|Chapter 3 • Time to move on love |

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

It's been one whole week and boy has this week been hard i have spent the whole time organising the cabin so it feels like home i only went out to get groceries or to get anything if it was an emergency which ment i spent most my time inside cleaning the place not wanting Macie to get ill and to top it off i have been feeling the effects of being away from Billy i haven't been able to sleep and i have been antsy my wolf has been nagging me to see him to make sure he and Jacob are okay i shake my head with a sigh i can't keep doing this but i dont want to move on yet i am not ready to forget Hunter i get up off the couch and carry Macie to my room so i can take a nap while she sleeps i need some sleep even if it's only a couple hours when i get to my room i lay in bed placing Macie next to me i put my arm around her to make sure she doesn't move around or fall out of the bed soon enough my eyes were closing as i welcome the darkness wanting, no, needing some sleep


I look around with tears gathering in my eyes as i see that i am in mine and my first imprints home that we had in texas the only difference is that everything was grey and almost lifeless i turn around when i hear footsteps behind me and when i see who it is tears roll down my cheeks there in front of me is Hunter, my first Imprint, my first love and Macie's dad i ran to him jumping into his waiting arms i wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck as i sob into his neck i stayed in his arms for what felt like hours but i know it was only a couple minutes by now mt sobs have calmed down but i am still clinging to him like a koala not wanting to let him go and he knew that so he wrapped his arms around my waist holding me to his chest.

"Shhh my love we don't have long" He said rubbing one of his hands up and down my back

"W-what" I stuttered i couldn't believe i am seeing him again!

"Our ancestors only gave me permission to talk to you but not for long" He said with a small sad smile

"I don't want you to leave again, I can't" I sobbed out holding him tighter

"I know love i know but i asked them to let me talk to you because i saw you imprinted again" He said then he kissed my forehead

"I can't be with him Hunter my heart lays with you always has always will even though you was taken from me" I said sadly trying to hold in a sob

"I will always be with you Enzie but it's time for you to move on you need to love again i am not angry or upset that you have imprinted again i am relieved because you will be looked after and loved i want you to be happy again to love again and don't get me started on our little angel she needs a father figure someone to love her and to keep her safe just like i would and let me tell you Billy will be amazing for her, I know it's going to be hard but you need to talk to him explain everything it has been a week baby he is a mess he doesn't know what is happening or why because you left him in the dark you can be a friend first then decide what you want later on but do this for me give Billy a chance give Jacob and his sister a chance at having a mother again they need you just as much as Macie will need Billy, he deserves this he has lost someone too, you are both each others second chance" He said looking me in my eyes while his eyes held love and seriousness


"No buts Mackenzie you can not live in the past you need to move forward i am not angry or upset i am proud of you and always will be you need to do this, Do it for Macie and yourself stop putting things on hold because of me baby please do this for yourself for your future" He pleads

"I don't want to forget you, you are the love of my life Hunter" I said as more tears fell

"You will never forget me just like Billy will never forget Sarah you won't let each other forget i have seen it" He said with a small smile as the room shakes and gets brighter making ne whimper

"It's time my love i have to go promise me you will move on give him a chance" He said reluctantly lowering me down onto my own feet

"I-I promise" I stuttered inbetween sobs

"I love you Mackenzie Blade always have always will i will be watching over you and our angel always" He said giving me a short but passionate kiss

"I love you too Hunter Blake always" I sobbed as i gave him a kiss

"Go baby Billy and Jacob need you, wake up" He whispers just as he dissappeared

Dream Over•

I sit up gasping for breath with tears streaming down my face i gently lift Macie up and hold her to my chest as i sobbed for hunter i jump when i suddenly hear a loud howl coming from Billy's i jump out of bed i run to Macies room to grab a blanket i wrap it around Macie making sure it is secure so she doesn't get cold then rush downstairs and out the front door over to Billy's when i get to the front door i hear sobbing coming from inside i hold the blanket over Macie's facr as kick the door open without a second thought and what i see infront if me brings out my mothering instincts Jacob is sat on the floor sobbing while rocking back and forth Billy is infront of him looking panicked i rush over making Billy jump i gently place Macie in Billy's arms then kneel down infront of jacob.

Hunter is right it's time for me to move on Billy, Jacob and Jacob's sisters need me and i sure as hell need them it's time i put the past behind me and look forward to the future but first i need to find out why Jacob is so hurt right now and i swear to god whoever has hurt him better start running because they are going to have one pissed of mama wolf on their ass



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