|Chapter 2 • New Home|

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- Mackenzie's Pov -

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- Mackenzie's Pov -

I pull up to my and Macie's new home away from everything so we can have a new start moving to the wonderful la push was the best thing for us because it was the place i was born where it all started, it was where i phased for the first time it was also the place my parents died protecting the residents from vampires when i was 10 years old but now i am back and no-one here knows about me being a shape-shifter, widow or anything about my past they will just know me as Mackenzie Blade the young mum because of my frozen age i just hope that now i am back there are no more vampire's.

As i climb out my truck i can sense that i am being watched by two people it must be the people living across the way i open the back passenger door and get the car seat out which has a sleeping macie inside i take a deep breath then make may way to our new home i can hear my mum's last words ringing in my head with every step Turn the pain into power my pup never let the pain control you Them words will always be in my mind i shook my head and entered my home our new home i took Macie into her room and put her to her to bed making sure to connect the baby monitor to my jeans then i head downstairs to unload the car and unpack.

I am nearly done packing when Macie starts to cry i run up to her room and get her out her cot i hold her close to me while shushing her but then there is a knock on the door i go down to the front door i hold Macie tighter to my chest as i open the door and i see a teenage boy and next to him is a man in a wheelchair they both look at Macie first who is slightly fussing as she slowly falls back to sleep the teenage boy looks at me first and with one look in his eyes i knew he is a shape-shifter a Quileute to be exact i could also sense his wolf then the man looks up and when our eyes locked suddenly it's not the earth holding me here anymore, he does i will be whatever he wants be it a protector, or a lover, or a friend i couldn't help but gasp and take a step back tears gather in my eyes straight away i just imprinted! No i can't do this my imprint died a month ago and now i have found another imprint even worse i cant sense a wolf within him which means he is a normal human which means i can hurt him and i don't want to loose another imprint i can't put Macie through that again i see the teenage boy look at me with a big smile.

"Hello ma'am i am Jacob Black and this is my dad Billy Black we live across from you we just wanted to welcome you to la push" Jacob said with that smile still on his face

"H-Hello i am Mackenzie and t-this is m-my daughter Macie " I stuttered which made me blush

"Did you just imprint on my dad?" Jacob whispered so Billy couldn't hear

"That i did but i am going through alot right now so please keep that to yourself and your pack" I whispered back

"Hello Mackenzie i also want to let you know that i am one the Quileute pack elders your secrete will be safe with us also you will be safe here the pack runs patrols" Billy said shocking me

"Wow you don't beat around the bush do you, why don't you come in where we can talk without the possibility of anyone easedropping" I said with a small smile

I open the door to allow them in Jacob pushes Billy inside and waits for me i close the door then lead them into the livingroom Jacob puts Billy so his wheelchair is next to the couch then he sits on the couch next to his dad while i sit on the chair the other side of Billy still holding Macie to my chest while we all sit in a awkward silence

"So your an elder but have no wolf and you Jacob have a wolf and you are born to be alpha" I said breaking the awkward silence they both look at me in shock

"Yes that is correct" Billy said snapping out his shock first

"Wait how did you know that" Jacob asked still in shock

"I am one of the last descendents of the original pack that used to protect la push from vampires my kind are stronger, faster, bigger and we are more connected to our wolf it's hard to explain that bit" I said trying to figure out how to explain without making it sound like i am completely insane.

"You will sound insane no matter what Enzie" My wolf Flur said in my head

"Wait your family were the first wolves in la push!?" Jacob said in awe and shock

"Yes the blade pack" I said looking down at Macie

"Wow" he said gobsmacked

"I have already informed Sam he is the packs Alpha he will not attack you and you won't have to be involved with the pack as you have little macie to care for just be ready incase they need your assistance" Billy said looking at me with acceptance

"Dad we should go and let her unpack and let her put macie to bed she needs to settle in" Jacob said

"Your right son, if you need anything don't hesitate to come over and ask" Billy said with a small smile

"Thank you both of you" I said with a smile

Me and jacob get up i walk to the door and open it while Jacob wheels Billy out i give them both a side hug then they leave i close the door and take Macie back up to her room putting her in bed once again the go back down to finish the rest of the packing



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