thinking(no way... DO I HAVE FEELINGS FOR CHAT? Wait, no no no, maybe I-it's just a f-friendly manner, r-right?)
M was stuck in her thoughts for hours, not even realising what time it is
M: thinking(ughhh! I don't know anymore!)
M had mixed emotions about Cn
M: thinking(maybe he... Ugh nevermind... Wait what time is it?)
M finally thought of checking what time it is after having deep thoughts about everything. M soon took out her phone, that made her eyes widden in shock about the time. It was already 6:00 in the morning
M: oh cra-
M stopped herself from taking and immediately closes her eyes and sleep
M: thinking(ugh, I should really give myself some slack!)
M thought for the last time and finally sleeps
(End of Flashback)
While M was thinking about what happened last night. She didn't noticed that T was calling her
T: - inette, Marinette!
T slightly yells M's name, making M snap out of her thoughts
M: h-huh? Y-tes tikki?
M said in a bit of a stuttering tone
T: is something wrong, Marinette? You seemed off since last night
T looks at M in a bit of a worried tone
M: o-oh It's nothing tikki...
M said in a stuttering tone and stood up from her bed
M: i-i should get ready for school...
M then went in the bathroom and closes it behind her. She then leaned on the bathroom door, slowly feeling the pain on her chest again in such a long time. She held her hand on her chest while feeling continuous pain in her chest
M: ow... It's been such long time since i felt this... again...
M said in a low tone while she slowly tightens her grip. M slowly started to cough, and cough again, making blood drip from her mouth like before. M went to her sink with a mirror infront of it, and stared at herself with tired eyes and blood all over her
M: i look terrible...
M said in a low tone. M removes all the blood and fixed herself. She then soon got ready, and went out the bathroom to get her things for school. She took out her purse and made T to go in
M: come on, tikki
M said in a low tone. T went inside her purse, and M went downstairs. Every step she takes made a sound that soon seeked the attention of her parents.
S: goodmorning hun
S made a sweet smile
Tm: goodmorning sweetheart
Tm said with a smile while finishing up baking. M walked to them, and slightly smiles
M: morning mom, morning dad
M said in a low tone, and started to walk out the door
S: wait, honey, aren't going to eat breakfast?
S looks at M
M: oh well, I'm not really hungry right now
M slightly looks away from S.
S: but what about your-
S had been cut off because M already left
S: medication...
S sighs while feeling worried about M. S looks down and soon felt a hand on her shoulder. She look to the side and saw Tm with a slight frown on his face. They both sighed in worry
Tm: it's the third time that she skipped her meals... And medication...
Tm said in a sad tone
S: i know... What are we going to do now?
S made a widder frown and looks down which made Tm make a suggestion about M
Tm: well, how about we follow my suggestion?
S looks up at Tm
S: and that is....?
M was walking to school while her head was down, still having thoughts about Cn
M: thinking(do i really have feelings for chat...? No, no it can't be... But I'm in love with- wait what am I saying? I don't love anyone! I don't-)
M was too busy having deep thoughts and didn't see what she was going, and accidentally bumps on to someone
M: oh I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going-
M looks up and saw Lk
M: Luka?
Lk smiles at M
Lk: hey Marinette! It's been a long time since we last seen each other
M slightly smiles at Lk
M: i know right
Lk noticed that M seemed a bit off
Lk: still clumsy, I see?
Lk said in a silly way, trying to make M laugh a bit, which worked. M giggled at Lk's silly tone
M: hey!
M said in a silly tone. After Lk came M's frown turned into a bright smile. While both of them were busy talking and catching up with each other after such a long time. Someone was looking at them in sad eyes with the feeling of being broken inside

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