|Chapter 7 • She hurt you|

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

It's been a couple days since that meeting with the cullen's shortly after said meeting i did end up having a word with Sam about him having to back off a little and let me take care of whatever needs Billy has he didn't quite understand what i was saying to start off with until i explained that my kinds imprint bond is 10 times stronger then their imprint bond i have to be there to help Billy with whatever he needs or wants that's when Sam seemed to have clicked on to what i was saying he apologised so many times aswell as saying he just wanted to help me because he didn't know if i was still getting used to the fact Billy was in a wheelchair which resulted in me punching him in the nose breaking it Flur ended up taking control of my human body and started to curse him out making him shake in fear when Flur finished he ran off in pure fear and well i haven't saw Sam since not even when i went round Billy's yesterday i had to explain to Billy what happened and his reaction wasn't want i expected instead of scolding me for attacking the Alpha he laughed after that we just spent all yesterday talking and getting to know each other which i am glad we did.

Today is a different day Macie has been running a fever so i haven't left my cabin all morning i did ring Billy and tell him i wouldnt be able to go over to see him today because of Macie and he understand he even said he would try and come over to see how she is doing a couple hours after the phone call i could hear the pack turn up at Billy i could also hear a female whining about something but then i hear a whole lot of shouting and yelling i blocked them out knowing the pack would get everything under control plus Macie is more important at the moment she starts to fuss so i pull my top down a feed my little angel just as she finishes there is a knock on the front door i place her down in her rocking chair and cover her up in her favourite blanket

I go to the door and open it only to see Jacob stood there looking very angry in his cut off jeans stood in the rain soaking wet i pull him inside and into the livingroom i push him onto the couch then run to the bathroom to get a towel then run b...

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I go to the door and open it only to see Jacob stood there looking very angry in his cut off jeans stood in the rain soaking wet i pull him inside and into the livingroom i push him onto the couch then run to the bathroom to get a towel then run back to the livingroom i could see he was still angry as he is he just sat there he is shaking a little but not to much i know he is trying not to phase because his eyes are locked onto Macie i go over and stand behind the couch where he is sat and start to towel dry his hair while hoping that with me being this close he will calm down when finish drying his hair as much as i can with a towel i walk around the couch, pick up Macie then sit next to him and wait for him to talk to me it doesn't take long for his body to stop shaking.

"She came over" He said through gritted teeth i stayed silent hoping he will say more.

"She started whining about how i have been ignoring her i told her i want be a game to her that's when she lost it" He said again through gritted teeth

"Jacob what happened" I said picking up on his anger rising

"She-" He cut himself off he turned around and took Macie out my arms

"She attacked dad she pushed him out his wheelchair and kicked him in the face Sam told me to come here before her dragged her out and took her home, Paul and Jared are with dad making sure he is okay" He continued holding Macie closer to him

I let out a murderous growl as i jumped of the couch jacob knew what i was about to do because he wrapped Macie up tightly in her blanket making sure to cover her face shielding her from the rain i kissed her covered forehead then i ran out my cabin straight over to Billy's with Jacob behind me thank god he covered her up i dont want her getting worse when i get to Billy's front door i kick it open with a growl i gently pushed jacob inside before me to get him and Macie out the rain then i go in straight to the livingroom and what i see makes me let out another murderous growl there is my Billy sat on the couch with a frozen bag of peas on his nose.

"Where. Is. She!" I growl out fighting to stay in control Flur can't be in control now she would go on a war path everyone looked at me wide eyed i know it's because my eyes keep flickering blood red each time Flur fights for control

"Ma'am Sam took her to home to her father who is the chief of police" Paul said tilting his head in submission

"Enzie you need to calm down" Jacob said softly while taking the blanket of Macie and placing her in Billy's free arm

"You want me to calm down when that bitch hurt my Billy!" I snarl out still fighting back Flur

"Mackenzie please calm down okay i know you are angry that she hurt me you have every right to be angry but right now me and Macie need you to be calm right now going on a war path won't solve anything right now and Flur please stop fighting for control you will hurt Mackenzie" Billy said gently looking at me concerned Flur whimpers as she goes into the back of my mind which makes me relax slightly

"She hurt my Billy" I whimper out as Jared comes over and gently leads me over to the couch and sits me down next to Billy



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