|Chapter 23 • The Date⚠️🔞|

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Warning - This is a really long chapter and has smut!!!!

Warning - This is a really long chapter and has smut!!!!

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

I wake up and the first thing i notice is i am now laying on bed in Billy's bedroom i snap mt head towards the door when i hear loads of giggling and chuckling from the livingroom i climb out of bed and leave the bedroom the first thing i see is Macie running around with Jacob and Billy chasing her shouting tickle monster i couldn't help but smile at the scene infront of me finally my little girl has the love of a father and a brother they my not be her blood father or brother but they treat her as if she is their blood and that is good enough for me Macie see's me stood here she runs and jumps into my arms

"Mummmmmy swve me twckle monsters!" She squeals holding ne tightly Billy and Jacob stop running when they see me they both have big grins on their faces and they both have a thin blanket tied round their necks like capes

"Oh no we can't let the tickle monsters catch us quick we better run and hide baby!" I said playing along

"Run mummmmmy" She squeals

And that's how i spent the first hour of my morning it was a good work out running around the cabin and dodging Billy and Jacob but it all came to an end when Macie wanted to play dolly's with Jacob and as normal he did it without question while they were playing Billy walked me to the kicthen i sat down at the kitchen island while he cooked me some breakfast and poured me a big cup of coffee i ate it all while he told he that Jacob is taking Macie to Sam and Emily's for the day so he can take me on a date i don't mind Macie going to Sam and Emily's for two reason's one is that Jacob will be with her and two i trust Sam and the pack.

Once i finish eating and drinking mt coffee Billy tells me to go get ready i kiss his cheek then run to his room only to see an outfit layed out on the bed i shake my head and run to the bathroom i turn the shower on then climb in i wash my hair and use mt favourite shower gel and washed all my body then i jump out i dry my hair first making sure to style it nicely then get dry my body and wrap the towel around my body as i go into the bedroom where get dressed into the clothes Billy picked out for me he did a good job at that i love it (Outfit above) Once i finished putting my rings on i leave the bedroom and walk into the livingroom where i see Billy stood there waiting for me he is wearing black jeans with a red turtle neck that's tucked into his jeans he is also holding a big duffle bag.

"Are you ready love?" He asked grabbing my hand holding it in his and laced out fingers together

"Am i ready for day that is just for me and you? Yes i am ready" I said excitedly

"Come on then we are taking Jacob's quad bike because were i am taking you is very secluded" He said with a smirk

He leads me outside where jacobs quad is waiting it's black and dirty as hell thank gid the seat is clean i dont want my ass to get dirty i am fine with my outfit getting dirty but not my ass Billy straps the bag on the back and helps me get on i had to bit my lip to stop myself from moaning when he touched my bare thigh he knew what he did because he smirked at me as he shut the door he climbs on infront if me i wrap my arms around his waist as he starts to drive i tried ti ask him where he was taking me but he wouldn't tell me anything else so i rested my head on his back and closed my eye enjoying the feeling of the wind blowing through my hair i feel se free.

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