|Chapter 27 • Wolf's out the bag|

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

I turn around and see Rachel leaning against the kicthen island i know it's her thanks to all pictures i have seen i smile at her as she looks me up and down with a disinterested look on her face my smile falters i was hoping she would at least try to gwt to know me then she turns her attention to Billy who still has his back to her while he still has hold of Macie she tilts her head to the side looking confused that's when i remembered she hasn't seen Billy stood up or walking in years she probably doesn't even recognise her own father right now.

"Who's the old man Jacob" She asked still looking confused

"It's dad Rach" Jacob said with a smile

"No it's not dad doesn't have muscle's like that and dad can definitely not stand up let alone walk so who is that Jacob?" She said sounding confused and pissed

"Ouch that hurt how can you not recognise your own dad?" Billy said turning around with a smile on his face

"D-Dad?!" She stutters with wide tearful eyes

"It's me Rachel" Billy said softly

I take Macie out his arms so he can go and comfort Rachel as soon as i have Macie in my arms Billy is across the room pulling Rachel into his arms all you could hear was Rachel's sobs as she clings onto Billy like a life line i go to the couch and sit beside Jacob who takes Macie out my arms i pick up a couple teddy's for her to play with while we wait for Rachel to calm down i am not going to ruin their father daughter moment

"Mummy?" Macie whispers as she snuggles into Jacob's chest

"Yes baby?" I asked

"Who is Bwlly hugging?" She asked aloud which makes Rachel pull out of Billy's arms

"That is Rachel she is Jacob's sister and one of Billy's daughters" I said softly

"Jacob was wrong Macie isn't cute she is beautiful" Rachel said looking at Macie with wide eyes

"Are you my bwg swster?" Macie asked tilting her head to the right

Rachel's eyes go wide she opens and closes her mouth a couple times but then her shock disappeared she walks over and kneels infront of Macie who is still sat on Jacob's lap she reaches out taking Macie's hands in hers and smiles at Macie then at me.

"Yes i am your big sister Macie" She said with a small smile then she looked over at me the smile still on her face

"I am sorry for calling you a gold digger i want to get to know you and Macie because i can already see the way you and dad look at each other both of you have so much love in your eyes it's just going to take me a while to get used to seeing dad walk again and seeing him with someone other then mum" She said i could tell she is unsure of my reaction so i did the one thing i know will help i pulled her into a hug

"We will go as slow as you want just know i will never stop loving your dad and i will never leave him or you kids" I whisper in her ear her body relaxes into mine as she let's out a sigh

"Mummy is she a wolfy too?" Macie asked innocently Rachel pulls out of the hug looking confused

"Wolfy?" Rachel asks confused

"Can i tell her love?" Billy asked hopeful

"So it's a reunion where's my hello Jacob?" Someone said near the front door i turn my head and see Rebecca stood there she glares at me and Billy but smiles at Jacob, Rachel and Macie

"Billy why don't you go tell them both me and Jacob will wait here with Macie i think it will be better for them to hear it from you then me right now" I said picking up on the awkward environment

"Who the hell are you to order dad around?!" Rebecca snaps

"She didn't order me Rebecca so watch your tone! She was suggesting that i tell you something big without her presence since you just glared at her! You and Rachel need to follow me outside and once i tell you this you better come in here and apologise to Mackenzie she hasn't done anything wrong!" Billy scolds i can tell he was trying not to shout

"Rebecca you just couldn't shut up could you!?" Rachel said getting up while shaking her head

"Rachel not infront of Macie and before you ask why, you will understand why after you hear what dad has to tell you" Jacob said holding Macie closer to him

Billy walks out the back door with Rachel and Rebecca following him when they shut the door i let out a sigh then go to the kitchen to make some food and coffee because i know for a fact the girls will be in shock once they hear what Billy says there are two ways they could take it one is they will either faint or go into shock, two they will run away screaming not wanting to be near us and to be honest i hope it's number one because if it's number two Billy will not take it well at all and neither will i this fanily is my fate i won't be able to cope if i loose them suddenly i hear a high pitch scream which makes me drop a coffee cup on the floor Jacob runs into the kitchen holding Macie

"Well the wolf's out the bag" He said with a nervous chuckle

"Let's just hope they don't run away from us" I said nervously



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