|Chapter 10 • Chief Swan|

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

I wake up feeling someone caressing my cheek i slowly open my eyes only to see Billy's smiling face he hasn't noticed i am awake he seems deep in thought i dont want to interrupt him thinking so i look around and see that i am laying on the couch with a blanket wrappped around me i also see Jacob laying on his back on the couch opposite me with Macie on his chest with his arms wrapped around her protectively i must have feel asleep while Sam filled me in on the treaty with the Cullen's, pack patrol and other pack business that i need to know now that i am the alpha i look back at Billy only to see he he is silently crying i raise my hand and wipe away him tears then i cup his cheek with my hand wanting to give him some comfort which seems to snap him out his thoughts

"Why are you crying Billy?" I asked softly and quietly not wanting to wake up Jacob or Macie

"Why did the spirits pair us together when we are both so broken?" He asked while leaning his head into my hand

"We are not broken Billy we both lost someone who ment alot to us we are still grieving, We both needed a second chance at love and our kids need parental figures in their lives we need each other and our kids need us, I will tell you this now Billy Black i will never replace Sarah she is apart of you just like Hunter is apart of me we will never forget them i will never let you forget Sarah she is someone important to you so she will always be important to me just like Hunter is but they would want us to move on, to be happy, to find love again and to be honest i am slowly falling for you charm Mr. Black" I said caressing his cheek with my thumb

"We can and will grieve together always i promise to never let you forget Hunter he sounded like a truly amazing man i will try to raise Macie just like i think he would raise her and your right our kids need us both Jacob already thinks of you as his mum but he won't say it he thinks he will disappoint Sarah he needs you just as much as me and Macie need you oh and Mackenzie i am slowly falling for you too you are an amazing women, you are beautiful, strong, fierce, amazing mother and you are going to be what Jacob says a badass queen and alpha" He said with a small smile

"I will talk to Jacob he doesn't have to call me mum or anything like that if he is uncomfortable all i want is for him to like me and be comfortable around me Sarah raised a well mannered, amazing and smart boy she would be proud of him and you always" I said smiling at him

"Y-You really mean that?"

Jacob suddenly said making me and Billy jump apart like our asses are on fire i get up off the couch and got to Jacob who is still laying down holding Macie the only difference is he has tears rolling down his face when i get to the couch i kneel down next to his head and wipe his cheeks way and cup his face like i did with Billy

"I mean every word Jacob you can call me anything and i would be more then okay with it when Hunter visited me in my dream he made me realise that he would never be disappointed in me for moving on so i know your mum wouldn't either she would want you and Billy to be happy again to be a whole family again" I said softly

"But i don't want to let go off mum" He said as more tears fell from his eyes

"I will never let you let go of her sweetie she is and always will be your mother how about we re do your back yard and make a little flower corner for your mum it will be a place for you to go when ever you need to talk to her or be close to her" I said with a small smile

He goes to answer but he was interrupted by the front door banging open i bite my tongue to stop myself from growling at who interrupted this special moment i don't want to growl with how close i am to Jacob and Macie it will scare them both i see Billy go to the front door to see who it is while i continue to comfort Jacob who looks at me then nods slightly i knew what that ment he wants me to make a special place for him to be close to Sarah again and i will do that, i would do anything for him and Billy in a heartbeat.

Suddenly Billy walks in dragging someone who is pale and looks to be in shock Billy tells me to go change and that Jacob will watch Macie for me i kiss Jacob's and Macie's forehead and kiss Billy on the cheek then i run back to my cabin where i have the world's fastest shower and get dressed (Outfit above) Once i was dressed i ran back to Billy's as i put my hair into a messy bun i probably look a mess right now but who cares not me thankfully the run back to Billy's was short when i walked back into the livingroom i saw Billy handing the man a cup of coffee while Jacob was walking up and down rocking Macie side to side i coughed getting their attention i look at Billy then at the man slightly confused as to why thay man would just barge in like he did

"Charlie meet my very close friend Mackenzie Blade, Mackenzie meet friend Charlie Swan or chief swan" Billy said seeing my confusion hearing Charlie's last name made Flur want to be let out he is that bitches father!


A/n: Sorry for the delay i have been having time with my daughter!!

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A/n: Sorry for the delay i have been having time with my daughter!!

Question: Should Flur make a appearance and Should Mackenzie tell Charlie about the pack? Let me know what you think!

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