|Chapter 26 • Wow now i feel bad|

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

I climb into the shower with a big smile on my face this morning i got waken up the most cutest way possible Jacob and Macie cuddled sat either side of me Jacob had a try with breakfast on it while Macie had a flower in her hand they made me breakfast in bed when i finished eating it Jacob told me his dad is one the phone with Rachel and that he will take Macie outside to play in the garden so she doesn't disturb the phone call i told him i will meet him out there i better hurry up before they eat it themselves i wash and shave everywhere then get out making sure to shut the water off once i am out i dry myself then get dressed (Outfit above) I quickly put my hair up then go out to the garden only to see Macie playing in the dirt i laughed as i shook my head at them i go over to them and see they are actually making mud pies Jacob is trying to help with her mud pies but she keeps smacking his hand away.

"No jakey i do it!!" She said while pouting

"But you have your big brother here to help!" Jacob whines with his own pout

"Okay you can help" She said then kissed his cheek which made me smile

"Jacob when you said play outside i didn't know you ment play in the mud" I said with a smile

"She wanted to make mud pies i tried to say no but then she made puppy eyes! I couldn't say no after seeing those eye's!" Jacob said throwing his hands up in the air in defeat

"Oh Jacob your going to have to say no at some point now Macie come with me it's time to get you all cleaned up and Jacob go get yourself cleaned up" I said happily knowing i am not the only one that can't resist her puppy eyes

I take her to Billy's room and bathe her quickly making sure to washing her hair and wash away all the mud when i have finished she climbs out i quickly dry her hair and braid it then get her dressed into a yellow skirt, white shirt, a sunflower cardigan and put some white sandals on her feet she kisses my cheek then runs out the bathroom i clean up the bathroom then follow the sound of her giggles with a smile on my face but her giggles soon stop i get worried and run into the livingroom i see Billy pacing up and down looking very angry and worried while griwling every so often i see Macie being held by Jacob on the couch.

"Honey what happened? What's wrong?" I asked as i stand infront of him and take his face in my hands stopping his pacing

"I rang Rachel only to find out that Jacob already rang her two days ago he told her everything about me and you being together and about Macie being his sister she told me she just got of the plane and is now on her way here she wanted to meet you and Macie!" Billy said worriedly while glaring at Jacob who gulps

"Billy you shouldn't be angry at Jacob we didn't tell him not to tell his sister if anything it's our fault now stop worrying i am sure everything will be fine i know for a fact once gets here she will understand everything now go and give Macie a hug i think you might have scared her a little" I said softly that seemed to have snapped him from his worry and anger he practically ran to Macie he took her out off Jacob's arms and held her on his hip while kissing her forehead mumbling sorry after sorry.

"Bwlly stop!!" She giggles trying to push his face away

"No princess i scared you so i need to say sorry" Billy said softly

"Nooooooo you didn't scare me!" Macie said crossing her arms with a pout

"Didn't i? Then why did i stop hearing your cute little giggles?" Billy asked teasingly

"I heard them stop too what about you Jacob?" I asked continuing the teasing

"Yep they definitely stopped" Jaco said smirking

"Okayyyyyyyyy you scared me a little bit" She said while hiding her head in Billy's neck

"Then i am sorry little pup i didn't mean to scare you i am so sorry" Billy said holding her tighter to his side he turns slight and that's when i see my bite mark on his neck i see Jacob look at it his eyes go wide and his mouth goes slack

"IS THAT A MARK!!" Jacob suddenly yells making Macie flinch

"Jacob! You do not shout around Macie and yes it's a mark, Mackenzie's mark!" Billy scolds holding Macie closer to him

"But isn't it to soon?" Jacob asked worriedly i know why he is worried he thinks we have jumped into this and i will leave when things get tough but one thing is for certain i am never leaving

"Jacob i love your dad with every fibre of my being i would never leave him and you or even think about hurting either if you, you, Billy and your sister's are now my family i wouldn't want anything else then to spend my life watching you all grow up with Billy and do amazing in life i didn't just complete the bond with your dad i fully accepted you and your sisters as my own, None of this is to soon actually for it feels like we did it at the right time i love you all so much" I said sitting down next to him

"You really mean it? You love me and dad? You really won't leave and take Macie away?" He asked hopefully

"I definitely mean it, Yes i love you Jacob you are the son i never got the chance to have you are amazing, strong, brave and an amazing shape-shifter and I definitely love your dad he fixed me when i thought i was broken he brought be back into the light you both are my everything just like Macie is and Jacob nothing would ever make me leave you i would never and i mean never leave you or Billy and i definitely won't take Macie from you, You are her big brother just like Rachel and Rebecca are Macies big sisters" I said pulling him into a hug holding his tightly

"Wow now i feel bad for thinking you were a gold digger and that you were hurting dad and Jacob" Someone said from behind us



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