|Chapter 9 • Accept the- |

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

At some point Paul ends up snapping out his shock first he comes over to me to take Macie out my arms so she doesn't get squished by Billy who is holding me in a death grip not once letting go i say a quick thank you to him as i pull both Jacob and Billy completely into my arm holding them both tightly as i start to feel their tears of happiness hit the both sides of my neck i rub my hands up and down both their backs trying to calm them down i know this means alot to them so i am not going to rush them to dry their tears or tell them to stop crying they need to get this out their system as the minutes ticked by i could see each pack member come out of shock one by one the last to come out of shock was Sam he looked at me in awe and respect and i knew just by the look he was giving me that he is going to give the alpha position to me he wants me to be the packs alpha and i don't know how to feel about that

After about 10 minutes they stepped out of my arms wiping the tears off their faces i watch as Billy he looks down at his feet as he walks over to the couch pulling a smiling still slightly shocked Jacob along with him the pack are watching him walk with their jaws almost hitting the floor i smile at both of them with tears in my eyes they both deserve this so so much when they get to the couch they sit either side of Paul then look to me

"How?" Jacob asked curiously

"When i was sat on Billy's lap did anyone notice my eyes flicker from there normal colour to red multiple times?" I asked them

"Yes everyone did i thought you were just angry" Billy said now looking just as curious as Jacob

"Yes i was angry but at that time my eyes were flickering because i went into my mind and spoke to my other half, my wolf, Flur because when your legs started to twitch i got scared that shouldn't have happened as i was only supposed to heal your nose during the talk with Flur she told me that Mother nature, The earth, The Air and Quileute spirits spoke to her and gave us the the gift to heal Billy completely giving him the ability to walk again that is why his legs were twitching all his damaged nerves, ligament and tendons were healing me and Flur healed you Billy all of you" I said slightly scared of his reaction

"You can do that! Talk to your wolf and heal people how!?" Seth said confused and intrigued

"I can do that because as i told you guys i am the alpha of all alpha's but there is another reason i am the queen of all shape-shifter's that's why all of you in the pack feel protective over me and feel a pull towards me i am your queen and being the queen gives me to heal people with the shape-shifter gene" I said still watching Billy waiting for his reaction

"W-wait so your the alpha of all alpha's, my dad's maybe girlfriend and the queen of shape-shifter's oh god this just keeps getting better and better" Jacob said now in shock again

"Billy?" I asked getting scared that he hasn't said anything and has frozen

"You healed me you don't know how much this means to me Mackenzie thank you so much what you have done will never be forgotten you are an amazing women Love" Billy said coming out of his shock looking at me with love in his eyes

"You don't need to thank me Billy you are my imprint i would do anything for you even if that means dying to protect you i would do it without hesitation you, Macie and Jacob are my life now i would do anything for you three" I said not taking my eyes of him

"I Sam Uley give up my title as alpha and hand it to Queen Mackenzie Blade" Sam blurted out looking dead serious

"Sam i can't take the title because i can't loose another pack i don't want to loose anymore shape-shifter's under my care" I said shaking my head while stepping back from everyone

"You will not loose us we hardly have vampire's here we wouldn't want anyone else to care for us, to teach us things or to be like a mother to us we want you to be our alpha" Embry said also looking dead serious

"Please Mackenzie half of us have lost someone dear to us but with you around us we feel loved again like we can be happy again please be our alpha" Leah said shocking everyone in the room except me i knew behind her hard shell she was soft

"I-I can't-"

"Love think about what your parents and first imprint would tell you in a situation like this, listen to what Flur is telling you or even better listen to your heart and the pack" Billy said as he got of the couch and walked to me

"Mum always told me to turn pain into power, Dad would tell me to be strong and to never hide away from my fears, Hunter would tell me to be his badass wife and to not let fear and pain rule me and my heart is telling me to accept the title to be the alpha you pups need me to be their mother figure you pups need" I said with tears in my eyes

"Then why are you saying you can't love?" Billy asked now standing infront of me holding both my hands in his i look into his eyes and realise i am letting all my past, pain and fear rule my future and i can't let that happen not now not ever

"I queen Mackenzie Blade accept the Alpha title given to me by Sam Uley" I said squeezing Billy's hands



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