|Chapter 31 • Always|

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|Billy's Pov|

I open my eyes with a groan the first thing i see is Mackenzie is cuddled up to my side with her head on my chest then i see my kids sleeping on the floor cuddled up to each other last night's movie night was well needed especially after Mackenzie's and the girls talk they needed that talk to get everything out in the open and i am proud of my girls for trusting Mackenzie with their fear i know for a fact Mackenzie will do anything to help them get over that fear i look down when Mackenzie rolls onto her back that's when i hear something thay makes me go into complete shock i hear a extra heartbeat Flur must have felt my shock through the imprint bond because Mackenzie's eyes snap open they are blood red indicating Flur is in control her body jerks up to a seating position.

"My love what's wrong?" Flur asked looking around for danger

"Listen closely Flur and tell me what you hear" I said softly not wanting to freak her out

She closes her eyes and her breathing goes hallow as she concentrates on the sounds around her i get up and slowly wake the kids each time i put my finger against my lips signaling them to stay quiet as i point to Mackenzie they nod their heads and stay on the floor then i sit back down next to Mackenzie and wrap my arm back around her waist her eyes snap open which are now brown her hand comes up and covers her mouth in shock.

"I-Is that a h-heartbeat!?" She asks in shock

"Yes love it is, Jacob can you hear it too?" I asked he nodded straight away looking at Mackenzie with wide eyes

"What's going on dad?" Rachel asks confused

"We can hear a extra heartbeat coming from Mackenzie which means only onw thing" I said happily but also worried

"I'm pregnant" Mackenzie said in shock

"WHAT!!!" The girls yell in unison

"Girls quiet down Macie is still asleep!" I scold them for being to loud

"Oh god this can not be happening right now. It's too soon we only just completed the bond and now you are all going to hate me now i don't want to loose you kids because i am pregnant!" Mackenzie said she started of strong but by the end she was speaking between sobs

"It's not to soon love this is what happens when our kind complete the bond i will not hate you or love you any less if possible it makes me love you even more knowing you have my pup growing inside of you" I said softly trying to calm her knowing this is the start of her pregnancy hormones

"Mama i don't and can't hate you, You are pregnant with my brother or sister i couldn't possible hate you!" Jacob said in panic i could hear the truth with every word he said

"I may have only just met you Mack but i don't hate you, You have done so much for this family and made us all feel loved again i won't ever hate you!" Rebecca said truthfully

"What the hell are you talking about Enzie! This is the happiest moment of my life i am going to be a big sister again! We don't hate you, I don't hate you so get that thought out your head!" Rachel said as she stood up

"Really? You guys don't hate me?!" Mackenzie said in shock

"No we don't" we all said in unison making her cry again

"I'm pregnant, we are going to be parents Billy and you going to have another sibling!" Mackenzie sobbed out happily

"Yes another little brother or sister!" Jacob cheers jumping up off the floor

"Where!" Macie yelled running into the livingroom her hair in every direction and her pj's a tussle

"Little bug come here mummy and Billy have something to tell you" Rebecca said softly with a smile Macie runs over and sits in Rebecca's lap

"Sweetheart do you want another brother or sister?" Mackenzie asked softly

"Yess mummy i want a brother" she said nodding her head

"Well you see Macie you might have a brother or maybe a sister you have to wait a while though can you do that for us" I said with a smile

"Whyyyyyy do i have to wait!!" She whines with tears in her eyes

"Because the baby isn't ready to be here yet they aren't strong enough so you have to wait patiently untill the time is right then the baby will arrive" Mackenzie said slightly amused by Macie's eagerness

"Fine i will wait but i want a brother not a sister" She said with a pout making us all awe at her

"We will have to wait and see little bug" Rebecca said with a small laugh

"Can me and Rebecca go and get Macie ready for the day?" Rachel suddenly asked shyly

"Of course Macie can you show your sister's to your room they want to help you get ready" Mackenzie asked sounding exhausted with the day already

"Yesssss! Can you braid my hair!?" Macie said excitedly as she drags Rebecca and Rachel out the livingroom and into her bedroom

"Jacob can you ring Sue for me and ask her to come round to give Mackenzie a check up and ultrasound we need to make sure the baby is okay especially after yesterday" I said after remembering yesterday's events he nods his head then runs to his room to ring Sue

"Do you think it was to soon to tell Macie" Mackenzie asked worriedly

"No i don't, there is a less chance of a miscarriage with you being a  shape-shifter so us telling her is the best thing we could do especially with Sue coming and going with medical equipment and a ultrasound machine" I said thinking it through

"Your right but what about you do you think it's to soon in the relationship for us to have a baby?" She asks looking even more worried

"Nothing will be to soon with you, I love you i also know this is going to be hard for you because well what happened before you moved here but i am not going anywhere we will go through this together" I said holding her hands in mine.

"Together?" She asked

"Always" I said smiling



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