|Chapter 13 • You can call me mama|

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

Things have been stressful this week the next day after the meeting with the cullen's Carlisle ended up ringing me asking for the pack's help with a newborn army after Bella i didn't want to do it at the beginning but i know i have to do it to keep Macie and the whole of la push safe i ended up accepting their plea for help and all week me and the pack have been meeting with them for training so we are prepared to go against newborns this whole situation brought back memories from when i lost my family, birth pack and Hunter but all the pack helped me through everything especially Jacob, Billy and my little girl i didn't phase into my wolf during the training i stayed in human form i do not want the Cullen's to see me in wolf form till the fight during the week i have also noticed Billy has been off his temperature has been spiking and his body as been aching and in pain he told us it's nothing but i have my doubts thanks to Flur she told me something is happening but won't tell me what and then there is Macie she hasn't phased back yet Hope her wolf side has been talking to Flur and thankfully everything is alright and normal the only good thing about this fight is that i would not be seeing Edward or Bella they will be hiding on a mountain top somewhere so that's one good thing.

I snap out my thoughts when Jacob comes over in his wolf form and lays beside my wolf form i need to keep my head in the game because right now me and the pack are hiding behind a big rock waiting for the fight to start i just hope Billy is okay with Macie right now especially when he isn't himself i am also worried about the pack i don't want anything to happen to them i start to hear incoming footsteps multiple of them meaning the army is here i stand up along with the pack i look to my side and see Sam to my right and Jacob to my left everyone else behind me i hear the signal from Alice i growl letting the pack know it's time we all jump over the rock and split off killing every red eyed vampire that we come across when i see Rosalie struggling with a vamp so i run over and rip its head of without a struggle Rosalie looks at me wide eyed as i drop the vamps head on the ground then run off to help someone else.

After what feels like hours Jasper and Emmett are killing the last two vampires the pack relaxs behind me still in wolf form as i stand guard in my wold form me and Flur feel something is off like something is going to happen and we both don't like it suddenly i see a vampire run out of the tree line Jacob does something that sends my heart beating out of control he runs at the vampire and starts fighting he thankfully has the upper hand but that soon changes when the vampire goes to wrap his arms around him thats when i snap i get up and run over to them pushing Jacob out the way just in time.

"Not my son you fucking bloodsucker!!" I yell in my head

"Enzie noooooooo!" Jacob yelled in his thoughts

Hearing Jacob yell in my head caused me to snap my head towards him and the newborn vamp took that as a advantage and wraps his arms around me squeezing the life out of me crushing my ribs making me howl in pain as Flur growl in pain in my head i am suddenly dropped to the floor i phase back into my human form i roll onto my back and see Jacob and Sam tearing the vamp apart thankfully Leah comes over and helps me put some clothes on (Outfit above) I know Carlisle wants to check me over but i am not laying here butt naked for everyone to see i have to bite my lip to stop myself from crying and growling in pain once i am dressed Leah moves letting everyone see me Carlisle rushes over to me and starts checking me over i will be healed in a couple hours thanks to me being alpha of alpha's and the queen of the shape-shifter's.

"Enzie!" Jacob whispers as he kneels down beside my head

"Jake please tell me your okay i swear to god if that bloodsucker hurt you hell will pay!" I growl out as Carlisle literally pokes my ribs

"I am okay b-but your not and it's all my fault" He stutters out close to tears i raise my hand gritting my teeth because of the pain and place it on his face cupping his cheek

"It's not your fault i would do anything for you Jacob you are son plus i will be healed up in a couple of hours then we can have family movie night" I said through gritted teeth caressing his cheek with my thumb

"You need to get her out of here Sam the volturi will be here soon" Alice said worriedly

"Take her to Billy's i will come over once the volturi leaves" Carlisle said as he finally stopped poking my ribs

I crossed my arms as all the pack come over and stand down both sides of my body then they lift me up onto their shoulders holding me like a plank of wood they carry me into the woods every step they took made pain shoot through my body Jacob was next to my head i just turned to face him watching as a lone tear rolled down his cheek i want to wipe it away so bad but i can't move i just had to watch it fall the pack try to talk to me but i don't listen all my attention is on Jacob, my son who is a silent mess it didn't take as long as i thought it would take for us to get to Billy's the pack didn't even look out of breath having to carry me all the way here Jacob is still a mess more tears are rolling down his cheeks making Flur whimper in my head as we get close to the front door it gets thrown open by Billy when he sees Jacob crying and me being carried he starts to shake i see my little girl inside slightly behind Billy she is shaking and whimpering.

"Take Mackenzie inside! Billy you need to calm down!" Sam yells while looking worried as he let's me go and pulls Billy away from the front door

"Jacob h-he's going to p-phase get me i-inside we need to keep M-Macie away while S-Sam helps him" I stutter

"Get inside now!" Billy yells with a knowing looking in his eyes

"It will be okay love!" I yell as i carried inside

I am carried into the livingroom and layed on the couch as careful as possible which makes me smile at how they are trying to make me comfortable Jacob goes to walk away just i grab his arm and pull him making me fall on his ass on the floor next to my head Macie comes over and curls up on Jacob's lap her shaking has stopped but she is still whimpering

"Now son why are you still crying" I asked raising a eyebrow

"It's my fault your hurt and dad is phasing" He said sadly

"No it's the bloodsucker's fault thinking it could try to hurt my son it's not and never will be your fault i will be healed in a couple of hours thanks to me being the alpha of all alphas and the queen of the shape-shifter's so dry your tears and comfort your sister she needs her big brother right now" I said softly

"You called me son and called me big brother" He said wide eyed

"I have said it more then once today and trust me Jacob your are like a son to me and like a big brother to Macie so i won't stop calling you those two things but remember you don't have to call me mum if you don't want to i love you Jacob" I said with a soft smile

"I am ready i know mum wouldn't be mad at me and i know you won't replace mum but you make me feel loved again and filled the black hole i have in my heart can i call you m-mama instead of enzie" he stutters blushing

"Yes son you can call me mama" I said with a smile



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