Chapter 27 - Thank The Heavens

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[ Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. All the rights belong to the respective author. It is only used for entertainment purposes not to offend anyone.]


Lisa already knew where the rat was hiding. She instantly headed for Jennie's room. In the still of midnight, when even the Vampires retreated to their rightful places, she silently stormed down the hallways. Her footsteps loudly echoed, a haunting melody of stealth and wrath.

She was not going to let the rat walk away, alive.

Lisa grabbed the handle on Jennie's door. She pushed down, only to hear a soft "click." Jennie had locked her out.

Cruel, cunning laughter danced through the silent corridors. So, she had finally learned her lesson. That was fine. Lisa had the keys. This was her estate, her domain, her battlefield.

Lisa clicked her tongue. To unlock the door or not, to respect her privacy or to violate it. She chose the former. Turning upon her heels, Lisa headed straight for her room. It was a short walk down the hallway. Lisa silently entered her room and brushed through the darkness.

"What an idiot."

With one shoulder Lisa leaned upon one of her enormous windows. She crossed her arms and peered down. Sure enough, her men were alive and kicking. But in the darkness, she saw an unpleasant pair of burgundy brown eyes.

Lisa 's eyesight was a lot better than the Vampire guards stationed outside. She could see into the forest miles beyond the estate, and analyze which bug was crawling on the branch.

So the pesky bodyguard wasn't as useless as Lisa thought. At least the fool had risked her life to save Jennie. Too bad all of the hard work would go to waste.

"You certainly were busy whilst I was away," Lisa loudly taunted. She turned her head to the left, where the connecting wall to Jennie's room was shared. Her lips twisted into a sardonic smirk.

When nectar was too sweet, every pest would flock to the flower. Lisa included.

Now that Jennie had Lisa, there was no need for a bodyguard. She would guarantee her safety in this enormous castle, protected by thousands of heavily armed soldiers and invisible magic barriers.

Lisa continued to observe the pair of eyes hiding in the bushes. She tilted her head, wondering if she should just order the execution of that man. But then her little Jennie would be upset, her lips would wobble as she held back tears.

In all the years he knew Jennie, she had never cried in front of Lisa. Some even said she didn't even cry at the funeral of her parents. She was strong, in her own little way.

"How fun would it be to watch him tortured by her love for me?" Lisa wondered out loud, her lips curling into a sinister smile. It would teach that lowly creature her rightful place in this world.

A servant was meant to serve their mistress—not bed her.

Lisa supported the undying loyalty of a childhood friendship that was far too interesting to discard.

"Thank the Heavens, you rat. I just spared your life."

- - - - -

Lisa concluded the bodyguard was too weak to take action. What was he planning to do? Camp in the bush all night, waiting for Jennie to wake up? He scoffed at the idea. As if.

The first face that Jennie would wake up to would always be Lisa, and the last face she'd see would always be Lisa. She would not have it any other way. If they were going to pretend to be a married couple she intended for them to play the part to utter perfection.

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