|Chapter 22 • Plant some flowers|

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|Mackenzie's Pov|

I didn't stay to hear if the cullen's had anything to say i signaled for Billy to phase he did it straight away i climbed on his back holding Macie tightly to me then Billy took off running this time Macie wasn't giggling or laughing she was asleep the whole time thankfully Billy wasn't running as fast one of the pack must have told him she is asleep when we got back home Billy layed down i climbed of being as careful as i can not wanting to wake Macie up i go inside an take Macie straight to mine and Billy's room and layed her down on the bed then i go to the kicthen and make some food because i know Billy and Jacob are just as hungry as i am thanks to their fast metabolism i dance around the kitchen cooking up a storm when suddenly out of nowhere arms wrap around my waist making me jump i feel tingles and i relax instantly knowing its Billy.

"Your ass looks amazing in these trousers i wouldn't mind seeing it without the trousers in the way though love" He whispers in my ear his breath hits my neck making me moan

"Arghhhhhh my innocent eyes!" I hear Jacob yell behind us

"Cockblock" Billy mumbles completely forgetting we have enhanced hearing

"Daddddddd enhanced hearing please watch what you see i have innocent eyes and ears!" Jacob whines

"When we have our date i am definitely sending Jacob to Sam and Emily's place with Macie for the night" Billy said looking at me hungrily

"Billy enough your going to scar the poor boy for life and sit your asses down food is done" I said giggling while i look at Jacob's full of disgust face light up as soon as food is mentioned

"Yessss food!" Jacob cheers

I plate the food up and place it down infront of them i sit down next to Billy and eat my food the whole time no-one stoke all you could hear was the sound of the cutlery hitting and scraping on the plates it wasn't a awkward silence it was a comfortable silence and i loved it after the drama we have had when we finished eating Jacob got up and washed the dirty dishes me and Billy just watch him in shock we didn't even have to ask him to do it.

"Why don't you take mama into the livingroom to relax dad she has had alot to deal with and now it's all be sorted she needs to relax i will wash these dishes then check on Macie" Jacob said with his back to us

"Sounds like a plan son" Billy said smirking

"Do i have a say in this?" I asked crossing my arms

"Nope" They both say in unison making me pout

"Fine!" I said still pouting

Billy picks me up bride style and carrys me to the livingroom and sits me down on the couch he grabs a thin blanket and drapes it over me then he goes back to the kicthen suddenly all the exhausted from all the drama hits me full force i lay down and let my eyes close i don't need to worry about staying awake for Macie because i trust Jacob and Billy to watch her i let the darkness take over knowing my daughter will be looked after.

Billy picks me up bride style and carrys me to the livingroom and sits me down on the couch he grabs a thin blanket and drapes it over me then he goes back to the kicthen suddenly all the exhausted from all the drama hits me full force i lay down ...

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|Billy's Pov|

I watch as Mackenzie eyes close she has been through so much drama that has kept her up all night i know she is only letting herself fall asleep because she trusts us to watch over Macie i say we but i mean jacob he has already gone to my bedroom to cuddle with Macie i look at Mackenzie one more time then grab a notepad and pen to plan the perfect date for us i want it to be perfect and i have the right place in mind it's secluded and deep in la push territory so we won't need to worry about anyone finding us it will just be me and Mackenzie for the whole day i write everything down to the tee not wanting to forget anything i am snapped out my planning when i hear pitter patter of little feet coming out my room i look over and see Macie walking out while rubbing her eyes

"Mummy?" Macie asked still rubbing her eyes

"Mummy is asleep baby are you hungry" I asked as i go over and pick her up holding her on my hip

"I hwngry bwlly and jakey is sleeping" She mumbles sleepy

"Right that means this princess can eat all yummies then" I said then kiss her forehead

I place her down on the stool at the kitchen island not before telling her to sit still incase she falls and hurts he bottom then i quickly make her a sandwich cutting it up into squares for here and i make her a strawberry smoothy making sure to put a straw init so she doesn't spill it everywhere i sit them down infront of her she squeals seeing the smoothy which makes me chuckle at her i go over and sit next to her as she eats after a couple minutes Jacob walks out my bedroom looking panicked when he sees Macie eating he let's out a sigh of relief.

"She's with you thank god!" He said

"Yes she came out about 10 minutes ago" I said kissing her forehead and she drinks her smoothy

"Have you got everything planned?" He asked raising his eyebrow

"Yes it's all planned i want to take her out tomorrow i am going to let her get all the rest she needs today" I said pushing the my list over to him

"What are you getting her for a gift?" He asked point at where i wrote gift

"I know what i am getting that's all that matters" I said with a smirk

"No Macie why don't we go and finish the gardening that mummy started this morning" I said noticing she has eaten everything

"Yessssssss we can get all mwddy and plant some fwowers!" She squealed



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