- Chapter 19: I fucked up -

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|Edward's Pov|

Carlisle always told me mates would try anything to spend time together, would always want to have some sort of physical contact, would never lie to each other and they would both feel a pull i thought Bella was my mate but she had proved me wrong so many times since the new alpha has been here she only likes to spend time with me on occasions, she doesn't like physical contact, she definitely has lied multiple times and since this morning i have realised i don't feel a pull to her i don't think i ever did all she does is try to get into la push almost every night but she gets lost everytime i have tried asking Bella why she is so set on seeing Jacob but she just won't say anything all she does is roll her eyes and walks away i feel like such a idiot for putting my family through all this for a girl that isn't even my mate my family have almost died to protect her for nothing absolutely nothing and it's all my fault i will never be able to forgive myself

The worst thing about this whole situation is since i realised everything i have been feeling a pull towards someone and it's someone i least expected i never thought my mate would be that person because one he is the same sex as me two he is someone close to Bella and three he hates me already how the hell can i have a life woth my mate when he hates me so much and my mates bestfriend probably hates me too i want to talk to Carlisle about this but after what i just had him do i know he is slightly angry with me and wouldn't want to hear any of this i seriously fucked up and i don't know how to solve this.

I walk outside leaving everyone else in the livingroom they are all talking about what to do next and how they are going to try and convince Bella that this plan of hers won't work i sit down on a fallen log and just stare into the forest hunting just seems pointless at the moment nothing gives me the need to hunt anymore now that i have put my family in danger and that my mate probably won't even want me and that alone stops my thirst why would my mate want me after everything i have done and yet to do why can't things just go right for me.

"Edward what's wrong?" Esme asked softly as she say next to me

"I want to talk to Carlisle about something but i know he is to angry to hear it right now! I want to solve this but i don't know how!" I said frustrated

"Talk to me son i am here to listen" She said her voice so soft just like my mothers was

"I don't want you to hate me Esme your like a mother to me" I said not wanting to loose her

"I won't hate you everyone make's mistakes trust me all of us have made some mistake, Now tell me what has you all up in a knot" She said softly

"I made a mistake a big mistake, Meeting Bella for the first time i thought she was my mate but then today i remembered everything Carlisle told me about mates and it made me realise a couple things Bella only likes to spend time with me on occasions she mostly makes excuses to not be around me, she doesn't like physical contact like at all, she definitely has lied multiple times and since this morning i have realised i don't feel a pull to her the pull i felt was towards someone close to her" I said looking down at the muddy floor

"Oh sweetheart the mate pull is a complicated thing some pulls you feel straight away, some you only feel when close to them and others you don't feel untill you kiss this whole situation is out of your control we could never hate you over this sweetheart yes i am upset and so will everyone else but we could never hate you for this the only thing you can do now is tell the rest of the family then we will wait for the volturi and explain everything" She said and asked her voice still soft but will a hint of sadness not once showing any anger or hatred

"I feel so stupid right now all of the drama we have had to deal with because of Bella is my fault only if i had realised this sooner" I said holding my head in my hands

"Can i know who your mate is?" She asked rubbing my back comforting me

"My mate is Charlie Swan, Bella's father and the person who knows everything" I said still looking down

"Oh my goodness!!" She gasps in shock

"I have lost my mate even before i got a chance he will never want me after everything i have done and about to do he hates me with every fibre in his body i will truly be alone forever" I said as i begin to dry sob i can't hold the pain in anymore it's just all pouring out

I have ruined everything!



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