Chapter 20 - Never Let Go

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[ Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. All the rights belong to the respective author. It is only used for entertainment purposes not to offend anyone.]


Eventually, the silence worried Jennie. She was practically being dragged by Lisa, her short legs unable to meet her long ones. Her grip on her hand had tightened, unwilling to let her go. She felt like she had fallen into a trap.

"T-that male servant," Jennie managed out. "Marlow... He was quite kind."

Lisa came to a halt. Her lips twitched when she bumped into her, nose-first. A small "ow" was heard. But she looked forward, resisting the urge to taunt her.

"I didn't know you knew t-the servants by name," Jennie added on.

Lisa raised a brow. Was she making small talk? For a split second there, she felt an unpleasant feeling in her chest. It was uncomfortable.

"Servants should always be greeted well. They serve, cloth, and feed you." Lisa continued walking. Lisa was fully aware that she was being pulled forward. This was not how she usually walked. But she wanted to give her a small punishment for escaping for this long.

"T-that's a first..."

Lisa stopped again. This time, she caught herself before bumping into Lisa. What did she mean by that? Lisa sharply turned around, revealing cold, cunning eyes reserved solely for her.

Jennie naively looked up at Lisa, revealing a slight smile paired with hesitant eyes. She was like a small deer watching her predator, gouging when it was the time to flee for her life. Right now, would be the right chance.

"W-well, it's just, there are some aristocrats who mistreat their people."

"I know."

Jennie blinked. "And well uhm... I was just saying, it's a f-first that I've seen someone treat the s-servants so well, besides my parents' o-of course."

" Jennie," she deadpanned.

She jumped at the abrupt address, her eyes widening a bit. Like an inquisitive little animal, she tilted her head and watched her reaction.

"Are you nervous?"

"A-a bit..."


"I-I don't know—"

"You do."

Jennie bit her bottom lips. "W-who wouldn't be nervous in front of Her Majesty? You can kill me with just one order."

Lisa let out harsh laughter. "And you tried to kill me just yesterday. What do you have to say about that?"

"I-it was for a good reason—"

"If you kill a sinner, the amount of sinners in this world remains."

Jennie tightened her hands, but forgot one of them was enveloped in Lisa. Amusement twinkled in Lisa's bright red eyes. Lisa could sense her nervousness. She should've, for her hands had gone clammy with cold sweat.

"And you called me a c-citizen so I... I was even more nervous," Jennie slowly said, as if she was a child who did not understand the consequences of their actions.

"Don't be a hypocrite, darling."

Jennie gaped up at her.

"You called me by a polite address, shouldn't I do the same for you?"

Jennie was speechless. Where was the lie in her statement? "I didn't mean to draw the line between us, t-there was someone present, so I didn't want to seem rude."

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