|Chapter 11 • Time To Explain|

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|Billy's Pov|

I instantly regret saying Charlie's last name because right now i am watching Mackenzie's body shake and her eyes keep flickering from their normal brown to Flurs red colour i signal Jacob to stand behind me with Macie because i know if she phases she will not attack me, Jacob or Macie thankfully he understands the signal and stands behind me straight away before i could even stand up to comfort Mackenzie's i hear bones snapping and a loud growl that makes the whole cabin shake in a blink of an eye where Mackenzie's once stood is a black wolf aka Flur in her true form she sits down and howls i gasp at the sight of her she is beautiful i suddenly hear jacob gasp as i see a 4 foot tall pure white pup run over and stand at the side of Flur.

I instantly regret saying Charlie's last name because right now i am watching Mackenzie's body shake and her eyes keep flickering from their normal brown to Flurs red colour i signal Jacob to stand behind me with Macie because i know if she phases...

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I have never heard of a baby phasing but yet Mackenzie and Macie are a rare shape-shifter all i can do is look at them in shock they truly are royalty i look over at Jacob and see him on his knees while looking at Flur and Macie in shock he must have got on his knees when Macie phased so she wouldn't hurt herself jumping out his arms he looks at at me then back at Flur still in shock i chuckled as i look over at Charlie only to see him looking as white as Macie is in pup form his eyes are wide and his jaw is slack.

"Well i think i have alot to explain to you Charlie, Flur do you think you can phase back for us and maybe get Macie to change back?" I said and asked

"T-There i-is a-a wolf in your l-livingroom!" Charlie stuttered in shock

"Jacob can you show Flur to Rebecca's old room so she can change in there?" I asked Jacob

"Of course come on Flur make sure Macie follows you i don't want to leave my sister behind" Jacob said snapping out his shock

Jacob walks out with both wolves behind him leaving me to explain everything to Charlie thankfully he wasn't still in shock so i started telling him about the Quileute tribe then everything about the Cullen's and finally i explained everything about Mackenzie and Macie by the time i finished he had his head in his hands.

"So let me get this straight my daughter is dating a vampire who's whole family are vampires, your son and his friends turn into wolves and the wolves i just saw right now are rare royal shape-shifter's?" He asked looking overwhelmed

"Yeah that's right but remember the Quileute tribe and Mackenzie will not hurt you they are here to protect la push from human drinking vampire's" I said trying to ease his worry

"This is all to much" He mumbled into his hands

"I know trust me i know" I said leaning back on the couch wondering whats taking Mackenzie so long

"But all of this doesn't explain how the hell you are walking now!" He said frustrated

"That would be my doing, I healed him after your bitch of a daughter assaulted him and that is all you need to know" Mackenzie said as she walked into the livingroom

The first thing i notice is her eyes they are slightly red letting us all know Flur is at the surface the second thing i notice is she is wearing jogger bottoms and one of my shirts she wasn't holding Macie i looked at her with a raised eyebrow she just nodded her head just as jacob walks in with the white whimpering pup following him

"Why hasn't that wolf changed back?" Charlie asked tilting his head

"Well that wolf is my daughter who was only born a couple months ago and she hasn't phased back yet because this is her first time in wolf form which wasn't ment to happen till her 1st birthday she will be in this form for a while but don't worry i can communicate with her wolf side she is safe" Mackenzie said looking down at her daughter with pride shining in her eyes

"Wow!" Charlie said looking at Macie curiously

"Billy could we stay with you for a couple days till Macie phases back she will need to be around a wolf scent and my place smells like cleaning products" Mackenzie asked with a small smile

"Yes of course when Charlie is gone i will set up one of my daughters rooms for you both" I said with a smile

"Whipped!" Charlie whispered forgetting there are two shape-shifter's with enhanced hearing in the room

"No enzie is whipped she drops everything for dad!" Jacob laughs out

"Hey!!" Mackenzie whines

"Oh here we go well done Charlie you have started it now" I said rolling my eyes



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