- Chapter 1: New La push Resident -

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- Billy's Pov -

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- Billy's Pov -

I wheel myself into Jacob's room he is in the middle of his bed fast asleep i couldnt help but sigh i told Sam to let him have today's patrol off because he has been through alot lately he took being a shape-shifter and phasing like a champ but then when he finally figured that that Bella has been messing with him and using him to get over her now absent vampire boyfriend he put a stop to it before it go worse she put up a fight but Jacob didn't back down he told her straight thay he wouldn't be her play thing he wants him imprint she did stop her games but she is still trying to push her way into the packs lives even worse mine and Jacob's life i had to involve Charlie telling him if she continues i will get a restraining order.

I sigh as i wheel myself back to the livingroom and pull myself onto the couch i look out the window and see the newly built house some distance next to us Charlie rang me yesterday and told me that a women rang him and asked him how safe Forks and la push was as she is moving here with her daughter she wants her daughter to be safe here i told him La push is as safe as it can get for a family he wouldn't tell me anything except that the women is called Mackenzie Blade as soon as i heard the last name i knew she was the descendent of original shape-shifter's of la push when i finished on the phone i rang Sam and told him if he and the pack sees this women before me to leave her alone and to not attack her as this land is rightful hers and that when i meet her i will set up a meeting with her Sam even upped patrol to make sure the area is safe for her and her daughter which made me relax.

I come out my thoughts when i hear a bang coming from Jacob's room i guess he is finally awake i see him stumble out his room while putting on his cut off shorts nearly falling over in the process i couldn't help but chuckle at him which caught his attention he looked at me with wide eyes i kmow he will be hungry so i pointed to the kitchen island where his breakfast is sat waiting for him.

"Dad why didn't you wake me up i missed patrol Sam is going to be pissed at me" He said while grabbing his food

"Don't worry son you don't have patrols today" I said as he sat down next to me shovelling food into his mouth like it would disappear

"Why would he do that?" He asked with a mouthful of food

"One no talking with food in your mouth and two because i asked him too" I said with scolding tone

"Has it got to do with the new residents?" He asked after eating the rest if his food

"Maybe i don't know i have a feeling she will change everything around here and maybe even change mine, yours and your sisters lives" I said feeling a familiar feeling in my gut the same feeling i had all those years ago before i met Sarah

"Good or bad feeling?" He asked concerned and curious

"It's a good feeling but it's hard to explain all you need to know is nothing bad will happen son" I said trying to sooth his concern

"I am just glad the Cullen's left that's one less thing to worry about" He said with a sigh

"Yeah it is" I said as i look back out the window

"Do you have the gene dad?" He suddenly asked making me sigh

"I do but it's dormant nothing will trigger it not even if the whole of forks were littered with vampire's nothing would happen" I said sadly

"Never say never dad maybe this feeling your having will change that" He said with a smile

"Your right" I said

"Plus i have a feeling too it's nothing bad just that this new resident will be a good thing for la push but i don't know why" He said worriedly

I go to say something but i suddenly see a big truck go past our house and park infront of the new house across from us i see a young women get out the truck i could only see her back as she got a car seat out the back i look at jacob who's eyes are still glued to the car seat the young women is carrying it's time to see what this feeling is i just hope it's nothing bad we don't need drama in la push i grab my phone of the coffee table and ring Sam to inform him of Mackenzie blade's arrival



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