|Chapter 29 • This isn't over Rebecca|

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

I could hear Billy trying to keep Rachel and Rebecca away from the house Rebecca was listening and kept away without an issue but Rachel on the other hand wasn't having any of it she wanted to make sure me, Jacob and Macie are okay she kept screaming telling Billy to move out her way i know he won't he wants to keep the girls safe just as bad as me i look over at Jacob only to see him looking at the front door in worry.

"Can you guys hurry this along!" I snap not liking my kids being in potential danger

"What would you like his punishment to be Queen Mackenzie?" Marcus asked formally

"I want him in your dungeons for at least four years with just enough blood to keep him alive i think that will make him think twice about coming into mine and my imprints home to kill me, for frightening my daughter and for putting my older kids in danger" I said coldly with a low growl making the vampire's flinch

"No! I can't be away from my mate please!!" Demetri pleads as he thrashed around under Aro's, Caius's and Marcus's hold

"You will stay away from my daughter till you have served your punishment that's when i will decide if i want your ass around me, my imprint and my children you are not in the position to make demands leech! You are in the home of the queen of shape-shifter's my word is more powerful then your master's! So shut your mouth before i rip you limb from limb then have Caius carry your broken body to the their dungeon!" I yell with a murderous growl making the place shake again Demetri whimpers as he stops thrashing and he lowers his head in fear

"Mama Macie is waking up!" Jacob said in panic

"You have overstayed your welcome take him and go NOW!" I snarl making them all shake in fear

In a blink of an eye the house was vampire free the only thing i could hear was Rachel's screams outside and Macie's whimpers as she wakes up i rush to Jacob's side and kneel on the floor within seconds Macie's eyes open she goes tense i could see the fear in her eyes she looks our way and locks eyes with Jacob she relaxes a little but not full but then she locks eyes with me the fear in her eyes vanish and he body fully relaxed she lunges off the couch and into my arms she hides her face in my neck crys now the only thing that can be heard is my little girls sobs.

"Jake can you go get your dad and sister's i think Macie needs to see your all okay" I asked Jacob as i get off the floor and sit on the couch with Macie in my lap her head still in my neck in a matter of minutes Jacob was back with Billy and the girls

"Why's Macie crying!? What happened!? Are you both okay!?" Rachel asked worriedly

"When dad explained what we are did he tell you about vampire's?" Jacob asked nervously

"Yes he did, what has that got to do with this?" Rebecca asked her voice slightly raised in panic

"Well a vampire just tried killing mama but being the badass she is she put him in his place with the help from the vampire Kings" Jacob said looking at me with a smile

"What was i supposed to do he frightened Macie thay much she passed out in fear i wasn't going to let that leech hurt any of my kids he pissed off a mama wolf which was the worst thing he could have ever done" I said in anger

"You fought a vampire because he was a danger to us why would you do that you ain't our mother!? Jacob stop calling her mama!?" Rebecca practically screamed at me

"Yes i am not your mother and i get that you don't like me because you fear i am replacing your mother but Rebecca you don't know that i lost my husband just like Billy lost his wife You, Rachel, Jacob and Macie lost a parent and i am going to help you all through all the pain and grief you guys are still going through you like Billy is helping me i will never amd i mean never replace Sarah because i know how much she means to you guys just like Billy knows how much Hunter means to me all i ask is for you to give me a chance because i love your dad and your guys so much my life won't be the same without you guys your the light in my darkness just please give me a chance before you hate me more" I plead with tears in my eyes i don't want to loose her or for her to hate me

"I-I'm s-so sorry!" Rebecca stutters in tears

"You should be sorry Rebecca you can't just come in here and judge mama before you even know anything! She has gone through more then our family could ever think about! She just practically saved you and Rachel from being a vampire snack and that is how you say thank you!" Jacob yells and Rebecca making Macie whimper at his deep anger filled voice

"Enough all of you! You are scaring Macie!" Billy said i could tell he was trying not to shout

"Macie, princess i am so sorry" Jacob said as he kneeled infront of me on the floor

"Jakey it's okay" Macie whimpers out in my neck

"No it's not okay little bug we shouldn't have been shouting i am so sorry" Rebecca said sounding truthful

"How about mummy makes her famous spaghetti and meatballs" I said trying to cheer Macie up

"Spaghetti and meatballs!!" Macie cheered throwing her head back with her hands in the air

"This isn't over Rebecca we will continue this when Macie is in bed!" Billy scolds looking angry and disappointed



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