Chapter 69 - Only At Night

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[ Neither the picture nor the content belongs to me. All the rights belong to the respective author. It is only used for entertainment purposes not to offend anyone.]


Lisa could feel an insult at the tip of his tongue. But then his hands moved on their own. He realized Jennie was beginning to cut the medium-rare steak again. Whether she was intentionally distracting him or not, he allowed her to continue cutting, but this time, he removed his hands.

He watched intently as she brought the food to her mouth and chewed. He watched as she swallowed, then repeated the motion of cutting the steak.

"Do you like steaks?" Lisa asked.

"It's good," Jennie vaguely said. She ate half of the wagyu beef before setting her fork and knife down.

"Don't you have a Kingdom to rule?" Lydia bit out towards Lisa. She didn't like having her time with Jennie interrupted. It happened twice now. The next time it happened, she might as well kidnap Jennie out of the palace.

"Hm, I keep on hearing the buzz of mosquitos," Lisa muttered under his breath. He remained hovering over Jennie whilst grabbing the plate of desserts and placing it in front of her.

"Lemon cake, darling?" Lisa asked as he shifted the plate of beef away. He knew once she settled her fork and knife down, she wouldn't be taking another bite.

Jennie warily looked at the cake. It was yellow like its name with fluffy whipped cream and topped with meringue and lemon slices. A sole mint leaf rested on the cut cake.

"No thanks..."

"The chefs worked hard to prepare this lemon cake. The fruit often burns their skin, my sweet," Lisa said. It was half the truth.

Only low-bred vampires flinched at the touch of lemon juice. The people that worked in the castle were all Half-Bred, with at least one parent that was a vampire, but somewhere in their bloodline contained at least one or two humans. There weren't many Pure-Bred vampires left in this world, who's blood have never mingled with a human.

"Oh, but... then... I..." Jennie was flustered. She didn't want the chefs' hard work to go to waste. She wasn't full either. Thus, she lifted the small dessert fork and sliced into the cake.

Jennie's shoulders relaxed at the burst of sweet tartness. Her mouth watered as she chewed in bliss. The cream soothed the tiny burn of the sour cake. She took another bite, closing her eyes to savor the delightful taste.

"Jennie, I'd still like to extend that invite to the shop in the capital," Lydia spoke up. "They have even more lemon desserts, with a higher concentration of lemon juice since it's a bakery owned by humans."

Lisa shot her a dirty glare. Just how persistent can one woman get? There was no way in hell he was going to wed an irritating woman like her. Didn't she understand this was private time with Jennie?

"When, Liddy?" Jennie asked.

Jennie felt his thunderous stare and the protest in his mouth. But she ate another bite of the lemon cake, knowing this would quell his anger. His grip loosened on the edge of the table.

Lydia opened her mouth to respond, but Lisa cut her off again.

"Eat more, there is plenty of cake left, darling." Lisa pushed the plate even closer to her. He leaned on one arm, whereas his free hand rested on the back of her chair. He wasn't going anywhere.

"Jennie, I was thinking tomorrow—"


Both women turned to Lisa with a frown. His abrupt command was displeasing.

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